Refinancing Your Home Loan THINGS TO DO Workonimprovingyourcredit scorebypayingyourbillsontime andpayingoffdebts. Checkcurrentinterestratesto seeifrefinancingwouldbea beneficialoption. Choosealoantermbasedon themonthlypaymentsyoucan affordtomake. Meetwithaloanofficertolearnwhatloanoptionsareavailable. Theyareequippedtohelpyouchoosetheloanthat'sidealforyou. Cost of Refinancing Your Home Loan Refinancing generally includes the following closing costs: ApplicationFee TitleInsurance&TitleSearch Points&FeesIncurred InLoanOrigination CreditFees Lender’sAttorneyReviewFees InsuranceFee 107 W. Hwy. 190 Copperas Cove, TX 76522 254-542-5100 2201 Trimmier Rd. Killeen, TX 76541 254-680-6158 14641 S. Padre Island Dr., Ste. B Corpus Christi, TX 78418 3106 S. WS Young Dr., Bldg. D, Ste. 402 Killeen, TX 76542 254-953-7000 361-949-4647 10961 Gateway Blvd. West, Ste. 200 El Paso, TX 79935 915-843-2681 8522 Broadway St., Ste. 208 San Antonio, TX 78217 210-340-0404 1320 N. Zaragoza Rd., Ste. 111 El Paso, TX 79936 915-858-1996 7348 W. Adams Ave., Ste. 200 Temple, TX 76502 254-771-0020 2422 E. Main St. Gatesville, TX 76528 254-248-0029 16165 North 83rd Ave., Ste. 200 Peoria, AZ 85382 480-752-3110 201 E. Central Texas Expwy., Ste. 1600 Harker Heights, TX 76548 254-680-6155 100 W. Central Texas Expwy., Ste. 300 Harker Heights, TX 76548 254-690-3765 www.fcmloans4u.com Image Source: Designed by Freepik