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JPSUN co. Ltd http://www.jpsun.co.kr Illumination lighting control system to control street lights and security lights under innovative new conception ( Proposal for establishment ) Index Ⅰ .Company Profile Ⅱ . Business Overview Ⅲ . Products Ⅳ . Reference data Ⅰ Company Profile
JPSUNco. Ltd http://www.jpsun.co.kr Illumination lighting control system to control street lights and security lights under innovative new conception (Proposal for establishment)
Index Ⅰ.Company Profile Ⅱ. Business Overview Ⅲ. Products Ⅳ. Reference data
Ⅰ Company Profile
1 Company History 2 Business Area 3 Certificates 4 Selling Record Ⅰ. Company Profile Index
Ⅰ- 1 Ⅰ. Company Profile 1. Company History • 2007.06: Applied the first domestic registration of designs for the light-tube type auto-blinker • 2007.05: Certified and registered of the Office of Supply’s direct production system • 2007.03: Completed the patent registration for the world first lighting search-call system • 2007.01: Established sales entity named JPSUN • 2006.11: Developed the domestic first source technology of small-output ACL • communication, and completed commercialization. • 2006.07: Registration of venture enterprise • 2006.06: Contracted MOU of exporting technology for streetlights and security lights with • Changsha Developing District • 2006.04: Completed technology evaluation for new design of practical use(2 items) • 2005.11: Completed the patent registration for the OK Secretary service of lighting system. • 2005.06: Completed commercialization of auto-claim reception system • (OK Secretary service system) • 2005.03: Contracted BELLWAVE NDA (related to Industrial CDMA monitoring/ control) • 2004.12: Completed the domestic first commercialization of security lights monitoring • /control system • 2004.11: Obtained certificate of Information-communication equipment • 2004.10: Developed UHF transmit-receive module of industrial communication • 2004.07: Expand and move Gil Bank ( Keum Cheon-ku, Seoul) • 2004.03: Selected as the committee member of technology evaluation in Korea Lighting • Industrial Cooperation. • 2003.10: Insured Product Reliability insurance (auto-blinker and lighting control equipment) • 2003.09: Supplier Registration to the government Office of • 2003.08: Became a member of Korea Lighting Industrial Cooperation and invested capital • 2003.06: Established a corporation and plant registration (Kangnam-ku, Seoul)
Ⅰ- 2 Ⅰ. Company Profile 2. Business Area ● Areas in design, development and manufacturing of Position-tracking RF communication program ● Areas in development and manufacturing (VHF, UHF) of wireless RF transmit-receive module ● Areas in Industrial remote control and monitoring/feedback by CDMA module ● Area in remote control and monitoring/feedback by using of sorts of sensors ● Area in remote control and monitoring by using ARS solution and telephone with the application of CTI module ● Area in RS232C, 422,485 communication conversion and remote control by using of exclusive line. ● Area in auto-adjustment and application of date and time by using GPS module. ● Area in Design database and application on the GIS platform ● Area in developing its GIS engine and application for managing facilities such as streetlights and security lights. ● Database management, remote control and monitor/feedback by using PDA. ● Area in internet-based Client Multi PC connection to server, remote control and monitor/feedback ● Area in Local control, communication and monitoring by using power line communication(PLC) ● Wide-area control and multi-relay connection by using high output wireless transmitter-receiver ● Area in design and manufacturing of switch box for multi-functional streetlights and high efficiency lighting instrument
Ⅰ- 3 Ⅰ. Company Profile 3. Certificates
Ⅰ- 4 Ⅰ. Company Profile Certificates
Ⅱ Business Overview
1 Objective/necessity 2 Improvement plan 3 Implementation plan 4 5 Investment value System profile Ⅱ. Business Overview Index
Ⅱ - 1 Ⅱ. Business Overview 1. Objective/necessity • ● Materialized active maintenance system for lightings • (streetlights and security lights ) • Improved existing light control to data based remote monitor/control management system so that any • troubles caused by power failure, leakage and failures can be detected in advance, and make judgment for • tacking appropriate action immediately • ● 24 hours of auto-conducting of claims for lighting and • improvement of public reliability • Built up 24 hours auto-conducting system claims of lighting, so that the public service quality can be • improved by monitoring and managing of night time citizens’ claims, and as the result public reliability has • been improved with cost saving • ● Implemented social welfare service by utilizing lightings( Built up U-city) • Proposed new paradigm of lighting lamps by using various life-friedly welfare service through the wireless • infrastructure of lighting lamps, and encouraged self-respect mind against to citizens by improve the images • towards light city, safe city and welfare city, and utilize for external public relations and sales point • of deployment of marketing Necessity Increment of various claims Converting to active and efficiency of management Real- time prevention of safety accident, management Change of the management system by the time Additional utilization of lighting lamp resource Limited manpower, accumulated work, delay of maintenance
Existing management system/ problems Improvement plans Ⅱ - 2 Ⅱ. Business Overview 2. Improvement plan • Night patrol by employees • residents’ report (day & night) • safe accidents Difficulty in maintaining efficiently with few manpower Convert to central real-time monitoring system Delay of checking and fixing troubles ( difficulty in finding troubles/increment of citizen’s complain) Real-time trouble shooting and emergency notice(SMS/Voice)(unnecessity of field investigation/ immediate recovery) Building up safety accident prevention system( advanced real-time monitor, diagnosis, detection ,diagnosis ,judging ,repair ) • Dispatch the next-day service team forfinding reason of trouble • Corrective action and fixing trouble Exposed to safety accident with no prevention Excessive workload to manage claims (causes conducting service delaying for claims and overloading administrative work.) Convert to 24hours of auto-conducting claims (Providing improved public administrative service in quality and reliability) • Confirming day light-on • Night patrol • confirming light-on and reception of resident call Lower efficiency than manpower assignment (increase in quantity, work accumulation, lower motivation) Maximize efficiency (quality improvement, advanced administration, active performance)
Ⅱ - 3 Ⅱ. Business Overview 3. Implementation plan Offering new paradigm of city through new conception of lighting management ○ Lightened city by minimizing unlighted night lightings through active repairing system ○ Achieve reliable city through implementation of 24hours of real time service for conducting claims ○ Achieve city of improvement toward future through building up life-friendly U-city using lighting ○ Achieve city of exercising welfare through life-friendly social welfare using lighting ○ Achieve city of safety-zone through safety-zone service linking with authorities
Ⅱ - 4 Ⅱ. Business Overview 4. Investment value Comparing with existing system, two-way lighting monitor/control system is comparatively expensive. Therefore the effectiveness shall be considered against to the facility investment after establishment of the system. This is the only system in this country which can maximize the investment profit through additional services as well as functions such as monitoring and controlling Remotely on/off control function Benefit of building general system 24hours of real-time monitor/notice 24 hours of auto-service for conducting claims added value of our system life-friendly welfare service Safety-zone service benefits through additional utilization of our system building life-friendly U-CITY
Ⅱ - 5 Ⅱ. Business Overview 5. System profile Unique convenient function ● Integrated monitor of street light and security light ●Monitor/control of street light of common use of VHF +CDMA communication ● Common se of VHF wireless one-way and two way communication ● Control/test PDA, mobile phone, general phone, public phone ● Exclusive GIS of street light and security light ●Multi-user internet connection Auto- synchronization of GIS/DB ● Convenient GIS map, auto -upgrade and editing ● Equipped exclusive GIS engine for PDA - Managing DB- Active sync ● GIS auto-patrol/checking ● 24hours of auto-service for conducting claims ●Notice manager’s notification by text message/voice (Daily performance and trouble report ) ● Inform to claimant about the result of conducting claims through auto-voice ● Retrieve claim remotely by manager ● Available to implement free service of life-friendly social welfare ● Applying various application services
Ⅲ Products
1 System diagram 2 Major functions 3 Product feature Ⅲ. Products Index
#1 security light Central control system (county office) #1 street light Monitor/blinker for security light *24hours auto-reception of claims *OK secretary function for claimant and manager Data collection /transmitter Main monitor (optional) (1) PLC type (2) RF type Small output wireless communication network Manager/ Repair contractor Manager 1 Manager 2 Manager n Ⅲ - 1 Ⅲ. Products 1. System diagram • 24hours reception and DB record • Manage DB in storage/retrieve • Auto-voice notice of conducting • claim claimant Internet Auto-synchronizing of control server/GIS map SK mobile communication network Synchronizing of PDA data/map Manager • Notice claim description remotely • &retrieve • remote control/test of lightings by • phone & PDA • Notice troubles by voice and text • message Field repair
Ⅲ- 2 Ⅲ. Products 2. Major functions ○ Auto on/off of street light and security light and auto time adjustment ○ Variation of light on/off, control control lighting interval, midnight off, remote settings ○ Dual safety control ( built-in electronic function) ○ street light: light on/off mode, malfunction, line leakage, broken wire, power failure in switch box, power value, ballast, lamp post leakage, broken line, monitor ○ security light: light on/off mode, failure of lamp/ballast, monitoring power failure ○ real-time text message/voice notice service of the trouble state ○ 24 hours auto-voice helpdesk, recording and DB management ○ Manager real-time remote notice and remote retrieve (playback) ○ DB management, searching and output of claim received ○ Auto-voice feedback of claim conducting results to the claimant ○ Manager remote connection and playback function for pending claims ○ Optional setting function of claim reception in auto /manual mode ○ Auto notice of claim reception and setting options of text message/voice message ○ Remote control/test of street light and security light by phone line lighting monitor/control 24 hours auto-conducting claim GIS based DB building Application of future-styled value added service ○ Establish integrated DB for GIS-based lighting facilities - switch box, lines, security light and street light post (Photos and facility information) ○ Maintain work logging of lighting facility and manage DB ○ Share and manage internet-based DB / multiple PCs ○ Simple map adjustment and auto-upgrade of multiple PCs ○ Maintain work logging by PDA and GIS searching ○ Searching by installed year, area, lines and control numbers ○ Various value added service based on security lighting infrastructure ○ Free service of life-friendly social welfare (Life style U-city) - Care helpless seniors - Tracking location and notice service for demented seniors and serious disabled people - Emergency call service (fire, rescue, first aid, securities) ○ 24 hours service for conducting claims of tourists and visitors - Conducting visitors’ claims and difficulties actively
Ⅲ - 3 Ⅲ. Products 3. Product feature Central control system (JP-M-2000) Major functions and features ○ 24 hours of integrated control/monitor of street light and security light ○ Remote settings for variation of lighting on/off, lighting intervals and operation data ○ GIS-based DB management and check on map ○ Real-time monitor of operating/failure mode and coloring on map ○ Manage facilities, business log, work log, claim reception and DB management ○ Real-time notice of failure to manager by text notice and voice notice ○ 24 hours of auto-conducting claims and remote notice/playback for manager ○ Emergency control/test of lighting by connecting phone line (CTI) ○ Internet-based multi-linkage of PCs for multi managers and auto -synchronization ○ Synchronizing DB and Map by active Sync with PDA ※Two-way lighting monitor/control using CDMA communication and VHF communication as well. ※ Integrated one-way control of street light and security light by using VHF communication
Ⅲ - 4 Ⅲ. Products Two-way monitor/blinker for street light (JP-S200C) Major functions and features ○ 24 hours real-time remote control, monitoring, collection and notice ○ Remote settings of street light lighting on/off variation, lighting intervals and operating data ○ Notice lighting on/off mode, failure of power, broken wore, leakage and branch circuit short ○ Measuring and notice of current leakage and values by branch circuits ○ Save mode of normal/failure and displaying on front LED ○ On-sight manual lighting on/off control by manual operating key ○ Remote control and check by PDA, phone and mobile phone < Functions when lamp post monitor is equipped optionally > ○ Control and monitor of individual light by power line communication ○ Monitor/notice of operating mode of individual lamp post & lamp, and failure of ballast ※ Compose communication CDMA(PCM200C)/ VHF(PCM200V ※ Lamp post monitor: Compose communication PLC/ RF
Ⅲ - 5 Ⅲ. Products Light-tube type street light blinker (consolidated switch box) Major functions and features ○ Remote wireless control of street light/monitor ○ Top antenna system which enables to receive utmost radio wave ○ The 3rd generation of street light blinker box inclusive lighting street scenery ○ Double effectiveness for improvement of night street environment by upper/lower ○ Super slim type(400X400X2000mm) of beautiful design ○ Dual coating for preventing ad sticker ○ Display unique street scenery by various color (Blue, Green, Black) ○ Solid inner structure made of stainless steel material ○ Double front/back doors and securing sufficient space for layout ○ Non-powered forced air cooling ventilation structure using Bernoulli's theorem (night time ) (daytime)
Ⅲ - 6 Ⅲ. Products Street light main monitor/blinker (JP-L100P) Major functions and features ○ Control/monitor of street lamp post by PLC (power line communication) ○ Individual lamp post, lighting on/off mode, lamp/ballast failure, communication mode ○ Monitor/notice of line broken, communication trouble and lamp post leakage ○ Brake no-load power loss and protect ballast in case of lamp broken ○ Power-on function by individual lamp for confirming repair ○ Composition : for single lamp, for two lamps( OPTIONAL)
Ⅲ - 7 Ⅲ. Products street light main monitoring blinker (consolidated type of lamp instruments) Major functions and features • ○ Individual monitor/control of street light by RF wireless small output • communication. • ○ Wireless real-time monitor/control of individual street light and security light • ○ Inner shielding space and antenna for optimizing wireless communication • environment • ○ Location tracking and emergency call function linking with search-call U-City • system • ○ Improved high efficiency illumination by adopting patented technology of • 3 dimensional reflection cap • More energy saving by reducing power consumption comparing to other • company • ○ Two-way monitor/control function as well as street light and security light • function • ○ Built-in ballast and blinker ☞ Economical proposal for improvement of dim city lightings entirely ▶ ○ Increase of lighting capacity is practically impossible due to the requirement of reconstructing existing power lines and huge cost thereof. ○ Building brighter city by renovating the light illumination with minimum investment through replacement of such high efficient light instruments based on existing power line infrastructure.
Ⅲ - 8 Ⅲ. Products Comparison of light distribution curve for lighting instruments (at NT 250W) Our product company D’s product company L’s product 14M 14M
Ⅲ - 9 Ⅲ. Products Collector/transmitter of security light (JP-G-1000) Major functions and features ○ Dual communication of CDMA communication + small output wireless communication ○ real-time remote control, monitor, collection and notice ○ Collecting/notice maximum 64 lamps of security light operating mode and failure information ○ Remote setting of lighting on/off variation , mid night off and various operation data ○ Auto-adjustment of self time, management and auto-synchronizing security lights ○ Built-in the world first small-output automatic channel linkage(ACL) function ○ Dual built-in of self-monitor/blinker function of security light ○ On-site lighting on/off manual control/test function ○ Built-in Hangul liquid crystal display and manual control key ○ Monitor/notice of power failure with built-in high capacity battery ○ Tracking location and emergency call function linking with search call U-City system
Ⅲ - 10 Ⅲ. Products Monitor/blinker security light(JP-G-200R) Major functions and features ○ Receiving wireless remote two-way control signal and auto-control ○ Dual safety control ( built-in electronic function) ○ Monitor/notice malfunction, lamp/ballast failure, leakage and power failure ○ Remote settings of lighting on/off variation, time and various operating data ○ Shielding/protection of ballast in case of lamp broken (prevention of no load power loss) ○ Built-in on-site manual control, Hangul LCD, manual control key ○ Functions of frequency interference prevention and automatic channel linkage(ACL) communication ○ Simple installation, maintenance and repair by its dual inner structure ○ Preventing safety accident by its dual locking and ELD buried type structure
Ⅲ - 11 Ⅲ. Products PDA multi controller (HTU-1000) Major functions and features ○ Installed mobile GIS engine and Windows ○ Searching/inquiring of failure description and claim receiving ○ Two-way active synchronizing function with central control system ○ On-site work logging at light facility and updating controls ○ GIS map indication/searching of lighting facility , and test fuction ○ Emergency lighting on/off control and test function for individual street light and security light ○ Searching and inquiry function of lighting on/off time table, operating data and measuring data ○ Others : Installed functions of MP3, mobile phone and DMB
Ⅳ Reference data
1 Control display screen 2 PDA display screen 3 System application Ⅳ. Reference data Index
Ⅳ - 1 Ⅳ. Reference data 1. Control display screen Main display screen
Ⅳ - 2 Ⅳ. Reference data Control display screen street light control card security light control card
Ⅳ - 3 Ⅳ. Reference data Control display screen
Ⅳ - 4 Ⅳ. Reference data 2. PDA controller display screen Initial screen synchronized screen searching facilities inquiry of failure list data room (such as time table) control street light test street light logging work logbook GIS location searching finding facilities
Sec. of Envirn. Protection Sec. of Tourist/Culture Sec. of Tourist/Culture Sec. of Social Welfare Sec. of Constructing/ Accident prevention Tourist Ⅳ - 5 Ⅳ. Reference data 3. System application Application of OK secretary system ( Expanded application in all departments of conducting claims) • Deploy 24hours of claim conducting service • Deploy follow-up service for claims • Advanced admin. service -> Reliable Admin. • Improve image to tourists -> Attractiveness Sample of application Expected Effectiveness If required, providing consulting, introduction and notice Analysis Claims /Statistics Conducting Claims/ Actions Improvement /Reflection Claim /Reception Notice Conducting Results PIC*:Emergency notice/remote playback Auto-save, playback on work/confirmation Improving City Competitiveness During duty hour : Absence of PIC After duty hour : Absence of PIC * PIC: Person in charge
Additional Service Care helpless demented seniors Monitor/blinker for security light Fire/ First Aid Securities Collection /Notice Controller Ⅳ - 6 Ⅳ. Reference data Application of Search-Call System Utilization of Safety-Zone Safety-Zone Central control system In city hall Notice ID, location, affairs Internet Emergency Call Notice Situation to Concerned Organization Dispatch to the spot Concerned Organizations /Departments Label “Safety-Zone” mark Service Diagram Occurrence of affair Received by security light monitor/blinker (Notice to control system in city hall) Notice to concerned departments (Transmitter ID, location, affair) Care, rescue and first aid actions For citizen Dispatch concerned departments to the spot
N.P.A server Ⅳ - 7 Ⅳ. Reference data Application of Search-Call System Location Tracking & Care Service for Demented Seniors Local Self-governing Body Safety-Zone Central Control System Receive loc. ID & computing location transmit Transmit ID of Demented senior & location information Transmit peculiar ID Transmit peculiar ID Notice peculiar ID & Location to concerned Authorities Demented senior Caring Internet Notice to guardian Assign ID & DB registration (common) Use of personal information of demented seniors may cause a “VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHT”, therefore, the DB registration of information , assignment of peculiar ID and issuing transmitter must be requested by their guardian. (Please request to : local self-governing body or concerned authority) Receive information PDA National Police Agency (N.P.A) Confirm the location of demented senior & personal information Notify to the nearest police box Dispatch to the scene Ⅱ- 1
N.E.M.A server Ⅳ - 8 Ⅳ. Reference data Application of Search-Call System Service of auto-dispatch to the scene of fire Local Self-governing Body Safety-Zone Central Control System Installation of Fire sensor & transmitter Transmit fire & peculiar ID transmit Transmit ID of Demented senior & location information Notice peculiar ID & Location to concerned Authorities Internet Early extinguishment Preventing big fire Tracking origin of fire Receive information National Emergency Management Agency (N.E.M.A) PDA Confirm the scene of fire & GIS Information Dispatch to the scene Notify to the nearest fire station
N.P.A server Ⅳ - 9 Ⅳ. Reference data Application of Search-Call System Local Self-governing Body Transmit peculiar ID & Location data Receive peculiar ID & Notice occurrence Transmit peculiar ID transmit transmit Central Control System Intrusion of Robber/thief transmit Safety-Zone Press transmitter Transmit peculiar ID Guard citizen & arrest robber Receive loc. ID & computing location Back street robbery Notice peculiar ID & Location to concerned Authorities Press portable transmitter Guard citizen & arrest robber Internet Dispatch to the scene Receive information National Police Agency (N.P.A) PDA Confirm the location & personal information DB Notify to the nearest police box Dispatch to the scene Ⅱ- 4