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EtherArts-What Is Reflective Product Photography-a Beginners Guide


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EtherArts-What Is Reflective Product Photography-a Beginners Guide

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  2. WHAT IS REFLECTIVE PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY • In a world of varying products, reflective products are quite common. Even if you’re not familiar with the term “reflective products”, we’re sure that you’ve come across many of them. • Any product which is made of material reflecting light is a reflective product. For instance, glass jars, plates, showpieces, etc., are all reflective products. Alternatively, gemstones like diamond and ruby are also reflective products. If your business sells such products, its recommended that you hire a reflective product photography service!

  3. Why do I need a professional photography service? • Professional photography services can take high-quality pictures of your products. Especially if you’re dealing in reflective products, there are a few barriers you’ll encounter while clicking pictures. For instance, the most common problem is that of glare. • These products, by design, reflect a lot of light. Thus, pointing a light source directly creates glare. When your camera lens captures images with glare, there’s a light flare that appears. A light flare is a soft white circular pattern at the edge or center of your images. To avoid this, special lighting setups are required.

  4. How can a professional photography service help you? • A professional service allows you to hire experts who are experienced in this domain. • These professionals closely gauge your requirements before clicking pictures of your products. You can submit reference images of how you want your product photos to look too. A professional photographer has the skills required to recreate such images! • Additionally, you can relax after hiring such a service. Images in today’s digital world are an essential requirement. A reflective product photography service in Atlanta can help you shoot high-quality product images that are crisp and clear.

  5. Our Work

  6. Contact Us • Address: 760 Vincact, Alpharetta, GA • Email: etherartsat yahoo com • Phone: 1 770-690-9389 • Website: www.etherartsus.com

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