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Domestic Adoption

Domestic Adoption. Human Growth and Development Inquiry Based Project Brady Knight. The Child in Question. Mia Hayley Knight D.O.B : October 3, 2006 Joined Family on October 6, 2006 Adoption Finalized on January 21, 2007 Biological Parents Mom - Jessica Dad - Unknown. Why Adoption.

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Domestic Adoption

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Domestic Adoption Human Growth and Development Inquiry Based Project Brady Knight

  2. The Child in Question • Mia Hayley Knight • D.O.B : October 3, 2006 • Joined Family on October 6, 2006 • Adoption Finalized on January 21, 2007 • Biological Parents • Mom - Jessica • Dad - Unknown

  3. Why Adoption • My Family and Adoption • Immediate • Extended • Over 50,000 domestic adoptions per year • Decrease of foster children over past decade • One Million Families have adopted children

  4. Questions • 1) How does a child cope when interacting with both Biological Family and Adoptive Family? • 2) How does Adoption affect the Topical Areas of Development? • 3) How does these conditions affect life later on? • 4) How does Mia’s Bioecological Model compare to my own?

  5. Biological vs. Adoptive • Background • Why was Mia was put up for adoption? • What about her Adoptive Family? • What about her Biological Family? • Legally, her Biological Family has no right to see and/or have any communication with her. • Spends time with Biological family for Birthday/Holidays. • “Superiority” / “One Up-ing” complex

  6. The Four Topical Areas • Physical Development • Still Develops the Same • Determined by Genes of Biological Parents • Social Development • Trouble making Friends • Bullying • Social Interactions • Cognitive Development • Home Environment • Educational System • Parenting Styles • Personality Development • Proud • Independent • Creative

  7. The Effects Later in Life • Psychological Effects • Grief • Self-esteem • Identity • Guilt • The only effects Mia shows are Self-esteem and Identity issues.

  8. Bioecological Model • Urie Bronfenbrenner • Contextual Perspective • Systems • Micro- Family and Peers • Meso – Connections • Exo – Local Gov’t and Community • Macro – Ethnicity and Culture • Chrono – Time and Historical

  9. Conclusion • Not every adopted child will face psychological problems throughout his/her childhood. • Although my family has done everything for her she still shows signs of the previously mentioned effects. • Our Bioecological models are very similar with only a few major instances surrounding her Biological Family.

  10. References • Bioecological model. (2017, March 19). Retrieved April 05, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioecological_model • Feldman, R. S. (2016). Child development (Seventh Edidition ed.). Boston: Pearson. • Increasing Adoption and Reducing the Number of Children in Foster Care in the U.S. and Abroad. (2013, November 26). Retrieved April 09, 2017, from http://patimes.org/increasing-adoption-reducing-number-children-foster-care/ • Long-Term Issues For The Adopted Child. (n.d.). Retrieved April 06, 2017, from https://www.mentalhelp.net/articles/long-term-issues-for-the-adopted-child/

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