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Many times, personal injury cases require people to disclose some sensitive and even embarrassing personal information. As a result, accident victims may be hesitant to contact an injury lawyer. Understanding attorney-client privilege is essential, as it may help accident victims feel more at ease.
Lancaster’s #1Injury and AccidentFirm! TRIAL LAWYERS WHODELIVER OVER 99% OF CASES WON & MORETHAN $85,000,000 IN RECOVERIES FOR OUR CLIENTS GET A FREECONSULTATION We prioritise our clientsstatement
Attorney Client Privilege in a Personal InjuryCase How does the attorney-clientprivilege work? An ethical principle known as the attorney-client privilege protects your discussions with your personal injury lawyer. In essence, this rule states that anything you discuss with your attorney during a meeting is treated as confidential information. This information cannotberevealedbyyourlawyertoanybody,noteven the other side during the discovery procedure or in response to asubpoena. Georgelis Injury Law Firm,P.C. www.georgelislaw.com
WhatInformationisCoveredbyAttorney-ClientPrivilege? Attorney:clientprivilegeappliestocommunicationswithyourlawyer aslong astheconditions are satisfied. The attorney-client privilege extends to more than just the material you discuss withyourlawyerorlegalteaminmeetings. Text messages: In this age of instant communication, text messaging is a common method of communicationbetweenattorneysandclients.Yourlawyermustkeeptheinformationyoutext them discreet andprivate. Letters:Confidentialcorrespondenceisanyletterthatisaddresseddirectlytoyourlawyer.You run the risk of other parties learning about this material if you transmit a copy of the letter to anybody other than yourlawyer. Emails:The attorney-clientprivilegeprotectsemailssentandreceivedbetweenyouandyour attorneythatarenotcopiedorblindcopied. Georgelis Injury Law Firm,P.C. www.georgelislaw.com
What is Excluded from Attorney-ClientPrivilege? With a few exceptions, your personal injury lawyer is obligatedbylawtomaintaintheprivacyandconfidentialityof the information you provide with them. If a client discloses a desire to conduct fraud or another crime, attorneys are obligatedtonotifytheappropriateauthorities.Attorneysmay also violate the attorney-client privilege if they feel that disclosing information to the appropriate authorities will help avoid a fatality or serious physicalinjury. Georgelis Injury Law Firm,P.C. www.georgelislaw.com
How Will Attorney-Client Privilege Affect MyCase? Anything you divulge will be regarded as private. Being able to communicate openly with your lawyer is the best advantage you will experience when filing an injury claim. By providing your lawyer with this information, you can help them prepare a strategy to reduce your liability if you believeyoucontributedtotheaccidentinsomeway.Yourlawyermightrequestthatyouprovide: both recent and old medical records information about substance abuse oraddiction both income anddebt Yourattorneywillbeabletoassistyougetthemaximumamountofcompensationforyourinjuries, whichwillcoveryourmedicalcosts,lostincome,andpainandsuffering,ifyoudiscloseallthedetails withthem. Georgelis Injury Law Firm,P.C. www.georgelislaw.com
Work with an Experienced Personal InjuryLaw Firm We handle workers' compensation claims and personal injury cases differently from other firms. We approach every case with a distinct viewpoint based on empathy and comprehension thatcome from placing ourselves in our clients' situations. We genuinely treat our customers like family, we actually doit. At the Georgelis Injury Law Firm in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, we take the attorney-client privilege extremely seriously and maintain it from the very beginning of our interactions. Trustthat whatever information you share withus during your free consultation is treated as privileged, even if you decide to engage with anotherfirm. Georgelis Injury Law Firm,P.C. www.georgelislaw.com
OfficeLocation 2168 Embassy Drive, Lancaster, PA , 17603 PhoneNumber (717)394-3004 Get inTouch EmailAddress georgelisinjury@gmail.com www.georgelislaw.com
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