WHO WE ARE? P? Youth Assoc?at?on was establ?shed ?n 2014 to enable young people ?n Turkey to develop knowledge, sk?lls, pos?t?ve att?tudes, and behav?ours. PIYA ?mplements the European Un?on's dec?s?ons, Counc?l of Europe, and the Un?ted Nat?ons ?n youth. The Assoc?at?on also ma?nta?ns ?ts act?v?t?es by cons?der?ng un?versal sens?t?v?t?es, global pr?nc?ples, and pr?nc?ples ?n human r?ghts, part?c?pat?on, and env?ronmental ?ssues. P? Youth Assoc?at?on's target group conta?ns all ?nd?v?duals and youth workers between the ages of 15-30 l?v?ng ?n Turkey. From the target group, women, refugees, and d?sabled people have pr?or?ty. In add?t?on to carry?ng out act?v?t?es to support young's personal development, P? Youth Assoc?at?on also works on youth r?ghts to solve the problems exper?enced by young people ?n our country. P? Youth Assoc?at?on also determ?nes ?ts med?um- and long-term strateg?es accord?ng to the European Youth Strategy Document and the current youth s?tuat?on ?n our country. S?nce 2016, P? Youth Assoc?at?on has publ?shed ?ts annual act?v?t?es and balance sheets on ?ts webs?te by the pr?nc?ples of transparency and accountab?l?ty. It ?s also a s?gnatory of the donor r?ghts declarat?on. V?s?t Our Webs?te FORE MORE p?gencl?kderneg?.org
WHO WE ARE? OUR NETWORKS P? Youth Assoc?at?on ?s also a member of many nat?onal and ?nternat?onal networks. The Assoc?at?on ?s a member of; Local Youth Organ?zat?on Network (LYON), Internat?onal Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE), European Youth Foundat?on, Youth and Env?ronment Europe (YEE), IG Network, Anna L?ndh Foundat?on, Euromed Pr?sma European Network, AMSED Member Network. We are supported by TechSoup Turkey, Google for Nonprof?ts and M?crosoft for Nonprof?ts. Moreover, P? Youth Assoc?at?on ?s also a s?gnatory of the UN Global Compact. P? Youth Assoc?at?on rece?ved EVS accred?tat?on by Turk?sh Nat?onal Agency ?n 2016. Currently, we have ‘‘ESC Qual?ty Label’’ as host?ng and support?ng organ?sat?on t?ll 2027. P? Youth Assoc?at?on ?s a local and non-governmental youth organ?zat?on act?ve ?n nat?onal and ?nternat?onal f?elds and can reach many young people. Many young people follow soc?al med?a accounts and the webs?te of the Assoc?at?on. The Assoc?at?on has more than 50,000 followers on Facebook (2 pages ?n Turk?sh and Engl?sh), Instagram and Tw?tter. p?.gencl?k.derneg? p?gencl?kderneg? ?let?s?m@p?gencl?gderneg?.org
1 Combating the Climate Crisis and Sustainability 4 Empowering Youth and Youth Workers 2 Youth Rights, Issues and Participation of Youth 5 Dissemination of volunteering Awareness 3 Healthy Life for Youth and Youth Workers 6 Capacity Building of Civil Society
LIFECYCLE OF A PROJECT FINAL INTERVIEW WITH THE SENDING ORGANIZATION ARRIVAL TRAINING MONTHLY EVALUATION MEETINGS ACCEPTANCE OF THE VOLUNTEER TO THE PROJECT AND GUIDING VOLUNTEER THROUGH THE WHOLE PROCESS FINAL INTERVIEW WITH THE VOLUNTEER AND PREPARING FINAL REPORT As you can see from the graph?c above, after the host?ng organ?zat?on has selected a volunteer: We hold regular meet?ngs w?th the volunteers, from the preparat?on stage of the project to the clos?ng/report?ng process when the project ?s completed. In add?t?on, we are always open to contact for the urgent needs of you (send?ng organ?zat?ons).
Our team supporting our outgoing volunteers consists of tutor, mentor, whatsApp groups and buddy-system. The responsibilities of those are as follows. Mentor One mentor per volunteer who helps out in everyday life, as translation, practical things (local transportation, visiting places, local culture etc), gives emotional support. Tutor The project coordinator to whom you can ask all the questions related to volunteering and project. WhatsApp groups 1) Formal group where work-related information is shared. 2) Informal group - with mentors and volunteers - information about free time Buddy-system Volunteers have their own “buddy” in the office with who they can always talk and in need ask help
VOLUNTEERING VOLUNTEERING OFFICE WORK Can help w?th d?fferent dut?es and support the off?ce team. For example ass?st?ng project coord?nator, ESC coord?nator. WORKSHOPS Can go to d?fferent centres and organ?se workshops, based on volunteers background and ?ntrests. Target groups are adults, youth, refugees, k?ds, d?sable people.
Let’s have fun! We have a lots of events that volunteers can take part ?n. For example travell?ng around Turkey, hav?ng a barbeque party, mov?e n?ghts and more!