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Lead by Dr. Sergey Terushkin , the Gastric Sleeve Surgery team is based in Brooklyn, New York and serves patients throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, the Bronx, and all other New York-area neighborhoods. Dr. Tersuhkin and his team believe in the power of combining groundbreaking technology, innovative research, and individualized patient care to help transform lives for the better.<br>Whether you are looking to undergo a gastric sleeve surgery, or any variety of bariatric procedures to counteract or prevent weight gain, our team can help you take control of your life. We have been helping patients in the New York-area make stunning life improvements for more than seven years, and can help you do the same.<br>With Dr. Teruskin and our team, you will have one-on-one guidance and advice to help you through the entire bariatric surgery process. Weu2019ll work together to evaluate your specific needs, and educate you on the benefits, risks, and commitments associated with the procedure you may opt to undergo.<br>While Gastric Sleeve Surgery may be the most common type of bariatric procedure, there are a variety of procedures patients can undergo to fight the effects of obesity. These procedures include:<br>Lap Band Surgery u2014 This procedure involves placing an adjustable silicon band around the upper part of the stomach to decrease appetite and capacity for eating large meals.<br>Gastric Bypass u2014 This surgery involves creating a small stomach pouch and bypassing three to five feet of small intestine.<br>Intragastric Balloon u2014 This new procedure involves inserting a saline-filled silicone balloon into the stomach to reduce appetite.<br>In addition to these procedures, Dr. Terushkin also performs several general surgical procedures to address individual ailments, such as hernia or gallbladder surgeries.<br>
Gastric SleeveSurgery Contact Address: 71 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 Phone:646-434-0656 Website URL: http://gastricsleevesurgeryny.com AboutUS Lead by Dr. Sergey Terushkin , the Gastric Sleeve Surgery team is based in Brooklyn, New York and serves patients throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, the Bronx, and all other New York-area neighborhoods. Dr. Tersuhkin and his team believe in the power of combining groundbreaking technology,innovativeresearch,and individualizedpatientcaretohelptransform lives forthebetter. Whetheryouarelookingto undergoagastricsleevesurgery,oranyvarietyofbariatric proceduresto counteract or prevent weight gain, our team can help you take control of your life. We have been helpingpatientsintheNew York-area make stunninglifeimprovementsformorethansevenyears,and can help you do thesame. WithDr.Teruskinandourteam,youwillhaveone-on-one guidanceandadvicetohelpyouthroughthe entire bariatric surgery process. We’ll work together to evaluate your specific needs, and educate you onthebenefits,risks,and commitmentsassociatedwiththeprocedureyoumayoptto undergo. While Gastric Sleeve Surgery may be the most common type of bariatric procedure, there are a variety ofprocedurespatientscanundergotofighttheeffectsofobesity.Theseproceduresinclude: Lap Band Surgery — This procedure involves placing an adjustable silicon band around the upper part of thestomachtodecreaseappetiteandcapacityforeatinglargemeals. Gastric Bypass— This surgery involves creating a small stomach pouch and bypassing three to five feet of smallintestine. Intragastric Balloon — This new procedure involves inserting a saline-filled silicone balloon into the stomach to reduceappetite. In addition to these procedures, Dr. Terushkin also performs several general surgical procedures to address individual ailments, such as hernia or gallbladdersurgeries. RelatedSearches Weight loss surgery|bariatric surgery|gastric sleeve surgery|gastric by pass|loose weight fast|fast weight loss|weight loss options|how to really loose weight|loose weight surgery|weight loss surgeon|bariatric surgeon|NewYork|NY
NearbyLocations New York |JerseyCity|Queens|NorthBergen|Englewood 10001|07030|11365|07047 |80110 AdditionalDetails Mon- Fri 9 a.m – 5p.m SocialProfiles https://twitter.com/gastric_surgery GMBListing https://goo.gl/maps/kRZiwM7erDwFccWf9