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In the Last 10 Minutes

What happens when I can't think of anything to write on my blog

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In the Last 10 Minutes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IN THE LAST 10 MINUTES This is what happens when I can’t think of anything to write on my blog

  2. Recently I’ve seen a lot of self-indulgent slide decks wittering on about: “What I did in the last 10 years, blah, blah....”

  3. You know the kind of stuff: “10 years ago, I moved from Moose-Butt ... to Bilgewater ... and got a job in the slaughterhouse Things were goinggreat until I met ...

  4. Mongo the Pig Who Wouldn’t die!!

  5. Like, Who Cares??? So I wanted to narrow the focus a bit and I came up with ... In the last 10 minutes ...

  6. In the last 10 minutes ... I lost approximately one hair off my head

  7. In the last 10 minutes ... I lost approximately 3.15 million skin cells: I swear I’m looking thinner!

  8. In the last 10 minutes ... I thought approximately 49, individual and distinct thoughts

  9. ... and only 0.013 of them was about sex

  10. ... but, now I’ve just thought about it again so, it’s 1.013, now

  11. And now, it’s 2.013 Damnit! Let’s move on

  12. In the last 10 minutes ... I breathed out 15 times but I only breathed in 14 times let’s see how long I can keep that up?

  13. Hmmm, not long

  14. In the last 10 minutes ... My heart beat about 600 times (except when I was thinking about sex ... then it was a bit quicker. And now that’s 3.013 times and 800 heartbeats - aaaarrrggghh!!)

  15. ... and when I was thinking about boring things my heart pumped 50 litres of blood round my body Which is weird as I only have about 5 and a half litres Where’s the rest come from?

  16. In the last 10 minutes ... I drank half a cup of coffee ...

  17. ... ate one doughnut ...

  18. ... generated 0.77 grams of poop ...

  19. ... and created this pointless deck of slides

  20. and I’m still thinking about sex - Dammit!

  21. To see what I do, when I CAN think of somethingto write on my blog, come and visit Click Here Freedom Blog ...independence through internet marketing References Hair - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060923175810AAj1SSA Skin - http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_skin_cells_do_you_lose_each_day Thoughts - http://www.loni.ucla.edu/About_Loni/education/brain_trivia.shtml Sex - http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/12/15/how-many-times-a-day-do-you-think-about-sex/ Breathe - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080316230101AAg2iBx Heart - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071118032433AAdpaX7 Blood - http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=21474 Poop - http://www.oasisdesign.net/wastewater/sewer/beach.htm

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