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The Book of Hebrews. John Oakes, Bangkok January, 2015. By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. Hebrews 8:13 AD 70. Introduction cont.
The Book of Hebrews John Oakes, Bangkok January, 2015
By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear. Hebrews 8:13 AD 70
Introduction cont. • Purpose: To give heart to Christians who have endured but are being tempted to waver in their faith. • Warnings against “falling away.” • Theme: The preeminence of Jesus Christ!!! • His deity • The greatness of his ministry • The greatness of his sacrifice • The greatness of his covenant
Outline of Hebrews • 1:1-2:18 Jesus is greater than the angels: Therefore let us pay attention. • 3:1-4:13 Jesus is greater than Moses: Therefore let us persevere. • 4:14-6:12 The priesthood of Jesus is greater than the priesthood of Aaron: Therefore let us move on to maturity. • 6:13-7:28 Jesus is the Great High Priest “in the order of Melchizedek.” • 8:1-10:39 Jesus is the author of a better covenant than that of Moses: Therefore let us persevere to the end. • 11:1-12:29 A practical example of endurance: The faithful cloud of witnesses: Therefore accept God’s discipline in your life. • 13:1-25 Summary and final advice.
Things to look for in Hebrews(Think about the purpose and the theme) • Things about Jesus which make him awesome. • “better” 13 times, “perfect” (teleon)15 times. • “Let us” exhortations. • Hebrews 4:1 let us be careful • Hebrews 4:11 let us, therefore, make every effort • Hebrews 4:14 let us hold firmly to the faith we profess • Etc. Hebrews 4:16, 6:1, 10:22,23,24,25 12:1,2 12:28 • 13:13, 15
Let’s Start! • Prologue: Hebrews 1:1-4 • In the past, God spoke through the prophets… • But now, he speaks to us by his son!!! • Jesus is greater than the prophets.
Heb 1:2,3 The Greatness of God’s Songreat, amazing, excellent, unique, overpowering, beautiful, impressive, beyond imagination, mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, spectacular,…… • He will inherit everything (Col 1:15, Romans 8:17) • Our inheritance is through his inheritance. • The universe was made through (and for) Him. (John 1:3) • He is the radiance of the glory of God. (John 8:12) • Apaugasma = effulgence, shining forth • He is the image of God (John 1:18) • Character = wax seal, exact representation. God revealed himself. • He sustains all things • beginning (Creator) middle (Sustainer) end (Inheritor) of all. • He provided purification for sin • He mediates for us at God’s right hand
1:4-14 Jesus is greater than the angels • Angel = messenger, mediator Greek aggeloiHebrew malakim • Archangels Michael (Daniel 10:21) Gabriel (Daniel 8:16, Luke 1:19) • Evil angels who controlled Greece and Persia (Daniel 10:20) • An angel destroys Jerusalem (2 Sam 24) • Cherubim (Ezekiel 10, Genesis 3:24) • Seraphim (Isaiah 6:6) • Guardian angels (Matthew 18:10) • Satan is a “fallen angel”? • Myriads upon myriads… (Daniel 7:10) • Jewish ideas…
1:4-14 Jesus is greater than the angels • Angel = messenger, mediator Greek aggeloi Hebrew malakim • v. 5,6 A greater name (position, rank): God’s SON • v. 7-11 Angels are temporary, changing (winds and fires), but Jesus is unchanging and eternal. • v. 12,13 Angels are ministering spirits. Jesus is the one ministered to. Why worship a worshipper? • Application: Do not admire the messenger, admire the sender of the message; Jesus Christ.
2:1-18 Exhortation #1 Pay careful attention! • “pay attention” = prosechein= to fix, moor a ship. • “drift away” = pararrein= to slip away, as with the tides, by careless inattention. • violation = parabasis = outright rebellion • disobedience = parakoe = careless hearing or unwillingness to hear • The point: If the Jews had to pay attention to a Law delivered by angels, and if they faced capital punishment for not listening, how much more ought we to pay attention to Jesus, and how much more great a punishment if we do not. • LISTEN UP!!!
Question: Heb 2:3 How might we “ignore (neglect) such a great salvation?”
Because Jesus Became Like Us… • v.10 Because he suffered like us we are saved • v. 11 Because he came here, we are “of the same family.” • v. 14 Because he shared our humanity, we are no longer slaves • v. 16 Because he is like us, he is a merciful high priest. • v. 17 Because he suffered, he can relate and help those who are tempted.
Heb 2:10, 12:2 The importance of Jesus’ humanity and his suffering. • ArchegosJesus is author, founder, pioneer, source, origin; the one who goes first both to make and to point the way for us. • TeleiosJesus is the perfecter, the completer. He is the one who points the way, but he is also the one who completes the journey toward perfection. He is our perfecter through suffering. • In becoming human, Jesus forged a way for us into the presence of God. • The Point: Jesus is both the initiator and the completer of our salvation. Everything depends on Jesus, not us.
Jesus is Greater Than Moses • Hebrews 1:1-3 Jesus greater than all the prophets before him. • Hebrews 1:4-14 Jesus is greater than the angels. • Hebrews 3:1-5 Jesus is greater than Moses.
Parallels Between Moses and Jesus Moses Jesus Pharaoh tried to kill him Herod tried to kill him Called by God to leave Egypt Carried out of Egypt Forty years in the wilderness to prepare por his ministry Forty days in the wilderness to prepare for his ministry Left his position with the king of Egypt to dwell with the Jews Left the right hand of the Father to life with the Jews Led Israel out of slavery in Egypt Leads Spiritual Israel out of sin Aaron prepared the way John the Baptist prepared the way Baptized Israel in the Red Sea in order to free them Commands baptism in water for freedom from sin Gave manna in the wilderness (sort of) Gives spiritual bread to all who hunger Gave water to the people in the desert Gives spiritual water: the Holy Spirit Spoke to God on Mt. Sinai Spoke to God on Mt. Hermon
Jesus: a new and better Moses Moses a household servant (v.5) Jesus owns the house (v. 6) Moses faithful in God’s house Jesus faithful over God’s house • Moses received the Law Jesus is the Law • Moses gave them bread Jesus is the bread
Exhortation #2 • Do not harden your hearts. (Hebrews 3:8) • Do not turn away. (Hebrews 3:12) • Do not let your bodies fall in the desert. (Hebrews 3:17) • Do not fall short. (Hebrews 4:1) • Make every effort to enter(do not rest). (Hebrews 4:11)
Our Goal: • A Sabbath rest with God. katapausis • Sabbath-rest = with God in heaven • The point: You will rest in heaven. Do not start resting now!
Question: In what ways are you tempted to rest now, rather than in heaven?
What is at stake? Everything! • They shall never enter my rest 3:11, 4:5 • We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly to the end the confidence we had at first. 3:14 • They were not able to enter because of their unbelief 3:19 • Some… did not go in because of their obedience 4:6 • So that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience 4:11 • Do you get the point?
IV Jesus the Great High Priest • Like a High priest: • Can relate to us (Heb 4:15) • Makes intercession before God for us (Heb 4:16) • Offer gifts (fragrant offerings) and sacrifices (sin, guilt offering) (Heb 5:1) • Selected by God from men (Heb 5:1,4-5) • Represents man to God (Heb 5:1) • Greater than any High Priest • Serves in the Heavenly Tabernacle, not the earthly one. (Heb 4:14) • Tempted, yet was without sin. (Heb 4:15) • Did not need to offer sacrifices for his own sin. (Heb 5:3) • A priest forever (Heb 5:6) • A priest from the order of Melchizedek (Heb 5:6) • Brings us into the real inner sanctuary. (Heb 4:16)
A wonderful word… metriopatheiaHeb 5:2 Empathy, Sympathetic feeling, Bear with people without becoming angry Completely unlike the Greek concept of God God cannot possibly feel anything or he is weak.
Exhortation #3 • Grow up! • Move on to maturity. • Mature in life and docrine (1 Timothy 4:16) • Do not be nothros(slow-moving in mind, torpid, witlessly forgetful, dull of hearing) • Are you on a diet of milk? • Grow up both in the knowledge (v. 12) and the practice (v. 14) of holiness.
Hebrews 6:4-6 Who is he talking to? • a. been enlightened (NT church “enlightened” = baptized) • b. tasted the heavenly gift (salvation?) • c. shared in the Holy Spirit • d. tasted the goodness of the word • e. tasted the coming age (saved) • Yes, you can fall away! Conclusion: You had better move on toward maturity in Christ.
Hebrews 6:4-8 • It is impossible… if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance. • They are crucifying the Son of God all over again. • Land that produces thorns… will be burned.
Falling Away • Crucifying the Son of God all over again. • Subjecting Jesus to public disgrace • Trampling the Son of God under foot. (Heb 10:29) • Insulted the Holy Spirit (Heb 10:29) • Blasphemed (spoken against) the Holy Spirit (Matt 12:32) • Committed the unforgivable sin (1 John 5:16) • What is the “unforgivable sin?” To willfully, deliberately continue in sin. (Hebrews 10:26)
The solution • Grow. Move on to maturity. (5:11-6:4) • Persevere in your faith. (6:9-6:20) Hebrews 6:9-20 God’s Assurance Two unchangeable things: God’s Word God’s Oath (Genesis 22:16-18) Jesus, your anchor, is behind the veil with the Father
V. The Priesthood of Jesus is greater than the Levitical/Aaronic Priesthood. I Jesus is greater than all the prophets II Jesus is greater than the angels III Jesus is greater than Moses IV Jesus the great High Priest V The Priesthood of Melchizedek is greater than the Priesthood of Aaron VI (and Jesus is greater than Abraham)
Melchizedek: An interesting guy! • Without genealogy, without descendents. (Hebrews 7:3) • “Without beginning of days or end of life” (Hebrews 7:3) • A priest forever. (Hebrews 7:3, Psalm 110:4) • The King of Salem (Jerusalem) (Genesis 14:18) • A priest, but not of the family of Levi. (Heb 7:6) • He blessed Abraham. (Genesis 14:19) • Abraham offered him a tithe/sacrifice (Genesis 14:20). • A priest “forever” (Heb 7:3, Psalm 110:4)
Melchizedek: Prefigure of Christ • Melchizedek means King of Righteousness. • King of Salem means King (prince?) of Peace. • The King of physical Jerusalem. • Without beginning or end of days. • Without descendants. • High Priest because of his character, not by descent. • Greater than Abraham (Heb 7:4, John 8:53-58). • Gave Abraham bread and wine (last supper, Lord’s Supper) • Not a Levite (not even a Jew!) • A priest for everyone; not just for the Jews. • A priest and a king.
What is a Priest? • A Pontifex Literally, a bridge-builder. A mediator. An advocate. A representative. One who give access. • The bridge before Jesus: • The Law • The Priest and the Sacrificial System • But they did not work, and that is the point of Hebrews 7-9
The Argument of the Hebrew Writer • Abraham offered him a tithe/sacrifice The lesser priesthood (Abraham, Levi) offers to the greater (Melchizedek, Jesus). Hebrews 7:5-9. • This prefigures the fact that a new priesthood and a new law was required. Hebrews 7:11-16 • Why? The old priests died (v. 23-25), and they were not perfect (v. 26-28). • Melchizedek a priest forever by an oath from God (remember Hebrews 6:17-18) Hebrews 7:21-22.
Conclusion: • Hebrews 7:28 The law appoints as high priests men who are weak, but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever. • Hebrews 7:22 Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant.
Chapter 8 – 10:18 From Shadow to RealityHebrews 10:1 • We have already seen that the Aaronic priesthood was a foreshadow of Jesus’ priesthood. Therefore; 1. The First Covenant was a foreshadow of the New Covenant (ch 8). 2. The Jewish Tabernacle was a foreshadow of the Heavenly Tabernacle (Hebrews 9:1-11). 3.Old Covenant sacrifices were a foreshadow of New Covenant sacrifice: The blood of Jesus. (Hebrews 9:12-10:18)
Hebrews 8 A Better Covenant • 8:5 A copy (hupodeigmasketch-plan, diorama) and a shadow (skiashadow, reflection silhouette) • 8:3 Better gifts and better sacrifices • 8:5 Follow the exact pattern. • 8:6-12 A better covenant • 8:13 The old covenant is about to disapear (AD 70)
Hebrews 9:1-11 A Better Tabernacle Holy Place, table, menorah, incense altar, curtain, ark, mercy seat, cherubim, etc… These are only physical things. 9:7 Only for sins committed “in ignorance.” 9:11 Jesus Christ is in a much better tabernacle—one in heaven!
Coming Into the Presence of God • The Jewish men could only come up to the gate. • The Levites could only come into the courtyard. • The Priests could enter the Holy Place. • The High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies one day a year, for just a few minutes, after sprinkling blood all over the Holy Place and into the Holy of Holies for his own sin. • Us: Hebrews 10:19
A Better SacrificeQ: Were the Jews saved by observing the Law of Moses? • Hebrews 10:4 It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. • Hebrews 10:11 …the same sacrifices which can never take away sins… • Rev 13:8 From God’s perspective, Jesus was slain from the creation of the world. • Answer: yes…. and no…..
Sacrificial Type and Antitype Old Testament Sacrifice New Testament fulfillment Scriptures Sweet Savor Offerings (gifts) The Burnt Offering Jesus’ and our devotion to God Ephesians 5:1,2 Romans 12:1,2 The Grain Offering Giving back a contribution to God Matthew 6:19-21 Romans 8,9 The Drink Offering Pouring out our life for God Luke 22:20 Philippians 2:16 The Fellowship Offering Celebrating our blessings from God John 10:10 1 Thess 5:16 Blood Sacrifices The Sin Offering Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins 1 Peter 1:18,19 2 Corinthians 5:21 The Guilt Offering Maintaining a relationship with one another Matthew 5:23,24
A Better SacrificeHebrews 9:23 It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things with better sacrifices than these
The Greatness of Jesus I Jesus is greater than all the prophets II Jesus is greater than the angels III Jesus is greater than Moses IV Jesus the great High Priest V The Priesthood of Melchizedek is superior to the Priesthood of Aaron VI Jesus is greater than Abraham VII The New Covenant (in and through Jesus) is superior to the Old Covenant (through Moses) VIII The heavenly Tabernacle is greater than the earthly Tabernacle. IX The sacrifice of Jesus is of far greater worth than the OT sacrifices
Exhortation #4 A Summary Exhortation • Exhortation #1 Pay attention Heb 2:1-18 • Exhortation #2 Do not turn back. Persevere Heb 3:6-4:13 • Exhortation #3 Grow up. Become mature Heb 5:11-6:20 • Exhortation #4 Summary exhortation. Hebrews 10:19-12:29
Summary Exhortation • 10:19-22 Let us draw near [to God] • 10:23 Let us hold to our confession of hope without wavering • 10:24 Let us be concerned about one another and encourage one another toward love and good deeds • 10:25 Let us not stop meeting together. • 10:25 Let us encourage one another.
Hebrews 10:26-31 The Horror of Sin: Falling Away • V. 26 hekousisdeliberate, habitual, willful sin • V. 26 No sacrifice for sins is left. Why? • V. 29 Trampled the Son of God under foot. • V. 29 Insulted the Spirit of Grace. • It is mine to avenge. I will repay (Deut 32:35) It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 11 Heroes of the FaithThe key to perseverence is faith Heb 11:1 Faith is being certain of what we do not see. It requires that we deny our senses. Heb 11:3 What is seen was not made from the visible Heb 11:6 Faith… must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Why were these men and women commended by God? • They refused what the world calls greatness and staked everything on God. • They chose what is unseen rather than what is seen. Lesson: In many ways, our worst enemy is success and prosperity. What the world seeks is what will destroy everything that is important. Example: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Daniel Ch. 3 What could they see?????
By Faith…. • By faith Abel gave a better sacrifice. • By faith Enoch pleased God. • By faith Noah built the ark, condemned the world and saved his family
By Faith…. By faith Abraham left everything behind…. By faith Abraham became the father of many nations. By faith Abraham offered up his one and only son.