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Description: If you are looking to buy high quality leather briefcases, bags and accessories for men and women then Floto Imports is the right name to contact with. They design and produce the best quality leather bags and accessories.
When you have made the decision to purchase a leather duffle bag or any other variety, you wouldn't want to go for any quality compromise while staying well within the budget. For a first time buyer, shopping for such an accessory can be quite difficult because no doubt the market is filled with cheap and fake options. These are such clever copies of the original that it is difficult to distinguish the real from the spurious and say anything with much confidence. Wrong choices and you will be saddled with items having low quality levels that will require replacement of the hardware within a year, or even after some months. So how can you separate the overpriced crap from the well-made leather? Is there any way to make decisions with complete confidence? As the experts say if you are not confident whether the leather before you is something fake or the real thing, the best thing to do would be to leave without purchase. Since leather is natural, no artificial material will be able to compete in terms of endurance or quality. Full grain varieties are always the best choice whenever possible. Both the price and the quality of leather depend upon mainly two factors. These are, Tanning process hides selectionHide selection Hide selection signifies natural leather marks and the gradation depends on the associated cleanliness of the hide. What was the health of animal skin? This will determine the price of the leather duffle bags that you buy. Tanning process involves animal skin treatment for leather production so that it becomes less open to decomposition and turns more durable than before. This method uses an acidic chemical and the tanning obtained from fir or oak bark. Procedures used can be mineral or vegetable methods.
Before the tanning process can begin, removal of hair from the animal skin is the first step. This is followed by degreasing, desalting, and soaking in water for 6 hours minimum to maximum two days. During this process, coloring of the skin may also happen. When you are purchasing quality leather, make sure that it has a supple, soft touch that is both inviting and appealing in a natural way. It shouldn't in any way resemble a synthetic or vinyl material. What should be the associated finishing and lining of good quality leather? When you look at it or handle it during purchase, it should feel as if designed for a long haul. It is possible to differentiate easily between something sturdy or haphazardly designed that will not remain useful for long. Edge surface clean finishing of leather is an extremely time-consuming process. Quality bags come with hand polished edges and as such is an indication of thoughtfulness during the design process. What quality of zipper have the manufacturers used in the leather bag you want to purchase? How is the associated hardware like? Do not leave anything to chance when you are investing in something like men’s leather bag. Come where the most authentic products are available only at http://www.flotoimports.com/.
Contact Details :: Floto Imports Inc. 181 Marsh Hill Road, Orange, Ct 06477 , USA Telephone Number: 800.276.2717 Fax: 212.658.9368 Email: customerservice@flotoimports.com Website : http://www.flotoimports.com/