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A Delegation of Educators From Abroad Visiting the Israeli Bachar School

A Delegation of Educators From Abroad Visiting the Israeli Bachar School

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A Delegation of Educators From Abroad Visiting the Israeli Bachar School

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  1. The "Bachar" School Is Hosting a Delegation of Leading Educators From Developing Countries, Assigned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  2. The Bachar School, run by Eti Hudida, which nurtures its students with leadership and entrepreneurship skills, has accepted Galit Zamler request to host a delegation of leading educators from developing countries, assigned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the visit was to let the delegation closely learn about how the school educates for entrepreneurship in practice.

  3. Head of the Even Yehuda council, Mr. Avi Harari, head of the Education Department in Even Yehuda, Dr. Shay Prochtmann, joined the visit as well.

  4. The children are excited and are waiting for the delegation members with flags, according to their corresponding country of origin

  5. A reception and a joint photograph

  6. The head of the council explains about "Even Yehuda" and the effort the council makes to push the education forward. The school principal explains the rationale of which the school educates, the motto which is: To dream, To believe, To do.

  7. The student representatives tell of the various courses that are offered in the school, the various leadership groups that they lead, the learning in diverse spaces, and about the fact that they enjoy coming to school because it allows personal expression.

  8. A tour of the organic-ecological garden, which was creatively constructed by the school's students and is used by them in the researching process in the scientific studies, in education for sustainable development and in nourishing traditional and modern agriculture.

  9. Michal, the science teacher, explains about the research greenhouse, its contribution to the learning process and that the entrepreneurship of creating the greenhouse was made by one of the parents, Ori Azrieli, and thanks to him, the students learn about different types of fertilizers as part of PBL-based learning. Like so, older students teach younger students in the greenhouse.

  10. The student choir sang Hanukkah and moral songs, written by the parents, which turned into a part of the school's being, in front of the delegation.

  11. A visit to the school's orchid greenhouse

  12. A tour to the astronomy museum in the school, where sixth graders learn about space.

  13. The delegation members watched a lesson, where the first graders were taught by the sixth graders. This time, the lesson dealt with Hanukkah and the scientific aspect of the light and the spinning of the top.

  14. After seeing the students enjoy a variety of activities during an active recess, the guests asked to experience OTD activity and enjoyed the task.

  15. The students tell about the learning spaces on the subject of morals and their connection to entrepreneurship: cooperating, choosing, curiosity, social involvement, researching, responsibility, and more.

  16. A journey to lead entrepreneurship – the students tell the delegation members about the entrepreneurial process they experience in doing projects, thinking of the idea, the difficulties, the need to start all over again, solutions to challenges and the successful implementation.

  17. A visit to the creative room where the leadership students gather, come up with ideas, plan, and later execute them in their own classes.

  18. Watching a video prior to entering an escape room that was planned and made by the students, with the assistance of the school staff and the parents.

  19. The student Roi, explained the importance of children's rights and that enforcing those rights lead students to feel a sense of capability, pride, belonging etc.

  20. Yossi Michal, responsible for student rights in the Ministry of םימרוג דליה תויוכז שומימש ךכ לעו דליה תויוכז לע הדפקהה תובישח לע ריבסה יעור דימלתה דועו תוכייש . Education, explained the meaning of ensuring the children's rights by the education system, and its effect on the students. , הוואג , תולגוסמ לש השוחת םידימלתל

  21. Michal, the Sports teacher, told the delegation members about the entrepreneurship that she leads with the school's students.

  22. Lena, the math teacher, talked about the elective courses that the teachers develop, and the two courses that she developed experiential learning of subjects in Mathematics and Geometry.

  23. Eyal, the English teacher, told about a photography course that he teaches the students. The course brings out the student's creativity, and allows them to experiment with various tools and techniques for photographing and editing.

  24. Yuval and Yael, two leading parents at the school, spoke about the cooperation between the parents and the teachers in favor of the students, that was created due to the openness of the school administration and the parent's understanding, that a happy teacher is a better teacher for their kids. The parents presented three projects that were established with their assistance in school and in the community.

  25. A great thanks to Eti Hudida, the school's header, to Varda Tayeb, her deputy, to Nataly Smipor, the events and culture coordinator, and to the entire school staff for contributing and for the inspiring visit. Galit Zamler Founder of Entrepreneurship for Kids Program https://www.tomorrowsuccess.com/

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