How To Get A Personal Loan Personal loans are one of the convenient ways to finance your personal expenses or to fund any unplanned situation. Steps to get a personal loan are: Determine your requirements and figure out your need to take a personal loan. Evaluate the amount that is required. Your loan officer will then determine your loan eligibility and provide you information about how much you can borrow as a personal loan. Calculate your approximate loan repayments for each month according to your monthly income as it will determine the loan tenure. Begin the loan application by providing information such as name, address, amount of loan required, income details, employment details, etc. After verification of the documents, the bank will proceed towards approval and grant the required loan amount to the borrower. 133 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana, AR 71854 3509 E Race Avenue Searcy, AR 72143 1815 E. Highland Drive Jonesboro, AR 72401 2875 W. Martin Luther King Fayetteville, AR 72704 304 S. Rockwood Drive Cabot, AR 72023 www.1stnb.com All loans and collateral subject to approval First National Bank Texas | NMLS #402924 | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender Images Source: Designed by Freepik