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Falcon Freight PVT.LTD custom clearing agent, freight forwarding agent in India .

Falcon Freight is a well-known custom clearance , freight forwarding company in India which strongly believe in customer satisfaction and building good relationship with them

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Falcon Freight PVT.LTD custom clearing agent, freight forwarding agent in India .

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  2. FALCON GROUP ??Y????E….??Y???E….??Y?????….????????E??? Falcon India (Custom Clearance House) Falcon18 (Indenting & Consultancy ) Falcon18.com ( Deals/ B2B ) Falcon Freightlink Pvt. Ltd. Falcon Transport

  3. Single Window for all Solutions: Custom Clearance, Freight Forwarding , Distributor/Indenting , Transportation & Consultancy

  4. DETAILED LIST OF SERVICES (What we do?) The long list of services our company provides includes Custom Clearance, Freight Forwarding by Land, Air and Sea, Indenting and Sourcing. Following are some of the special services our company provides:  Licensed customs brokerage  Expertise in procurement, sourcing and indenting  International freight forwarding  World-Wide container services (LCL and FCL)  Bonded Warehousing  Transport Services  Transport Insurance  Project Logistics  Storage, Cargo Handling, Packing and Distribution  3,4,5 Party Logistics

  5. COMPETENCIES (Why choose importing with us?)  Currently the company successfully handles up to 2000 TEUs per month, we have experience in the industry and we can handle large volumes of shipments efficiently and effectively.  Company has 12 offices across India and 90 Staffs who efficiently handle day to day operations of the company make sure that your consignments are available at your doorsteps right on time.  Import is a document intensive process, with our expert team who have a combined experience of more than 50 years in the industry, we make sure you never have to struggle with documentations.  The company has world-wide affiliates who ensure maximum security and timely transport of cargoes. Their experience also help us with effective routing for cost effective transport logistics and solutions.

  6. Associates Membership & CERTIFICATION Falcon India a licensed customs House agents with license No R99/99 ➢ Federation of Freight Forwarders' Associations in India ➢ WCA Family of Logistics Services Membership ➢ Inter-Global Logistics Network Membership ➢ Dun & Bradstreet ➢ An ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Company from JAS-ANZ ➢ Delhi Custom House Agents Association Membership ➢ Authenticated & verified by ACP China

  7. FALCON FREIGHT Link Pvt. Ltd. ?WE BELIEVE IN MAKING THINGS HAPPEN & NOT WAIT FOR THINGS TO HAPPEN? Air Freight Service Falcon Freightlink Pvt. Ltd. develops comprehensive air freight service plans tailored to meet the customers’ specific requirements.Our team of air freight professionals follows through on each and every shipment and our customers can be assured of real-time status reports on all import and export air freight shipments at all times. Our Air Freight Services Include: G Ge en neral eral C Ca argo rgo A Au ut to o a an nd d A Au ut tomo omoti tive ve p pa ar rts ts C Co ons nsolidat olidation ion C Ca argo rgo A Aiir r C Ch harter arter C Cus ust toms oms B Br rok oker erag age e Ex Ex W Wo or rks ks Door Door D De eli live ver ry y S Serv erviice ce

  8. FALCON FREIGHT Link Pvt. Ltd. ‘WE BELIEVE IN MAKING THINGS HAPPEN & NOT WAIT FOR THINGS TO HAPPEN’ Our Sea Freight Services Ocean Freight is one of the key elements in multimodal transportation service. In order to offer the best service possible, we have a dedicated ocean freight department specializing in FCL, LCL, Break-Bulk, Project Cargo and different types of cargoes on a global scale. Our Sea Freight Services Include:  FCL and LCL import and export  Export and import customs clearance  Part & full vessel charter  Conventional shipments (break-bulk, dry & liquid bulk)  RO /RO transportation  Transport and Marina Insurance

  9. FALCON INDENTING & CONSULTANCY INT?L INDENTING/ INTERNATIONAL TRADE CONSULTANCY. A E A Ex xpert pert iin n so sou ur rci cing ng a an nd d pr pro ocu curement, E Ex xpl plorin oring g th the e m mu ullti tiple th thu us cr s cre eat atin ing g a an n o opt ptiimu W We e p play lay a a v viit tal al r ro ole le b by y t ta akin u und nderstan erstanding ding a and nd a abi bility s so ou urce/s rce/suppl upplie ier/m r/ma anuf W We e ha hav ve e t the he a abi bility lity a and nd e experti p pr rofic oficie ient nt b bu usine sines ss s lle eaders & & P Pr ro ocureme curement nt o of f a a w wiid de e r ra ange v ve er rtic tical als s of of t tod oday ays s e expans rement, th the e F Fa alc lcon18 ple o opt ptiions ons o of so f sou ur rci cing ng a an nd d pr pro ocu cur reme mum m bu busi siness ness o opp ppo ortuni king g r re espons sponsibil ibility ity w wiith th c co ompreh lity t to o iid dentify entify t the he b be est st p po oss ssible nufacture acturer r f fo or r iit ts s p pr resti estigious xpertise se w whi hich ch a ar re e d dr riiven aders w who ho iind ndulge ulge iin d n diirec rect t & & iind ndirec nge o of f p pr roducts oducts & & s se er rvice xpansive ive iind ndustr ustry. y. on18 I Im mpo ports rts P Pv vt. t. L Ltd td.. ement nt & & rtuniti tie es. s. mprehens ensive ible gious c cllients. ients. ven b by y t the he m mo os st t irect t S So ou urcing vices s f fr ro om m a alll l t the he  ive  rcing

  10. INDENTING/ INTERNATIONAL TRADE CONSULTANCY. This company founded in 2001, successfully handles today indenting for various items managed by 3 offices across India and staff of 45 persons, the never ending list comprises : ➢ Sanitary Ware ➢ Faucet ➢ Doors & Windows ➢ Building Hardware ➢ Tiles ➢ Marbles ➢ Other Hardware ➢ Glass Items ➢ Safety Goods ➢ Wall & Floor Decorative ➢ Electrical Goods ➢ Pipes and Tube Fittings ➢ Furniture ➢ Kitchen Ware ➢ Steels and Chemicals ➢ Electronics ➢ Woods ➢ Fabrics ➢ Accessories

  11. FALCON FREIGHT Link Pvt. Ltd. ?WE BELIEVE IN MAKING THINGS HAPPEN & NOT WAIT FOR THINGS TO HAPPEN? World-wide Air & Sea Custom Clearance for Import/Export

  12. FALCON FREIGHT Link Pvt. Ltd. “Delivering” Peace Of Mind Falcon18.com w we e h ha ave ve L La au unc nche hed d a an n E E- -C Com omm merc erce e W We eb b p po or rt ta all www.f s st ta ar rti ting ng w wiit th h v va ar riious ous c ca at te ego gori ries es s su uc ch h a as s: : c co os sm met etiic cs, s, f food m ma at ter eriia al, l, e ellec ect tro roni nic c & & s st ta at tiion onery ery e et tc c. . T This his w wh hol ole e e en nd dea eav vou our r a an nd d o op pera eration c co oord ordiina nated ted a an nd d m ma an na aged ged b by y p pr ro ofe fes ssi siona onal l t te ea am m t th hrou s st tr reng ength th & & c cu us stomer tomer m ma an na agem gemen ent t s sy ys stem iin nd du ustry stry e ex xp per erts ts w wh ho o a allll a ar re e s su up pp ported orted b by y a ad dv va anc nce e t te ec chn hnol ology t th he e r riig gh ht t c ch ho oiic ce e iin n p pu ur rc chase, hase, o ou ur r e ex xp per erts ts a ar re e a allw wa ays p ph hone one & & t th hrough rough t th he e c ca ar rt t. . T To o m ma aiin nt ta aiin n s st tr riic ct t q qu ua ali lity t th he e p pr ro od du uc ct t a an nd d s se ervi rvic ces es o on n F Fa allc con on18, 18, w we e h ha ave ve m ma ad de e o ou ur r p pr ra ac ct tiic ce e t to o d diir re ec ctly t th he e c co om mp pa any ny o or r t th he eiir r a au ut tho hori rize zed d p pa ar rt tners ners only. www.fa alcon ood, , o or rg ga ani nic c, , h he ea alth lth, , b bu uiilld diing ng lcon1 18. 8.c co om m . . W We e’ ’r re e tion iis s w we ell ll onal l rough gh w we ell ll m ma an na aged ged o op pe era rat tiiona tem a an nd d a alls so o u un nd der er t th he e s st tr riic ct t g gu uiid da anc nce e o of f t th he e ogy. . To ys t th he ere re v viia a lliive ve c ch ha at t, , e e- -m ma aiil, l, a an nd d ty c co ontrol ntrol & & t th he e g ge enuin To h he elp lp y yo ou u m ma ak ke e nuinen eness ess o of f tly c co on ntact tact only.


  14. Our Relocation Services

  15. S Sai ailing ling wi wit th h a b a be eli lie eve ve o off “ “D De elliiv ve er riin ng g” ” P Pe ea ac ce e O Off M Mind ind FALCON FREIGHTLINK Pvt. Ltd.

  16. HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS: 219-B, 2nd floor, Administrative Building, Inland Container Depot, Tughlakabad ,New Delhi 110044, India. Website: www.falconfreight.com E-mail : falconindia@falconfreight.com

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