1. 1 College Automation Software
Arifa Tehseen Ara(509)
Farzana Begum(512)
Syeda Fatima(513)
Firdous Sameena(514)
Tahmina Jabeen(556)
2. 2
3. 3 Today�s Scenario/Problem Statement Everything is paper based
which is cumbersome to maintain
Requires lots of manual work
Scope for errors
Retrieval of data in a desired
way is difficult
No common platform is available
to collect individual�s feedback
and opinion
4. 4 Selected Solution
Proposed solution is to use an intranet based application.
Not only user friendly but also reduces lot of manual work
Reduces scope for errors
5. 5 Technology Involved Corporate portals are internal websites that provide proprietary information to employees
Efficient content management
Intranet based application which can be web enabled in future.
It follows simple 2-Tier architecture of client-server.
The server is combination of both application server and database server.
6. 6 Technology Involved cont ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system provide an integrated suite of information technology applications that support operations of enterprise
Web portal-"supersite" on the Internet that provides a comprehensive entry point for a huge array of resources and services
Vortal -(vertical industry portal)provides information and resources for a particular industry
7. 7 Servlets Java platform technology of choice
for extending and enhancing Web servers
HTML is inserted in Java code
Efficiency & Endurance
8. 8 Disadvantages of Servlets Context representation & presentation is not separated
Servlets need an application server or servlet engine to run.If the demands are high,a server can be very expensive
Tedious uses of out.println() statements can be remedied by using Java server page(JSP)
9. 9
10. 10 Advantages of JSP JSP (Java Server Pages) technology provides a
simplified, fast way to create dynamic web content.
Separation of static and dynamic content
Write once, run anywhere
Dynamic content can be served in a variety of formats
Completely leverages the servlet API
11. 11 Application Area
Can be made horizontal, if used for other domains such as hospitals, offices, banks etc
Application is vertical, in the sense it concentrates only on educational institute
12. 12 Scope of Project This application can be used on any platform because it is basically designed in platform independent language.
Flexible to enhance the application.
Presently the application is used for an educational institute offering services of add/update details and generate reports.
13. 13 System Requirement Specification Hardware Requirements:
Processor (1.2Ghz)
Mother board
256 MB RAM
LAN enabled
Software Requirements
Windows XP
Oracle 9i
Internet Explorer
Java 1.5.0
14. 14 Use Case Diagram
15. 15
16. 16 Class Diagram
17. 17 Sequence Diagram
18. 18 Module Description Admin module:
Add/Update Student details
Add/Update Transport details
Add/Update Faculty details
Create opinion poll
Student module:
Participate in polling and feedback
View the poll results
Student reports
Transport reports
Faculty Profiles
College Profiles
Feedback mechanism
19. 19 System Architecture Client
Application Server
20. 20 System Flow Admin Login
Student Module
Transport Module
Faculty Module
Create Opinion Poll
View Poll Results
View Feedback Report
Student Login
Participate in Polling
View College Profiles
View Faculty Profiles
21. 21 Testing/Results
User enters info
22. 22 Testing/Results Client-side validation
Check if mandatory
fields are entered
Display alert
23. 23 Testing/Results Server-side validation
User details
Valid user
Invalid user
24. 24 Testing/Results
25. 25 Testing/Results
26. 26 Feasibility of the Application User-friendly features
Easy to navigate environment
Effective client-side validation
Display of alerts
Can be deployed on the WEB
27. 27 Enhancements Intranet based
Internet -based
28. 28 Enhancements
Additional modules
Online Admissions
Online Examination
Discussion Forum
Study Material
29. 29 Conclusion Application provides
Easy access to information
Maintains integrity of information
Opinion poll � better decisions
Feedback helps for improvement
Enhanced further to suit requirements
30. 30 References GENPACT-IT Services Clarify CoE (SRS)
J2EE 1.4 Bible � James McGovern
Complete Reference Java � Patrick Nortan
Java Server Programming J2EE Volume I
The UML User Guide-Booch,Rambaugh,Jacobson
Database Systems Concepts �Korth,Sudarshan
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