1. Switzerland:Europe’s Life Sciences CorridorDoris Klietmann, M.B.A.November 4-6, 2004
2. Switzerland: Home to Life Sciences Research and the Healthcare Industry
Switzerland is home to first class university research institutions and a flourishing biotechnology sector
Many world-class pharmaceutical companies are Swiss:
All non-Swiss pharmaceutical companies are also well represented in Switzerland
Switzerland is home to more than 500 medical device companies Overview
4. World Class Research Institutes
Five medical schools and university clinics
Eight universities with scientific departments and management schools
Seven universities of applied sciences
Two institutes of technology, specialized in biomedical and medical device technologies engineering
5. Switzerland – A World Leader in R&D
6. Public and Private Research Laboratories Friedrich Miescher Institute, (FMI), Basel
Roche Center for Medical Genomics, Basel
Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC) and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Lausanne
European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva
IBM Research Institute, Zurich/Rueschlikon
Maurice E. Mueller Institute for Biomechanics (MIB), Berne
Swiss Center for Electronic and Microtechnology (CSEM), Neuchatel
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Zurich-Wuerenlingen
Institute for Biomedical Technique, Buchs
Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics (SIB), Geneva
Swiss Center for Scientific Computing (CSCS), Lugano
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), Bellinzona
Institute of Research in Ophthalmology (IRO), Sion
AO/Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (ASIF), Davos
7. Gateway to the Medical Market Clinical Trials
Medical schools, university clinics, regional hospitals provide excellent network for clinical trials
Access to highly reputable physicians and specialists with the experience to evaluate new products in the clinical environment and to assist with the launch of these products in the international market
Registration & Certification System
Efficient way and short time to market
8. Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
A major node in the Champions League - international research
CEST RANKING # 2 in Europe
# 14 Worldwide
21 Nobel Laureates
Awards: Pritzker Prizes, Fields Medal
ETH = Engine for the Swiss Economy
# 1 in Engineering - Worldwide
# 2 in Life Sciences - Worldwide
9. Swiss Scientists Enjoy Access to E.U. Cash
Under the new agreement Swiss researchers and companies gain access to substantial EU funds and to a broad research network
10. Science City in Zurich
Creation of an ambitious project to be completed in 2010
New campus with multiple interconnections to create a new type of culture and environment for the sciences
11. The Swiss Economy
Switzerland is poor in natural resources
Country is exporting knowledge:
Made in Switzerland
Invented in Switzerland
12. The Swiss Biotech Industryincludes World Leaders
Central location in one of the world’s leading high-tech manufacturing and life-sciences
Unrestricted access to European market for more than 500 million consumers
A highly skilled multilingual workforce conversant in English, French, Italian and German
Short product registration cycles – as few as four months in some cases
Sophisticated scientific environment leading in medical devices, precision instruments and life sciences
The Swiss biotechnology industry is one of the largest and most diversified in Europe
13. Locations of Major Biotechnology Clusters Greater Zurich Area
Basel Biotech Valley - “Arc Allemanique”Growing inter-connections between Zurich and Basel
Lausanne/Geneva “Arc Lemanique”
14. The Position of the Swiss Industry
Long tradition
Over the 150+ years since the industrial revolution, Switzerland has developed a powerful chemistry & drug industry -- a strong example of Swiss competitiveness
Innovative and cutting edge
The chemical/pharmaceutical industry invests large sums of money on R&D
Highest quality
Strong collaboration with universities and the two federal institutes of technology in Zurich and Lausanne
Multinational player
15. The Formula for Swiss Competitiveness Manufacture special products (watches, drugs)
Guarantee the delivery date
Provide financing through world class banking system
Offer first class after sales service
Distribute products world wide to achieve economies of scale
Build local subsidiaries where necessary
Examples: Pharmaceutical Industry Headquarters are all in Basel
Roche: Large production site in Nutley, NJ, worldwide research transferred to Nutley, NJ
Novartis: Subsidiary in NY
Research: Institute of Biomedical Research in Cambridge, MA
16. Switzerland and the Medical Device Industry More than 500 medical device companies are located in Switzerland
Switzerland is the center of world-class High Tech Manufacturing and Life Science regions with collaborations in nearby Germany, France and Italy
Great support arises from the combination of life sciences and medical research with micro-technology, precision instruments and medical devices (cross-fertilization)
The device industry profits from direct cooperation with state of the art hospitals and world class medical services
Switzerland’s device industry spends US$500 million annually for R&D. Export revenue: US$2 billion/year
Swiss based companies have unrestricted access to fast growing US$25 billion Pan-European market (EU)
17. Leading Medical DeviceCompanies in Switzerland
Surgical instruments, endoscopic systems (minimally invasive surgery)
Implantible devices (dental implants), prosthesis, reconstructive surgery
Chip technology (diagnostic devices for biochemical diagnostics, miniaturized systems
18. The Advantages of Relocating to Switzerland Switzerland has the highest number of working hours per year of any nation in Europe
Switzerland has excellent telecommunications and transportation infrastructure
Swiss federal and cantonal authorities are flexible and helpful for both Swiss and foreign companies
Switzerland offers generous tax incentives for companies; payroll taxes are low
Swiss universities stand for high quality research results
Many scientists have international stature and several Nobel laureates have been named for achievements in the biological sciences
Switzerland has one of the highest standards of living
19. Domestic Medical Device Companies Several multinational players have R&D and manufacturing roots in Switzerland
Hoffmann La Roche (diagnostic division) - world leader in clinical pathology
Straumann - dental implants
Phonak - hearing systems
Stratec Medical - orthopedic trauma treatment
Tecan - analytic instruments for laboratory automation
Nobel-Biocare - dental implants
Centerpluse - orthopedic division
Stryker Trauma - surgical devices
Comet AG - mass spectrometry, industrial x-ray, vacuum technology
In addition, Switzerland also has a substantial number of smaller and start-up companies
20. Foreign Medical DeviceCompanies in Switzerland Switzerland is home to a growing number of foreign medical device companies serving the EU market
Baxter BioScience Manufacturing - Neuchatel
CIBA Vision - Basel, ophthalmic devices
Hamilton Medical - Rhaezuens, intensive care ventilators
Hewlett-Packart Europe - Geneva, medical electronic equipment
Medtronic - Tolochenanz, pacemakers
Millenium Biologix - Schlieren, medical technology, tissue regeneration
Sterling Diagnostic Imaging - Geneva, medical x-ray films
Schott Polymer GmbH - St. Gallen
Medicon Diagnostics GmbH - Duedingen, R&D
Staar Surgical - Biel, lens implants
LASCO Group - Basel, medical laser equipment
21. The Financial Marketplace in Switzerland
Banking System - Highly developed and efficient, provides financing on favorable terms
SWX Swiss Exchange - One of the world’s most technologically advanced and leading securities exchange
IPO – Going Public - SWX lists many blue-chip life-science companies (Roche, Novartis, Serono, Nestle). IPO in Switzerland is attractive for obtaining equity financing
22. Q&A