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Fifth Avenue Dental Arts is a premier dental practice located in downtown San Diego, dedicated to providing exceptional dental care to patients in the area. Our experienced team of dentists offers a comprehensive range of services, including general dentistry, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, Invisalign, and oral surgery. Whether you're in need of routine dental check-ups or complex dental procedures, our downtown San Diego dentists are committed to delivering the highest standard of care in a comfortable and relaxing environment. With a focus on patient satisfaction and oral health, our s

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  1. WHOISGOOD CANDIDATEFOR INVISALIGN? AREYOUTHINKINGABOUTGETTINGINVISALIGNINSANDIEGO? THEMOST IMPORTANT STEPIS DECIDING WHETHEROR NOT “ IS INVISALIGNRIGHTFORME?”ANDTHENCHOOSINGTHEBEST DENTISTTOPERFORMTHETREATMENT. ORTHODONTICRELAPSE Invisalignbraceswereoriginallydevelopedtohelpadultstreat orthodonticrelapse.Relapseoccursyearsafteryou’vealready finished wearing braces but maybe didn’t keep up with your retainer.Asaresult,yourteethgraduallystartedtoshiftback intotheirpreviouslocation. 1 COSMETICCONCERNS ThereareplentyofgreatreasonswhypeoplegetInvisalign.Oneof themistoimprovethewaytheirsmilelooks,andthere’sabsolutely nothing wrong with that! For every smile makeover, our San Diego dentists want to achieve an attractive symmetry between your teeth.Symmetryisanintegralelementofsmilemakeovers. 2 ABNORMALTOOTHWEAR Are some of your teeth shorter, flatter, or worn down than others?Itcouldbeduetothewaythey’rebitingagainsteach other.Ifyourteetharemisaligned,abnormalpressurepoints throughout your bite can start to wear down or damage specificteeth. 3 VISIBLECROWDINGORGAPS BETWEENTEETH Invisalignisproventohelpcorrecttoothdisplacementslikecrowding, crooked teeth, and gaps. The digitally designed system prints individual aligners to move your teeth into the desired position, regardless of wherethey’recurrentlyat.Ifyouhavevisiblycrookedteeth,youprobably qualifyforInvisalign. 4 SUSCEPTIBILITYOFGUMDISEASEORTOOTHDECAY Doyoualwaysseemtostrugglewithissueslikegingivitis,periodontitis,or recurringcavities?Improvingthealignmentofyourteethcanstatistically lower your chances of getting these infections. And with Invisalign, your oralhygienethroughouttheorthodonticprocesswillbeeasierthanever. Justremovethetrays,brushandfloss,thenputthembackin. 5 WHATABOUTAGEREQUIREMENTS? “Is Invisalign right for me if I’m over 50?” Absolutely! Fifth AvenueDentalArtsdoesn’thaveanyagelimitationsonhow “old” you can get before enjoying straighter teeth. In fact, Invisalignwasdesignedwithadultsinmind. 6 INVISALIGNINSANDIEGO “AmIacandidateforInvisalign?”Theonlywayyou’llfindoutisif youvisitourdentistforaconsultation.Weoffercomprehensive InvisaligninSanDiegoforadultsofallages,includingteens. ContactFifthAvenueDentalArtstodaytoreserveyourno- obligationevaluation. 7 https://mydentistsandiego.com/

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