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peer to peer Budapest Plenary II - the development of post-socialist metropolises from a pan-European perspective 4 th November 2014. 1 st assignment Hungary + central Europe seen from far 25 years ago.
peer to peer Budapest Plenary II - the development of post-socialist metropolises from a pan-European perspective 4th November 2014
1st assignment Hungary + central Europe seen from far 25 years ago
Swiss people, in the middle of last century, did not travel much and far and look at their own feet (mine, standing on my hometown Zug)
my chosen second home has rarely snow and virtually no mountains..
and not much autumn trees (as I was used to in Switzerland and Canada)..
Vienna 1st trip abroad, and of high school, but central Europe was ‘on the other side’ (and we went mostly to see ‘culture’ as we had learned in school) Berlin student movements meet to discuss pacific coexistence (sponsored by the USA) and we went rather to visit East Berlin and the Brecht Theatre Vilnius nineties (EMTA meeting) National Geographic declares that ere is the centre of Europe
45 years ago Canada
we (Pal Baross and me) are multiple migrants 20 years of Hungary through friends behavior (anthropology says that it is enough to know thoroughly one specimen, but of course it is not quite so, especially if the specimen changes and mutates
we met in Vancouver at UBC to make a master in urban and regional planning, not speaking much English • Vancouver, then a city with old buses, no bicycles.. • We migration around west end of Vancouver • Paul up from a garage (in Budapest) to 27th floor • me 3 apartments in 2 years • me, in Ottawa I worked on the 27th floor • (took longer to get up with the elevators than walking to the office)
learning the trade ‘thegreenbook’ (all knowledge in one textbook; we never read it but leaned a lot from a bunch of professors and from each other, everybody having a different training)
Europe was far away some events and personalities made us think Milan Kundera(1975) Lech Walesa (1980)
last 20 years I came to Budapest (and other Central Europe countries) a number of times through multiple projects, visits… cooperation + friends Bestuf EMTA URBACT QUEST
Integration: achieved? example CIVITAS
EU 15 - NMS balance?
rstussi@gmail.com Ngakou and friends - Yaoundé
2nd assignment migration
forced migration Video Ivan
forced emigration Chestnuts for Xmas Swiss Italians migrate temporarily from Magadino to Zürich
forced emigration from Italy to Switzerland
emigration of poverty from Switzerland to Brasil and for curiosity / snobbism America, Canada…
forced emigration (immigration) from Portugal to everywhere (before 1974 blue color and intelligentsia, now again, mostly trained people) Direct emigration, not via big Portuguese city (and they all construct homes in their village where there are not many opportunities once they come back)
forced emigration from rural to urban ‘urban obsession’! (in Horizon 2020 talk is mostly on ‘urban’! the rest is forgotten)
violent emigration 3 examples
Hungary 1966 almost 60 years ago forced emigration (also to Switzerland – why? Because the Swiss had evicted Jews during the war and had a bad conscience)
Frederike Geerdink @fgeerdinkcarsleft at the kobani - turkey#bordercrossing, by der spiegel. via @FarukArhanpic.twitter.com/cMrVWI2hdu
forced emigration out of Budapest (Roma 2002) (2012 reversed) Ms IldikóSzabó and Mr EndreBalogh with their six-month-old boy were evicted in August 2002 from the 2nd District in Budapest. Photo: ERRC
forced emigration out f the internet
2005 Pope election 2013
put your city on the map! Umbrella Sky project - Águeda - Portugal
FireChat: The App That Fueled Hong Kong’s Umbrella RevolutionThe app was downloaded by protesters almost half a million times in one week
Mobile phone app designer Fung Kam-keung, CEO and founder of Awesapp Limited, holds a smartphone with one of his latest app game called "Yellow Umbrella"
3rd assignment privatization (institutions) (governance)
Lisbon Strategy …to make the EU "the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economyin the world capable of sustainable economic growthwith more and better jobs and greatersocial cohesion, and respect for the environment by....” 13 December 2007
it was for yesterday! but in the meantime…… the crisis…….. the complexity……….
the politicians the process (=bureaucracy?) participation
Planning approval (as reported by András Ekas – MRI)
Politicians, before the elections (Lisbon) Päivi Elmkvist – Lund, Sweden
1st half books (I did the research, a journalist the book: national freeways or the democracy left behind
3 reasons why Switzerland's cantons lost power to the central state: during word war II Switzerland had a General (not in peace times) national freeway network (planned in in the fifties and sixties) (social) housing policies and subsidies
2nd half book Social profile and strategies of ‘clandestinos’ in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area Ruralisation of cities
Voluntarism • politicians (Nuno Portas, Secretary of state for Housing, presentation in Cambridge) • specialists • people learn to associate • municipalities come to existence (and elaborating Master Plans) • (no regions though were created, and are still not!)