Ways To Manage Your Checking Account One of the first steps to take control of your money is learning the technique to manage your bank account. Ways to manage your checking account effectively are: Understand your bank fees by determining the minimum balance and monthly maintenance fee requirements. Be sure to make a note of your transactions and review account statements for accuracy & to avoid overdraft charges. Learn to operate your bank account online to access funds instantly & to manage your account from anywhere. Take advantage of features such as online Bill Pay, automatic transfers, account alerts, etc. to manage your checking account. Secure your checking account by keeping your password safe and notify your bank in case of any suspicious activity on your account. First National Bank Texas/First Convenience Bank 133 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana, AR 71854 3509 E Race Avenue Searcy, AR 72143 1815 E. Highland Drive Jonesboro, AR 72401 2875 W. Martin Luther King Fayetteville, AR 72704 304 S. Rockwood Drive Cabot, AR 72023 www.1stnb.com All loans and collateral subject to approval First National Bank Texas | NMLS #402924 | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender