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“Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video at UH West O‘ahu”. Eric Flower and Stacey Sawa University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu. flower@hawaii.edu ssawa@hawaii.edu StreamingVideoOnTheNet.com. ED-MEDIA 2003, HONOLULU. Table of Contents. Streaming video Slides 3 - 10
“Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Videoat UH West O‘ahu” Eric Flower and Stacey Sawa University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu flower@hawaii.edu ssawa@hawaii.edu StreamingVideoOnTheNet.com ED-MEDIA 2003, HONOLULU
Table of Contents • Streaming video • Slides 3 - 10 • Purpose of the study • Slides 11 - 14 • Production and distribution • Slides 15 - 22 • Results • Slides 23 - 32 E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video” Stacey Sawa Photo
Internet Streaming • An Internet data transfer technique that allows the user to see and hear audio and video files without lengthy download times • The host or source “streams” small packets of information over the Internet to the user, who can access the content as it is received E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Software We Used • We used apps from RealNetworks.comto encode and serve our classroom-based streaming video • RealProducer (now Helix Producer) to capture and encode video • RealServer (now Helix Universal Server) to distribute the video • RealPlayer and RealOne Player to view streaming video E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Streaming Video Process Capture with RealProducer Distribute with RealServer, view with RealPlayer/ RealOne Encode with RealProducer E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Production System Videocapture Videotape backup Videomonitor Mixer Audio capture Splitter Audio monitor Encoding PC E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Distribution System Chat session ITS StreamingServer RealPlayer/RealOne Clients E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Equipment Cart Click here to see our equipment list E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Video Was Delivered Directlyto the Student’s Desktop • We did not broadcast to studios or computer labs where students would have to gather to participate—delivery was directly to the student’s desktop E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Purpose of the Study: 1 • To identify levels of preparation and support (equipment, software, staffing, facilities, infrastructure, etc.) necessary to produce and distribute live classroom-based Internet streaming video at low cost to students at home or in their offices • Remote students would offer their comments and questions through a simultaneous live chat session E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Purpose of the Study: 2 • To see if we could broaden access to classes by offering them over the Internet • To find out how much teaching methods needed to change to be successful in this environment • To make archived files available to students for viewing on demand E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Purpose of the Study: 3 • To see if we could improve class content and teaching methods by reviewing archived files • To see if we could improve administrative decisions by reviewing archived files • To gauge student response to instructional delivery to the desktop at home or in an office E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Purpose of the Study: 4 • To see if classes could be broadcast from any campus classroom location and not be tied to a studio; if successful, more classes could be offered to remote students E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video” Eric Flower Photo
Video Encoding Rates • RealProducer can encode video files for streaming to any combination of the following clients: • 28.8Kbps or 56Kbps for dial-up modems • 64Kbps for single or 128Kbps for dual ISDN lines • 150Kbps for local area networks • 256Kbps, 384Kbps, or 512Kbps for faster LANs, cable connections, and digital subscriber lines (DSL) E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Encoding Rates and File Size • Triple stream video files encoded at 56Kbps, 150Kbps, and 256Kbps use 3.9 megabytes of storage per minute • Stream to the viewer at the highest reliable connection, typically 34, 150, or 225Kbps • This multistream provides a good balance of sound and picture quality and targets dial-up, LANs, and broadband • In the future we may encode at 56, 150, and 384Kbps for playback at 34, 150, and 350Kbps E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Connections: LAN/Broadband • Local Area Network (LAN) and broadband connections (cable, DSL) are clearly better • Video encoded at 256Kbps is received at 225Kbps • Video encoded at 384Kbps is received at 350Kbps • Video encoded at 512Kbps is received at 450Kbps • Sound and video are both good • Acceptable for motion, detail, and close-up work E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Connections: 56K Dial-up 1 • Streaming video encoded for 56Kbps dial-up modems is received at 34Kbps • Sound is good • Picture is not nearly as good as 150, 225, or 350Kbps streams • Video is choppy and there may be frequent rebuffering if there is network congestion • More like a slide show than a motion picture E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Connections: 56K Dial-up 2 • May not be acceptable for classes or demos involving motion, detail, or close-up work • May be acceptable for discussion-based classes with little movement • May be acceptable for large image PowerPoint presentations with little or no animation E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Connections: 28.8K Dial-up • 28.8K modem connection is problematic • Should be used as a streaming video transmission speed in limited circumstances • Little motion in presentation • No need for detail or close-up work • No need for synchronization of sound and video E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video” Stacey Sawa Photo
Results: 1 • It’s possible to create and distribute good quality narrow bandwidth (<512Kbps) Internet streaming video with limited staff at low cost when using software from RealNetworks.com and off the shelf (Radio Shack) hardware E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 2 • Instructor’s teaching style and course content must be amenable to this delivery method if it is to be successful • Instructors don’t need to change their classroom methods very much to succeed with Internet streaming video broadcasting; long periods of training appear to be unnecessary E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 3 • Preparation, rehearsal, and timely distribution of supporting material are critical to successful streaming video presentations • Instructors found reviewing archived streaming video files to be a valuable tool for improving class content and teaching methods E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 4 • Faculty workload increases in this environment, but not nearly as much as in an asynchronous text or multimedia-based online teaching environment • Time spent on preparation and production is less with streaming video, though post-production work may be more, depending on the faculty member’s decisions on how much to do after class E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 5 • Student response to viewing classroom presentations (both live and archived) was generally favorable; the faster the Internet connection, the better the student experience • Student response to live classes was generally good, even from those with relatively slow 56Kbps dial-up connections E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 6 • Students want more classes offered via streaming video if they have access to fast connections like Oceanic Cable’s RoadRunner service E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 7 • Students thought viewing archived streaming video class files on demand (asynchronously) was as effective from an instructional viewpoint as participating in the live class (synchronously), provided they could then interact with the instructor via e-mail, chat, or videoconferencing • Asynchronous delivery with a scheduled online class meeting component could increase access E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 8 • Archived files could be viewed when network traffic was low, or, archived files could be distributed on CDs which would eliminate delivery problems associated with slow network connections or network congestion—this could be a boon to less developed areas with weak infrastructures E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results: 9 • It’s possible to broadcast streaming video to or from any UH West O‘ahu classroom or conference room • Network improvements made in Spring 2002 dramatically increased network bandwidth into and out of the UH West O‘ahu campus with concomitant improvements in streaming video delivery quality and viewer satisfaction E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Results 10: Bandwidth is Critical • Network bandwidth is the critical variable in streaming video viewer satisfaction • Faster connections support notably better viewer experiences • No amount of preparation can overcome problems associated with a slow connection or network congestion • Viewers will blame you or the technologyif their picture is bad E. Flower, “Low Cost Narrow Bandwidth Classroom-based Streaming Video”
Thanks for watching! Eric Flower and Stacey Sawa University of Hawai‘i-West O‘ahu