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Role of AI in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are a type of research that studies new tests and treatments and evaluates their effects on human health outcome [Source: WHO]

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Role of AI in Clinical Trials

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  1. RoleofAIinClinical Trials

  2. Clinicaltrialsareatypeof researchthatstudiesnewtests andtreatmentsandevaluates theireffectsonhumanhealth outcome [Source:WHO]

  3. 2keyfactorsinsuchtrialsare PatientSelection & Patient Monitoring

  4. AIcanassistinrecruitmentby miningdigitaltrialdatabase, trailannouncements,and socialmediatoidentify potentialmatches

  5. AI/ML/NLPassistsin preclinicalcompound discovery,compound-target testinganddefininglead compounds

  6. IoTandwearableshave enabledreal-timepatient monitoring

  7. DeepLearningsModel analysedatainreal-timefor detectingandlogging relevantevents

  8. AdoptingAIcanacceleratetrialspeedsandlowerfailure ratesandcosts

  9. GAVS Celebrates the power of AI

  10. CONTACT US ADDRESS 116 Village Blvd, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 PHONE +1 609 951 2256 / 7 WEBSITE www.gavstech.com

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