1)‘No Story Without Struggle’Sam Wray (single) • 4,160 streams/ 237 monthly listeners. • Genre? Pop! • What is it about? Live your life, make mistakes, everyone has troubles. • What challenges does it present? Would be ideally a performance base music video. May be difficult to cast. • No music video.
2) ‘Different View’Ben Thorpe (Album: NUMB) • 1,594 streams/ 55 monthly listeners. • Genre? Indie • What is it about? Different view of life, seen in negative way, dangerous world. • What challenges does it present? Could be difficult to match the voice to a member at our school. • No music video.
3) ‘Soho Dogs’Goldbirds (single) • 3,872 streams/ 42 monthly listeners. • Genre? Indie Pop! • What is it about? In contrast to the upbeat tune, the lyrics give the sense of a darker nature that combine to make this powerful song. It is a good song for turning from summer into winter where we have the darker evenings. • What challenges does it present? It starts of quite weak however, does build up to become stronger. It could be difficult to cast and the genre looks quite difficult. • No music video.
4) ‘Peach’RALFY (Single) • 6,535 streams/ 987 monthly listeners. • Genre? Pop! • What is it about? The name of the song ‘peach’ is a metaphor for a girl and what he wants to do with her. • What challenges does it present? • No music video.
5) Crtl Alt DeleteJosie Oye (single) • 69,123 streams/ 5,430 monthly listeners • Genre? Pop! • What is it about? A past relationship that she wants deleted out of her mind. She is happier now however, she keeps thinking back to her past relationship so wants rid of the memories. • What challenges does it present? • No music video