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Water Systems Marilynn Garibay and Tara Taylor

Water Systems Marilynn Garibay and Tara Taylor Where the UA gets its water: The University of Arizona uses water from three distinct sources. We pump water from out own regional aquifer wells We buy City of Tucson potable water We buy City of Tucson reclaimed water Main Campus

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Water Systems Marilynn Garibay and Tara Taylor

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  1. Water Systems Marilynn Garibay and Tara Taylor

  2. Where the UA gets its water: • The University of Arizona uses water from three distinct sources. • We pump water from out own regional aquifer wells • We buy City of Tucson potable water • We buy City of Tucson reclaimed water

  3. Main Campus • Source of water is from 3 wells and 5 booster pump stations connected to City of Tucson water system • A new well is scheduled to come on line in June 2003 • Distribution system is made up of 7 miles of pipe and serves 185 buildings.

  4. Arizona Health Sciences Campus (AHSC) • Source of water is 2 wells and 2 booster pump stations connected to the City of Tucson • 2 miles of pipe • Serves 40 buildings • UMC Hospital is not a user

  5. Water Usage throughout the UAMain Campus and AHSC campus: • There are five main uses of the water system at the UA: • Residential Use • Commercial Use • Industrial Use • Irrigation Use • Academic Building Use

  6. Residential Use • There are 20 dormitories on the Main campus. • Water used at the dorms is for drinking, personal hygiene, and a little irrigation around them. • Water use for this community is greater during fall and spring semesters

  7. Commercial Use • This use includes the Student Union, bookstores and intercollegiate athletics. • Several facilities were not measured in 2002 • Student Recreation center was one of them, and it is served by the City of Tucson water system • Uses include drinking, cooking, restrooms, dishwashing, cleaning and swimming pools

  8. Industrial Use • One of the largest district chilled water loops in the world • Used for cooling buildings, equipment and some refrigeration for cold rooms • 13 cooling towers and 3 cooling plants are the major consumers of this water • One reclaimed and the rest potable

  9. Irrigation Use • 50-55% of the irrigation on campus is supplied by reclaimed water • Most turf areas are baseball and softball fields and the football practice field • NO cross connections exist with the potable system • Irrigation valve box colors are purple

  10. Academic Building Use • 163 academic buildings on the main campus and 40 on the AHSC campus have connections to potable water systems • Uses: classrooms, research and teaching laboratories, restrooms, offices and water features, and labs

  11. Campus Wells • 7 wells • Aggie, Architecture, CRB, Huachuca, Martin St., North and South • Vary in depth from 480 ft to 700 ft deep • Produce from valley fill aquifers • Disinfections takes place at each well • Produce 90-300 gpm of water • Have pressure tanks and sand separators • New well will be about 700 ft deep and produce 400 gpm • Idled wells because of low production are Martin St. and Aggie

  12. City of Tucson Water Backup System • The main campus potable water system is backed up by 5 connections. • On the AHSC campus, two connections to city water back up the two wells

  13. Reclaimed Water System • Fed by two 12 inch mains that cross Campbell and just south of University • They both feed a meter station near the east end of Hillebrand Pool • The backbone main runs down the mall and around the north side of Old Main. Serves the Main Campus plant, baseball field, softball field, and practice football field

  14. De-ionized Water System • 13 buildings are supplied with de-ionized (DI) water for use in cleaning lab-ware and research • It is supplied by the Main Campus plant’s reverse osmosis unit

  15. City of Tucson Water Quality

  16. Reclaimed Water Quality

  17. Remember! • Water is a precious commodity! • Don’t waste it!

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