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Yahoo Customer Support Going To Share With you Another technical Tricks How To Recovery Email Address On Yahoo Mail Know More Tricks Connect With Yahoo Support Our Highly Educated Team Helping You The Best Way. http://yahoo.supportnumbersingapore.com/
Yahoo mail makes everything possible for its user by keep updating its version. Whether to change password or delete mails, to block someone or to report spasm, change language or to get back with the same language, you can do this all by just creating an account on Yahoo. Its 1 TB free online storage attracts the users most. User can report for spam emails which gets collect in a single folder. No need to worry in terms of safety as it includes 2-step authentication to secure your mail.
A user credentials is very important for security purpose, never share a password or any info related to your account. To secure the account one can adopt many options which are available in Yahoo! Mail. Yahoo Customer Supportwill help you out for any security related information.
Go through the given steps and follow them to change recovery email address: • To change recovery email address you need to have another alternate email address to associate with your Yahoo! Account for security reasons. • Search on the web page to Sign in to Yahoo account. • Fill up the email address followed by its secret password.
Go to Account info and move ahead by clicking Security settings. • Select Update Password-Reset Information to make any changes linked to user account. • Click Email Addresses and remove the old recovery email address by new one. • Once done, select Save and click Done.
The above information is relevant for solving user query in case if searching more information then move your steps towards Yahoo support Singapore Phone Number who provide support everyday for 24 hours. Its service is more consistent in comparison to any other email service. Its adaptable features and interface make the service more comfortable for users. • Original Source: How to change recovery Email Address on Yahoo Mail?