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Adelina’s Whales Compiled by: Terry Sams PES Text and Photos by Richard Sobol Study Skills Genre: Photo Essay Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion Comprehension Strategy: Graphic Organizers Comprehension Review Skill: Generalize
Adelina’sWhales Compiled by: Terry Sams PES Text and Photos by Richard Sobol
Study Skills • Genre: Photo Essay • Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion • Comprehension Strategy: Graphic Organizers • Comprehension Review Skill: Generalize • Vocabulary: Homonyms
Summary Adelina Mayoral lives in La Laguna, Mexico. Each January, the gray whales arrive in the lagoon near La Laguna and stay for three months before migrating farther north for the summer. Whale-watchers, scientists, and photographers visit La Laguna from all over the world to observe and interact with the whales.
Genre: Photo Essay • Photo essays use words and pictures to tell about someone or something. As you read, notice how the words and images work together to tell about Adelina and her whales.
Comprehension Skill Review –Fact and Opinion TE 313a • A fact is a statement that can be proved true or false by doing research.
Comprehension Skill Review –Fact and Opinion TE 313a • Statements of opinion tell about a person’s beliefs, feelings, or way of thinking that cannot be proved. • It often contains a word of judgment, such as best, should, or beautiful. • It may begin with the words in my opinion or I believe.
Comprehension Strategy – Graphic Organizers TE 292 • Good readers organize their thoughts as they read. • Jotting down lists or making charts can help you separate statements of fact or opinion. • Using a graphic organizer can help you to understand what you read.
Comprehension Skill Review: Generalizing TE 301 • Sometimes as you read, you are given ideas about several things or people. • When you make a statement about all of them together, you are making a generalization. • These are some of the clue words that help locate generalizations: all, none, many, most, always, usually, few, general. • A valid generalization is accurate. • A faulty generalization is not accurate.
1. What is an example of a generalization? Many birds migrate, or move from one place to another. 2. How do you know this is a generalization? The word many gives a clue that not all birds migrate. 3. What is another generalization? Some birds will fly the same path each year. 4. How do you know this is a generalization? The word some gives a clue. Practice GeneralizationPB116
Author’s Viewpoint The author’s viewpoint is the way an author looks at his or her subject. Look at statements of opinion an author expresses and the statements of fact the author includes. Try to figure out the author’s viewpoint even when it is not stated.
Research/Study Skills – Readers’ Guide TE 313l PB 119-120 • The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature lists articles and other writing published in magazines and journals. • This reference is published in a series of volumes organized by date. • Researchers can search for articles by subject or by author name. • Each entry shows the article name, authors, titles and date of the source it is in, and the pages on which the article appears.
Fun Stuff and Practice • McGraw Hill Activities • 4th Grade Activities • Video • Cause and Effect On-Line PowerPoint • Compare and Contrast • Compare Contrast PowerPoint • Meet the Author • Verbsand more Verbs • and Linking Verbs on Line
Weekly Fluency Check -Tone of Voice TE 313a • You need to change the tone of your voice as you read dialogue to reflect characters’ emotions and make the reading lively. • Read p. 292m for students to dramatize characters voices.
Question of the WeekTE 292m • What patterns in nature guide the lives of animals?
Day 2-Question of the Day • What is the migration pattern of the gray whales Adelina sees?
Day 3 – Question of the Day • What mysteries of the whales might Adelina try to unlock some day?
Day 4-Question of the Day - Review • What questions might a scientist ask about migration?
Review Questions • Give an example of how you know Adelina has a good understanding of nature. • Why do you think the author wrote this selection? • Who did the author say was the first person to have a visit from the whales? • Why do the mother whales come to the lagoon?
Review Questions • How do you know the whales are important to Adelina? • How were the people in La Laguna like the people who visited the village? • What did Adelina mean when she said, “Laguna is the place where two worlds join together?”
Vocabulary - Say It • bluff • lagoon • tropical • massive • biologist • rumbling
More Words to Know altitude ascent swans zone encounter exhaling
biologist • scientist who studies living things, including their origins, structures, activities, and distribution
lagoon a pond or small lake, especially one connected with a larger body of water
bluff a high, steep slope or cliff
tropical of or like the regions 23.45 degrees north or south of the equator where the sun can shine directly overhead
big and heavy; bulky massive
rumbling making a deep, heavy, continuous sound
exhaling breathing out
encounter an unexpected meeting
zone any of the five great regions of Earth’s surface, bounded by imaginary lines going around Earth parallel to the equator
altitude high above sea level
swans large water birds with long, slender, curving necks
ascent act of going up; upward movement
A gray whale was exhaling a blast of hot air as large as a room.
A gray whale was exhaling a blast of hot air as large as a room.
Adelina’s grandfather was tanned from the bright tropical sun.
Adelina’s grandfather was tanned from the bright tropical sun.
Her grandfather told many stories about his first encounter with the whales.
Her grandfather told many stories about his first encounter with the whales.
Adelina might become a biologist who studies the ocean when she grows up.
Adelina might become a biologist who studies the ocean when she grows up.
Her home is a simple shack on a sandy bluff hugging the edge of the Pacific Ocean.
Her home is a simple shack on a sandy bluff hugging the edge of the Pacific Ocean.
The swan is a type of bird that migrates to a milder climate at summer’s end.