Board Games Venture at School "Mordei HaGeta'ot“ elementary school in Israel Educates for leadership, entrepreneurship and business management Young students who participate in the "Entrepreneurship for Kids" program
The Entrepreneurial Team The “Entrepreneurial Leadership” team from “Mordei HaGeta’ot”school in Israel, implemented the Entrepreneurship for Kids program, led by the teacher Michal Maman.
Brainstorming for Ventures After a learning process and being exposed to various ventures from children and adults, the entrepreneurial leadership group students also began to have ideas for ventures.
Board Game Venture Idea Shachar and Shira- two young entrepreneurs- had the idea to set up a board game room in the school, which all students could use. A board game room
Getting a Team Together Additional young entrepreneurs in the leadership group loved the idea and helped make it happen. The team puts the idea together and presented it to the entrepreneurial leadership team members.
Questions The leadership team members shared their opinions- most of them supported the idea and some asked questions: How will the school find space for this? Where will we get the money for the game corner? Is there a demand for a game room? Will we be allowed to include video and computer games? Are cell phones allowed in the game room? Will someone keep the game room clean?
Answers to the Questions We can clear up space in a side room Every child will bring 50 NIS with parental approval, and everyone can donate games they no longer use. Yes, some of the team members are interested in a game room, and surely other classes are as well. We need to get permission from Roni (school principal) The teachers will take turns as they do with breaks.
Taking a Survey The team went out to take a survey among school students. It was quickly made clear that there is a high demand for a game room among students in 1st-5th grades, and so it was decided to execute the venture only in these classes. Now they only need to get permission from principal Ronni Shasha.
The Principal’s Answer Ronni Shasha, the school principal, loved the idea, but from her experience: It is difficult to keep the room clean and organized when There are many games and children playing them. It is better to donate games than to charge money to buy them. Video games/cell phones are not allowed in the school. Following her responses, the young entrepreneurs gathered for new ideas.
Improving the Original Idea Instead of one game room for everyone, a corner will be cleared in every classroom for board games. The volunteers will be classroom volunteers, so they will oversee a small number of students and will be able to keep order well. We will ask students to donate games they no longer need, so that every class will have at least 5 different games. The school principal accepted the idea with these changes.
Executing the Venture The young entrepreneurs divided tasks among them and passed by classrooms in pairs in order to inform the students of the venture, and to encourage them to donate old games.
Executing the Venture At the same time, Michal Maman, the teacher, wrote to the school teachers and prepared them for the venture
The Venture’s Success, Part 1 The first part of the game corner was a success: Many board games were donated by students.
The Venture’s Success, Part 2 The School team and parents rejoiced to see students playing board games during breaks.