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proposing a program for acpa 2011 convention

Pre-convention WorkshopsHeld Saturday, March 26 and Sunday, March 27 (half-day or full-day, 3 or 6 hours, respectively). Please note: These workshops are presented before the Convention begins and participants pay additional fees to attend these workshops.General Convention Programs60-minute sessions chosen in large part due to relevance to 2011 convention contemporary issues or to professional competencies.Convention InstitutesSeries of linked programs (typically 2-5) that provide an inte224

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proposing a program for acpa 2011 convention

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    1. PROPOSING A PROGRAM FORACPA 2011 Convention

    3. Sponsored Programs and Round Tables Program or discussion topic (60-minutes) directly related to work of one or more ACPA Commission or Standing Committee. Proposal will be reviewed by respective commission(s) or committee(s) for sponsorship. Promising Practices 60-minute program that allows members to share strategies, programs, and interventions that have been successful on a particular campus. Research Papers Designed for the presentation of scholarly research. Each 60-minute program slot will include presentation of three research papers (15 min. each) followed by discussion of research. Research Poster Sessions Forum for discussion about research projects that have been completed or are in process. Presenters display research on bulletin board and are available to discuss with colleagues. Ancillary Programs All functions (meetings/receptions) other than educational sessions needing space to meet.

    4. July 9, 2010: Call for Programs Sept. 10: Program Submissions Due Sept. 27: Pre-Con Presenters Notified Oct. 27: Program Presenters Notified Nov. 3: Presenter Commitments Due Nov. 19: Ancillary Space Requests Due Jan. 14, 2011: Confirmation of Time/Space

    5. Pick a topic you know a good deal about Connect topic to professional competency areas (ACPA/NASPA 2010 version) or to defined contemporary issues Provide supporting research and data Applying theory can strengthen your proposal

    6. Be sure learning outcomes are clear and concise Avoid unnecessarily large presenting teams Stay within the word limit Don’t put everything in all caps or all lowercase letters

    7. Don’t put title in APA style (capitalize all major words) Include outline of session agenda (preferably with timeframes for each part) Select a session format that best addresses your program’s learning outcomes

    8. Advising and Helping Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Ethical Practice History, Philosophy, and Values Human and Organizational Resources Law, Policy, and Governance Leadership Personal Foundations Student Learning and Development

    9. Leadership in Challenging Times Evidence and Improvement Student Success

    10. Leadership in Challenging Times We all know that change is constant in our lives. Each year, decade and era has its own special challenges.  What leadership must we provide on our campuses and in the broader student affairs arena to respond to these challenges?  In what new ways might we envision our work, roles, partnerships, and organizational structures?

    11. Evidence and Improvement During the past two decades, the assessment movement in higher education has gained momentum.   How are assessment programs working on our campuses?  How are we incorporating assessment into our work? How are we helping staff to view assessment as a useful tool rather than a burdensome requirement? How are we building cultures of evidence by establishing and measuring learning outcomes for our programs and services? What lessons have we learned about assessment practice, and how do we continue to build on these lessons?

    12. Student Success As our student population becomes more diverse, so do the challenges to ensure that all students have the best opportunity to be successful.  What have we learned about our students and their experiences that can help us re-think or re-frame our work?   In what ways can we acknowledge and tap into the experiences of students who are coming to our campuses from military service or from other life experiences that differ from those of the majority?  What support services do we need to develop and refine to encourage students to take reasonable educational risks, manage their complex responsibilities and pressures, and gain new perspectives?  What are we doing that might be hindering the success of our students? What are the new “best practices” for fostering student success?

    13. First round is blind group review Relevancy to critical issues and supportive of professional competencies Supported by data and theoretical framework, when appropriate Well written and structured proposal Background of presenters Balance of topics

    14. Prepare presentation well ahead of time Update program team of important changes Can’t promise you a particular time slot and can’t move you once assigned Are you interested in consultation with a proposal and/or presentation coach?

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