Avoid Additional Car Loan Costs It is essential that you get the right car loan to prevent shelling out more money than required. We have listed certain factors that may lead to additional costs and should be avoided while making the purchase. Don't Focus Only On Monthly Payments It is important to consider the overall cost of the loan rather than focusing on low monthly payment option only. Don't Buy Out-of-budget Car Financing an expensive car might seem to be a good option, but is actually not. So, purchase a car which you can afford. Don't Take Extension Offer Car purchasers should avoid taking extension offers as these can prove to be quite burdensome and expensive. Don't Pay For Extra Coverage Understand what the additional coverage is for and how much would it cost, to avoid paying for something which you don't need. Don't Haste The Process Try to get the best loan offer at a competitive rate after thorough research of all available loan options. 3305 E. Elms Rd., Killeen, TX 76542 Phone: (254) 690 - 2274 www.gctfcu.net