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For more course tutorials visit<br>www.uoptutorial.com<br><br>EDU 381 Week 1 DQ 1 Standards and Learning<br>EDU 381 Week 1 DQ 2 Creating Instructional Objectives<br>EDU 381 Week 2 DQ 1 The Concept Attainment Model<br>EDU 381 Week 2 DQ 2 Comparing Instructional Methods<br>EDU 381 Week 2 Matching Objectives to Instruction<br>EDU 381 Week 3 DQ 1 The Quest for Knowledge<br>EDU 381 Week 3 DQ 2 Socrates and Strategies<br>EDU 381 Week 3 Lesson Plan<br>EDU 381 Week 4 DQ 1 Assessing and Evaluating Learning<br>EDU 381 Week 4 DQ 2 Cooperative Learning<br>EDU 381 Week 5 DQ 1 Analyzing Instructional Planning<br>EDU 381 Week 5 DQ 2 Making the Models Work for You<br>EDU 381 Week 5 Final Paper<br>
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course For More Course Tutorials Visit www.uoptutorial.com
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course EDU 381 Entire Course EDU 381 Week 1 DQ 1 Standards and Learning • EDU 381 Week 1 DQ 1 Standards and Learning • EDU 381 Week 1 DQ 2 Creating Instructional Objectives • EDU 381 Week 2 DQ 1 The Concept Attainment Model • EDU 381 Week 2 DQ 2 Comparing Instructional Methods • EDU 381 Week 2 Matching Objectives to Instruction • EDU 381 Week 3 DQ 1 The Quest for Knowledge • EDU 381 Week 3 DQ 2 Socrates and Strategies • EDU 381 Week 3 Lesson Plan • EDU 381 Week 4 DQ 1 Assessing and Evaluating Learning • EDU 381 Week 4 DQ 2 Cooperative Learning • Standards and Learning. Estes, Mintz, and Gunter state that, “Classroom instruction must be aligned with state standards and the associated high-stakes tests in order to provide students with the opportunity to be successful” (Estes et al, 2011). • Explain how state standards came into existence. Discuss the impact of the standards movement on classroom instruction.
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course EDU 381 Week 1 DQ 2 Creating Instructional Objecti EDU 381 Week 2 DQ 1 The Concept Attainment Model • Creating Instructional Objectives. After reading Chapter 3, respond to the following questions: § What is the purpose of backward planning or backward design (Wiggins &McTighe, 2005)? § How does backward design relate to the KUD format discussed in your text? § How would you evaluate this approach to curriculum? How does it affect student learning? Refer to Chapter 3 of your text, additional resources and your own insights/experiences. Respond to at least two classmates’ postings. • The Concept Attainment Model. Estes, Mintz, and Gunter state, “The concept attainment model is flexible and can be adapted in a variety of ways and with a variety of materials” (Estes et al, 2011). View the video “Guided Discovery of Dictionaries (http://www.youtube.com/watch?&).” Then reflect on what you have observed in the video and respond to the following questions: • § Concept attainment lessons take time and imagination to plan.
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course EDU 381 Week 2 DQ 2 Comparing Instructional Method EDU 381 Week 2 Matching Objectives to Instruction • Comparing Instructional Models. Estes, Mintz, and Gunter state, “The constructivist theory of learning is congruent with both concept attainment and concept development” (Estes et al, 2011). How would you distinguish the concept attainment model from the concept development model? How are the two approaches similar and how are they different? In which units of study might these models be best utilized and why? Give specific examples of when each model might be used successfully in classroom instruction. • Matching Objectives to Instruction. Select an academic standard for a content area that you will be teaching that is compatible with the direct instruction model. In a one-to-two page paper, using the KUD format, write one ‘students will understand’ objective, at least two ‘students will know’ objectives, and at least two ‘students will be able to do’ objectives to match the standard you have chosen. List at least two activities that could be used in a direct instruction lesson plan to support these objectives.
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course EDU 381 Week 3 DQ 1 The Quest for Knowledge EDU 381 Week 3 DQ 2 Socrates and Strategies • The Quest for Knowledge. One of the problem-centered inquiry models discussed in your text is the WebQuest model of inquiry. First, explore WebQuest.org (www.webquest.org). You will find a variety of sample WebQuests to view. Examine several samples and select one that you might find useful in your own classroom. Then identify the model of instruction used in your selected WebQuest. How is it different from and/or similar to the other two models described in Chapter 7 in your text? Discuss how the WebQuest model you selected meets the needs of a diverse group of learners. • Socrates and Strategies. According to your text, the idea of a Socratic seminar stems from one of the dialogues of Plato in which Socrates suggests that no idea can be taught directly and “all that we know must be extracted from us through a series of questions and a process of inquiry. This is the foundation of the Socratic seminar” (Estes et al, 2011). View the video “Intro to the Socratic Seminar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?&)”.
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course EDU 381 Week 3 Lesson Plan EDU 381 Week 4 DQ 1 Assessing and Evaluating Learn • Lesson Plan. We have examined a variety of instructional models. Select one of the models we have learned about and create a lesson plan (based on academic standards) using that instructional model. Be sure to address each of the items below in your lesson plan: • § Identify the instructional model you have chosen. • § State the academic standards on which the lesson is based. • § Describe grade level your lesson is written for. • Assessing and Evaluating Learning. Assessment is the process of collecting information to find out what students are learning. As we have examined different instructional models throughout this course we have learned about evaluating instructional objectives. Choose one instructional model we have learned about and respond to the following questions: • § How can student learning be evaluated in this instructional model?
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course EDU 381 Week 4 DQ 2 Cooperative Learning EDU 381 Week 5 DQ 1 Analyzing Instructional Planni • Cooperative Learning. Cooperative learning models are designed to promote behaviors such as interdependence, individual accountability, positive interactions and social skills that support group processing. Read Chapter 13 and respond to the following questions: • § What benefits did you see in this example of cooperative learning? • § Do you anticipate any problems with this type of classroom learning? • § What can you do in this instructional model to meet individual needs in a classroom of diverse learners? • Analyzing Instructional Planning. Choose one of the case studies presented in Chapters 14, 15, or 16. Then reflect and respond to the questions for the case study you have chosen: • Chapter 14: A Kindergarten Case Study • § The teacher in this scenario checks the readiness test scores of her future students. How much influence should readiness tests have on instructional decision-making?
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course EDU 381 Week 5 DQ 2 Making the Models Work for You EDU 381 Week 5 Final Paper • Making the Models Work for You. We have examined a wide variety of instructional models that you will have the opportunity to use as future educators. These models become part of your instructional repertoire as an educator. The authors of your text have expressed a desire that they “want teachers at all grade levels and in all content areas to believe that the most important thing they have to teach students is the process of learning” (Estes et al, 2011). Respond to the following questions: • § How do you see the instructional models we have learned about helping you to achieve the goal the authors of your text have expressed? • FINAL PAPER • Part One: Lesson Plan • Select academic standards on which a unit of study can be developed. Create three lesson plans that could be used in this unit using three different instructional models (select from models that have been covered in this course) that can be utilized effectively to create objectives to meet the standard you have chosen. Be sure to address each of the items below in each of your lesson plans
EDU 381 Ash Tutorial Course For More Course Tutorials Visit www.uoptutorial.com