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Screen your shoulder pain before considering Regenerative Cellular Treatment

The innovation of stem cell therapy for shoulder pain is lessening the need for invasive shoulder surgery that can lead to months of difficult recovery.

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Screen your shoulder pain before considering Regenerative Cellular Treatment

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  1. Screen your shoulder pain before considering Regenerative Cellular Treatment

  2. Everyone experiences shoulder pain at one point in time in their lives. • But many people may not be able to assess the severity of that pain. • People continue to do routine activities despite having shoulder pain or limited range of motion. • Not everyone is clear when you should consult a doctor before it is too late. • Hence, this article aims at listing out the steps to screen your shoulder pain. • If you are experiencing difficulty performing these steps, make sure to consult our Medica Stem Cells clinic and proceed with the right personalised treatment. • When you start assessing your shoulder movements, don't miss to observe all your body parts from the wrist to your lower back.

  3. Home screening tests for your shoulder • Pain test - Do you perform an overhead squat? How do you position the bar? Do you position it far behind your head? If this sounds like you, then it's time to get your shoulder injury treated. It's due to the shoulder pain that you come forward instead of being straight. • Overhead mobility test - Sit next to the wall. Keep your upper back, head, and hips in contact with the wall. Just sit neutrally and don't jam your lower back into the wall. Extend your arms in front and let your palms facing the ground. Try to raise your arms as high as you can. You can even do this by holding a PVC pipe. Brace your core and ribs from flaring out while performing this activity. Can you do this easily without bending your arms? Can you effortlessly touch the wall behind you? • If your answer is yes, do the reverse grip. Repeat the same activity by holding the pipe with your palms facing the ground. • Can you again reach the wall behind you? Do you bend your elbow while doing them? Did you bring your head forward off the wall? Did your arms move out in a 'Y' position while touching the wall? If you don't have a pipe to hold, check if your thumbs turn towards your head while raising the arm overhead.

  4. Shoulder rotation test - Want to check your internal shoulder rotation? Slide your arms back till 90 degrees' L' position. Rotate your hands towards the ground as far as you can. But make sure your shoulder blades don't pop off the wall. If you could internally rotate your arm to reach parallel to the ground, then you are fit. • Shoulder stability test - Perform a sulcus test to check your shoulder stability. Either stand or sit, having your arm relaxed by your side. Tell your friend to grab your arm and pull down slowly. This test is done to check if this downward pull creates any significant gap between the humerus bone and the shoulder's upper part. The test proves positive if the space between them measures more than an 8-10mm gap. • If any of the above tests prove positive, you have to follow regenerative cellular treatment.

  5. Does Medica Stem Cells Clinic offer regenerative therapy to fix all these shoulder symptoms? • Yes. Our Medica Stem Cells Clinic offers regenerative cell therapy for all shoulder symptoms. Regenerative medicine includes cell therapy, prolotherapy, and PRP (Platelets-Rich Plasma) therapy. • Conventional treatments such as medications, physical therapy, steroids, and surgery mask your symptoms temporarily. But they do not heal the underlying cause. Moreover, they have few complications • The regenerative cellular treatment works naturally, unlike the above listed conventional methods. It will activate your natural healing mechanism and provide permanent results. Regenerative treatment not only masks the symptoms but also treats the underlying causes. Moreover, this therapy uses your cells. Hence, you won't undergo any risk of rejection or allergy. • Furthermore, our Medica Stem Cells Clinic offers nutritional therapy and physical therapy, as well. We always offer personalised combinational therapy to speed up your healing process. However, this combination varies depending on your condition. • Schedule an appointment immediately to know your right therapy. Contact Medica Stem Cells clinic in London at 020 8 168 2000 or in Ireland at 01 298 8000 at the earliest.

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