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If you have recently been involved in a truck accident, know that it is not an experience to be taken lightly. There are many steps that need to be taken after a truck accident for things to go smoothly. If you have been injured in an accident, it is important that you hire a personal injury lawyer. If you have been injured in a truck accident in Lancaster, PA, contact the experienced injury attorney at Georgelis Injury Law Firm. Call (717) 394-3004 for your free consultation today!
WhattoDoAftera TruckAccident in Lancaster Therearevariousstepsyoucantake intheimmediateaftermathofatruck crash inLancaster.
Call at 911 immediately If you have just been in a truck accident, make sure to call 911 immediately. Experts recommend that you not move the vehicle unlessitisblockingtrafficorthere are hazardous materials spilling from thetruck.
Seeking immediate medical care IfyoufindyourselfinLancaster after a truck accident, seek immediate medicalcare. Though it may seem like an inconvenience, the best thing to doisheadtotheclosesthospital or urgent care clinic as soon as possible.
Obtainingevidence If possible, take photos of any injuries and document the damagestovehiclesinvolved.This will go a long way in helping establish fault later on when it comes time for insurance claims orlitigation.
Reporting the incident to your insurer Contactyourinsurancecompanyas soon as possible after the accident so they can start their investigation into the injuries you have sustained and whether or not there was propertydamagecausedbyanother driver'snegligence.
Contacting anattorney When someone is injured in an accidentinvolvingatruckorother heavy vehicle, the driver of the truck may be held liable for injuries. In these instances, it's important to contact a lawyer as soon aspossible.
GET A FREE CONSULTATION (717)394-3004 (717)824-4970 www.georgelislaw.com