Tips To Keep Your Loan On Track It is important to make timely payments towards your loan installments. Some of the important tips to keep your loan on track are: It is recommended not to apply for or take out new credit during an ongoing loan as it may effect your repayment capacity. Avoid quitting or changing jobs as having a source of stable income is necessary to make your loan payments. It is advised to save & keep some funds aside. Such funds will give cushion to your financial situation in event of unplanned expenditure. It is advised to budget your monthly expenses and set aside the mortgage payment amount. Also, using any bonuses to make additional payment towards mortgage is beneficial, if permitted. Stay organized and avoid unnecessary delays in making your monthly payments that could cost you late payment fees. You may set alerts or automate the payments to avoid delays. Fort Hood National Bank (800) 477 - 9801 www.fhnb.com Warrior Way TJ Mills Building 85006, Fort Hood, TX 76544 Building 109, TJ Mills Boulevard, Fort Hood, TX 76544 Clear Creek Road FHNB Cove 210 Constitution Dr., Ste. A, Copperas Cove, TX 76522 Building 50005 Clear Creek Road, Fort Hood, TX 76544 Main Exchange West Fort Hood Building 91079 Clarke Rd., Fort Hood, TX 76544 Building 4250 Clear Creek Road, Fort Hood, Texas 76544 All loans and collateral subject to approval | Fort Hood National Bank NMLS #403607 | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender Image Source: Designed by Freepik