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Sentinel Asia Disaster Management Support System in the Asia-Pacific Region. Masahiko Honzawa Asia Branch of the Disaster Management Support Systems Office, Satellite Applications and Promotion Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). 1 . Current Status 1.1 Results so far
Sentinel Asia Disaster Management Support System in the Asia-Pacific Region Masahiko Honzawa Asia Branch of the Disaster Management Support Systems Office, Satellite Applications and Promotion Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
1. Current Status 1.1 Results so far 1.2 Requisites to make useful and fruitful 2. Implementation Plan 2.1 Approach and Philosophy 2.2 Framework 2.3 Main Activities 2.4 Information-sharing Platform 2.5 Sharing Data 2.6 Milestones 3. Introduction of Web site
http://www.aprsaf.org/ • Established in 1993 after the Asia-Pacific International Space Year Conference (APIC) in 1992 • Enhance the development of space programs in the Asia-Pacific region and promote regional cooperation in the field of space technology and its applications. • [Participation]Space agencies, related governments, regional and international organizations, institutions responsible for applying space technology. • [Organizers] MEXT, JAXA and co-host organizations • Past co-organizers: Government entities of Mongolia, Malaysia, The Republic of Korea, Thailand, Australia Working Groups Earth Observation Communication Satellite Applications ISS Space Education & Awareness Sentinel Asia Project establishing Disaster Management Support System The 13th Session of APRSAF (APRSAF-13) 5-7 Dec. 2006 in Jakarta Indonesia
1.1Results so far Results after APRSAF-12, Oct 2005, Kitakyushu, which approved the plan to initiate the pilot project are as follows: (1) Organization of JPT and Start of Activities • In the 1st Joint Project Team (JPT) Meeting, Feb 2006, Hanoi, Sentinel Asia project was initiated and the implementation plan and JPT membership were discussed. • In the 2nd JPT Meeting, June 2006, Bangkok, the status and evolution of Sentinel Asia was confirmed and Wildfire working group (WG) and Flood WG were launched. • JPT consists of total 52 organizations including 45 agencies from 19 countries and 7 international organizations.
(2) Open of Web Site • Operations of Sentinel Asia have been started from 24. Oct 2006. by opening its web site. (3)Outreach Activities • ACDR2006: March 2006 Soul, Korea • 21st CEOS WGISS: May 2006 Budapest, Hungary • 49th UN COPUOS: June 2006 Vienna, Austria • GEO SEA Disaster Geohazards Workshop: June 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • ASEAN COST+3: August 2006 Kuantan, Malaysia • UN ESCAP Regional Working Group: Sept 2006 Hong Kong, China High-level Expert Group Meeting: October 2006 Taejon, Korea 12th ICC on RESAP: October 2006 Taejon, Korea
1.2Requisites to make Useful and Fruitful (1)The more data (satellite image, digital camera image and regional fine map), the better ・ As many satellites as possible are welcomed to join ・Expected cooperation with other initiatives ASEAN Archives, GEO Grid, GEO Netcast, CEOS WGISS, International Charter, etc. (2)The quicker, the better ・ To provide satellite images immediately after disaster ・ As many satellites as possible are welcomed to join in order to increase opportunity to observe (3)The more value-added and easy-to-understand, the better ・ To provide analyzed images by specialists
(4)Capacity building for users of disaster management organizations ・To incorporate Sentinel Asia in capacity building activities of each agency (5)To start Wildfire and Flood monitoring web site as soon as possible ・To provide routine monitoring data for precipitation, heavy rain, hot spots and satellite images of flood or wildfire area (6)To improve Internet environment in each country ・To utilize WINDS from 2008
1. Current Status 1.1 Results so far 1.2 Requisites to make useful and fruitful 2. Implementation Plan 2.1 Approach and Philosophy 2.2 Framework 2.3 Main Activities 2.4 Information-sharing Platform 2.5 Sharing Data 2.6 Milestones 3. Introduction of Web site
JAXA Vision of a Disaster Management Support Systemin the Asia-Pacific Region Ultra high-speed communication satellite Very large mobile communication satellite Positioning Satellites Earth observation satellites Disaster monitoring Data collection Information delivering to personal terminals Information center Ground observation network Residents in disaster areas Providing services directly to personal terminals in disaster areas
2.1 Approach and Philosophy • Contribution to disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region aiming at: • To construct life first society by ICT and Space technology • To improve speed and accuracy for disaster preparedness and early warning • To minimize victims and social economic losses • Stepwise approach • Step1: Utilization of earth observation satellite data for disaster management and construction of disaster information sharing platform, which is called “Sentinel Asia Project” (2006-2007) • Step2: Utilization of satellite communications system besides earth observation satellites (2008-2009) • Step3: Establishment of comprehensive disaster management support system (2010 and onwards ) • Cooperation among existing communities • Best-efforts-basis and voluntary initiativesby participating organizations 2.2 Framework • Joint Project Team(JPT) consists of total 51 organizations including 44 agencies from 18 countries and 7 international organizations • JAXA has established two project offices in Tokyo and Bangkok
Framework of Sentinel Asia Voluntary and best-efforts-basis initiative by participating organizations Space Community International Community APRSAF* UN / ESCAPUN / OOSA ASEAN AIT etc. Content Satellite Image Promotion of Utilization International Cooperation Sentinel Asia Capacity Building * Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum * Asian Disaster Reduction Center Joint Project Team (JPT) Join Project Team consists of total 51 organizations including 44 agencies from 18 countries and 7 international organizations as of July 2006. Digital Earth / Web-GIS Community Disaster Reduction Community Digital Asia ADRC** Member Countries Information Sharing Platform Web-GIS Data / Meta Data Management Content Disaster Information Content ** Asian Disaster Reduction Center Utilization (User) Digital Map Social / Economic Data Satellite Image
Structure of Sentinel Asia UN/ESCAP UN/OOSA ASEAN AIT Data Provider Nodes Operate own satellite reception facilities and provide earth observation satellite imagery in near real-time International Community Local Service Provider Nodes (User Nodes) Promote utilization of satellite imagery for local disaster organizations APRSAF Research and Training Nodes Capacity building and development of new products Sentinel Asia JPT Technical Implementation Team Support data providers for their implementation and operation of Digital Asia server and to establish Implementation Plan (IP) Space Community Wildfire Working Group ADRC Member Countries Flood Working Group Secretariat JAXA Project Office in Tokyo and Bangkok Disaster Reduction Community Digital Asia Digital Earth / Web-GIS Community
JPT Member JPT Member
ADRC Member Countries 25 Member Countries, 5 Advisor Countries, 1Observer Pakistan as 25th Member country from July 2005 Pakistan ※Implement Various Projects in cooperation with UN/ISDR, UN/OCHA, UNESCO, UNU, WMO, UN/ESCAP, etc.
2.3 Main Activities • Emergency observation in case of major disasters by ALOS and others • ALOS accepts observation requests from ADRC members and others • Wildfire monitoring by MODIS • Flood monitoring by TRMM and AMSER-E • Capacity building for utilization of satellite images for disaster management
ALOS Observation Request JAXA accepts ALOS observation request from ADRC member countries and space agencies of JPT through ADRC ADRC Asian Disaster JAXA Satellite Management image (Asian Disaster Reduction Center) Agencies request Order Desk 25 ADRC member countries Disaster!! ADRC disaster information Observation Planning GIS service(public) Using satellite images ALOS data ALOS observation On-line satellite data Disaster info management provision (specific users) Internet access (in the future) Digital Asia info other agencies' satellites sharing platform
Sentinel Asia Wildfire Monitoring • Wildfire Working Group has been organized: Leader is Prof. M. Fukuda of Hokkaido Univ. • Purpose ・ Regional contribution to the Asia-Pacific region ・Global contribution to prevention of global warming • Main Activities ・Establishment and improvement of early Wildfire Detection based on MODIS data ・To provide hot spot information and satellite images on Web-GIS ・Development of Wildfire expansion forecasting ・Serving value-added information to Forest Fire Control Agency
Wildfire Location Corps Location Base Location Map Overlaid Image Sentinel Asia (MODIS WildfireMonitoring) Hokkaido Univ.(Japan) Satellite observation network AIT/Tokyo Univ. (Thailand) Integration by Digital Asia Web-GIS interface(Keio Univ.) CRISP (Singapore) MainActivities ・Establishment and Improvement of Early Wildfire Detection based on MODIS ・Development of Wildfire Expansion Forecasting ・Serving Value-Added Information to Forest Fire Control Agency Wildfire map of Asia CSIRO (Australia)
Sentinel Asia Flood Working Group • Flood Working Group has been organized: Leader is Mr. K. Fukami of ICHARM • Purpose Contribution to flood disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region by space, GIS, information technology • Main Activities ・Monitoring of Heavy Rainfall and Flood Inundation Area ・Precipitation and Flood Inundation on Web GIS ・Flood Alert for Specific River Basins
Sentinel Asia Flood Monitoring Observation Processing Integration Rainfall Measurement by Satellite Downscaling in Time and Space • Sentinel • Asia • - Social Economic Data • Map Data • ・Monitoring of • Heavy Rainfall and • Flood Inundation • Area • ・Precipitation and • Flood Inundation • on Web GIS • ・Flood Alert for • Specific River • Basins Rainfall Monitoring & Flood Forecasting ・Rainfall Data ・Precipitation Map ・Heavy Rainfall Information ・Flood Forecasting Information GFAS*, IFAS**... TRMM, GPM, AMSR-E... Land Observation by Satellite Image Analysis ・Flood Inundation Map Flood Detection & Situation Analysis ・Land Image JAXA, ICHARM, Dartmouth University... ALOS, MODIS, AMSR-E.... Users Residents in Flood-prone Area ・Planning ・Warning ・Evacuation ・Rescue ・Remediation Disaster Management Organizations *GFAS : Global Flood Alert System (by IFNet) **IFAS : Integrated Flood Analysis System (by ICHARM)
2.4 Information-sharing Platform • Digital Asia (Internet-based Web-GIS) is used • All the data on a Digital Asia server are open to the general public on the Internet as public assets • Sentinel-Asia is an application of the Digital Asia for disaster management objectives • We can see satellite images overlaid on maps with disaster-related information on the Internet • We can easily upload data by putting them on a Digital Asia server (OGC-based) • Technical Implementation Team will support you • Digital Asia server (Hardware) can be provided by Digital Asia if requested
2.5 Sharing Data Sentinel Asia deals with only disaster-related data / images in the Asia-Pacific region. • Disaster information in the Asia-Pacific region provided by ADRC • Digital maps data • A millionth digital map stored in Digital Earth server in Keio Univ. provided by NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency), which covers the whole Asia area (as a default) • Fine regional digital maps (wanted) • Satellite images (processed image data) • LANDSAT images before disaster archived in a Digital Earth server in Keio Univ. provided by Maryland Univ., which covers the whole Asia area • Satellite images of disaster area before and after disaster (wanted) • MODIS data for wildfire monitoring (wanted) • On-site digital camera images (wanted) • Regional social / economic data
2.6 Sentinel Asia Project Milestones 2005 2006 2007 2008 Disaster Management Support System (STEP2) Sentinel Asia Project APRSAF / JPT APRSAF-12 APRSAF-13 APRSAF-14 JPT#1 JPT#2 JPT#3 JPT#4 Digital Asia System (by Keio Univ.) update / maintenance Information Sharing Platform ALOS Rapid Response System (by JAXA, Keio Univ., ADRC) Sentinel Asia System Operations Start Emergency Observation by ALOS Operation Wildfire Monitoring Flood Monitoring JAXA Project Office In Tokyo In Bangkok
1. Current Status 1.1 Results so far 1.2 Requisites to make useful and fruitful 2. Implementation Plan 2.1 Approach and Philosophy 2.2 Framework 2.3 Main Activities 2.4 Information-sharing Platform 2.5 Sharing Data 2.6 Milestones 3. Introduction of Web site
Sentinel Asia Web Site http://dmss.tksc.jaxa.jp/sentinel/
List of Satellite Images and Digital Camera Images concerning disaster area
Thank you for your attention. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Office of Space Applications Sentinel-Asia Project Office E-mail : sentinel.asia@jaxa.jp