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The growing influence of mobile devices in our lives has inevitably created a market for mobile apps and this has resulted in many people trying to tap into the market. At Esolz Technologies Pvt. Ltd, we understand the importance of having a clear-cut idea of how a mobile app is developed to maintain transparency in the process. That is why we have created this infographic on our mobile app development process.
ESOLZ TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. Know how we conduct T h e m o b i l e a p p d e v e l o p m e n t P r o c e s s INTRODUCTION Doyouwanttoknowhowmobileapps aredevelopedbythetopmobileapp developmentcompanyinIndia? Then, wewouldrecommendyoutodivein deeperwithusinourmobileapp developmentprocess. MARKET RESEARCH Weconductextensivemarket researchbeforestartingtheapp developmentprocesstobetter understandthesituationofthe marketandthetypeoftarget audiencetheclientisaimingfor. PROJECT ARCHITECTURE Afterconductingextensivebusiness research, weanalyzethebusiness requirementsoftheappandthe architectureofthefutureappisbuilt. WIREFRAMING Wecreateblack & white dummiesofthescreensthat helpindisplayingtheflowand theapp’smainfunctions. PROTOTYPING Wecarveoutadesignstyle, apply ittotheproduct, andintheendwe gettheveryfirstprototypeofthe mobileapp. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Wereshapetheprototypeintothe finalproductbydesigningthe interfaceoftheapp. Then, we develop thesoftwareuponwhichthecodeof theappwillrunandthefinaltesting anddebuggingisdoneto ensuretherearezerobugsorerrors inthefunctionalityofthefeaturesin theapp. DEPLOYMENT Aftertheappisdeveloped, itis launchedinthemarketplace. The developersanddesignersarereadyto tacklethesituationifanyerror persists. CONCLUSION This6-stepprocessisthe rulebookwefollowforcrafting mobileapps. Formoredetails visitwww.esolz.net. Website: www.esolz.netEmail: contact@esolzmail.com