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A. Introduction to Ezekiel: 1.1-3 . 1. The Captivity:2. The
1. Call Narrative of Ezekiel: Ezek 1-3
3. B. The Vision: 1.4-28 1. Windstorm from the North: 1.4 (Storm motif in: Ex 19; Jdg 5.4ff; Ps 68; Deut 33.2; Hab 3.3ff.)
2. Four Living Creatures: 1.5-14
a. Human like:
b. Not Human like:
4. Human like Form of Men [1.5b]
Straight legs [1.7a]
Human like hands [1.8a]
Front face was human [1.10a]
5. Not Human like Living Creatures [1.5ff.]
Four faces [1.6a]: Man; Lion; Ox; Eagle [1.10]
The lion is proverbially the fiercest of beast (Num 23.24; 24.9; Judg 14.18; 2 Sam 1.23; 17.10, etc.); the eagle the most imposing (swift, high-flying) of birds (Deut 28.49; 2 Sam 1.23; Jer 48.40; Lam 4.19; Job 39.27...); swiftness of eagles and the might of lions are both alluded to in Davids lament in 2 Sam 1.23. The bull is the most valued of domestic animals (for blowing and breeding: Prov 14.4; Job 21.10; cf. Exo 21.37). Men, of course, ruled them all (Gen 1.28; Ps 8.7). (Greenberg, 55-56)
6. Not Human like Four wings [1.6b]
Wings touched [1.9, 11]
Wings covered their bodies [1.11]
8. Not Human like Soles of a Calfs foot [1.7b]
Movement = A face always toward the direction of movement [1:12]
Coals in the Midst [1.13-14] This fact does not become significant until 10.2ff.
9. Parallels in ANE Iconography
10. Cherubim & the Cherubim Thrones
30. B. The Vision: 1.4-28 3. Wheels and Expanse: 1.15-25 [Dan 7.9]
Appearance: Like the gleaming of a chrysolite [1.16]
Wheel within a wheel [1.16c]
31. B. The Vision: 1.4-28 Movement [1.17] Turning was unnecessary
With the creatures [1.19]
Controlled by the x:Wr [1.20]
Coordinated together [1.21]
32. B. The Vision: 1.4-28 Description [1.18] having rims full of eyes and spokes. The image is that of a chariot, i.e., a Throne-Chariot.
33. B. The Vision: 1.4-28 Firmament [1.22-25]
Located over the heads of the creatures [1.22]
Wings holding the firmament (?) [1.23]
Sound of wings [1.24-25]
35. Parallels in ANE Iconography
36. Parallels in ANE Iconography
37. B. The Vision: 1.4-28 4. He who sits upon the throne: 1.26-28
38. Parallels in ANE Iconography
39. C. The Commissioning: 2.1-3.15 1. Commission proper: 1.28-2.7; 3.4-11
2. Symbolic Commission: 2.8-3.3 (Jer 15.16)
3. The Vision departs 3.12-15
40. D. The Lookout: 3.16-21; 33.1-16
41. E. Parallel OT Call Narratives: Texts: Ex 3; Jud 6; Jer 1; Isa 6, 40; 1 Kgs 22.
1. General Prophetic Call Pattern:
a. Divine Confrontation
b. Introductory Word
c. Commission
d. Objection
e. Reassurance
f. Confirmatory Sign
Notice that Eze lacks only one element of a classical call narrative, i.e., the objection. [Parunak, The Literary Architecture of Ezekiels Marot elohim, JBL, 99/1 (1980), 64]
42. E. Parallel OT Call Narratives: 2. Call Pattern in Ezekiel:
2.1 Divine Confrontation [1.4-28; 3.13]
2.2 Introductory Word [2.1-2; 3.12]
2.3 Commission and Reassurance [2.3-8a; 3.4-11]
2.4 Confirmatory Sign [2.8b-3.3]
43. E. Parallel OT Call Narratives: 3. Purpose of Call Narratives:
a. Produces a sense of awe and fear of God.
b. Summons a person to be a prophet.
c. Allays fear and fortifies the prophet to be against the hostile reception of his message.
d. Gives credibility to the prophet's message.