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To avoid cheating in the exam,the high power jammer with a wide jamming frequencies can be a tool to stop the cell phone ,wireless digital devices usage.<br>More details can be seen from:http://www.jammer-buy.com/high-power-jammer/p-6953.html
Cheating in the exam is a very common questions to the world,it seems that students had learned to cheat when there was a exam. • While cheat sheets are still used,students now are increasingly turning to more technological means to cheat in the exam since the technology is developing rapidly,such as the spy earpiece,MP3 player,surfing the internet,using telephone to ask friends,etc.
We can see that more electronic devices are used to cheat in the examination.To deal with these cheat devices,the high power jammer which can block the cell phone signals,wireless signals can be taken as a effective tool.
Now in China the jammers which can jam wide frequencies with the wide jamming radius have been used in the important regular examination to avoid students cheating in the exam.The products as follows is one of the models.
In conclusion,with the high power blockers,many electronic cheat devices is useless in the exam except the old methods like cheat sheets. • More detail can see: • http://www.jammer-buy.com/high-power-jammer/p-6953.html