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Presentation about 'Mobile Software Global Trends 050109'
MobileSoftware GlobalTrends Eventnameand date Gian LucaCioletti 1 © 2008 Nokia
MobileSoftware GlobalTrends •What is changing in the markets •Business models •Distribution channels •Summary 2 © 2008 Nokia
Forum Nokia Business Development Team EMEA Gian-Luca Cioletti Jure Jarkko Tolvi Patrick Dalez Kirill Zelenski Rahim Zaknoun Benjamin Roszczewski Nora Airas Sustersic Leader, Business Development Location Based Services and Near Field Communication Enterprise and Business Mobility Multimedia CIS MEA Personal Productivity and Utilities Infotainment Italy, Turkey Alps and Adriatic, South East Europe Finbaltics, Germany, Netherlands French speaking territories, Spain, Portugal Russian speaking territories Middle East and Africa Scandic, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia UK and Ireland, +358503423554 +358504869523 +358408037360 +358503891632 +358504801487 +358407009694 +358504823831 +358408021077 3 © 2008 Nokia
Our Vision Forum Nokia the preferred partner for mobile developers communities 4 © 2008 Nokia
Forum Nokia’sRoles •Technical support, providing developers with tools and technical information for a better, easier and faster development on top of Nokia’s platforms •Create business opportunities for mobile developers
BigOpportunitynumber1: massmarket Navigation Messaging Gaming Music Communities Digital imaging Video & TV The world in 2010: EUR 100 billion* revenue for core markets * Nokia and external analysts´ estimates 6 © 2008 Nokia
BigOpportunitynumber2: enterprisemarket CRM DCC OtherApplication E-mail ECM Web conference& Teamcollaboration ERP SCM PPM Office Suite The world in 2010: EUR 90 billion* * Nokia and external analysts´ estimates 7 © 2008 Nokia
Current and Future Use of Mobile Services, Worldwide (Gartner Q4, 07) 8 © 2008 Nokia
D! client on Nokia phones, some facts… •Downloads, global markets •Europe, China, MEA, SEAP, India •Downloads, EMEA markets •Russia, UK, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Iran, Ukraine, Italy 9 © 2008 Nokia
How important are mobile applications to the purchase of a handset? •86%of panelists said the possibility to install applications to mobile devices is important. •Almost half of panelists installed add- on applications during the study. Source Smartphone 360 study 2007 10 © 2008 Nokia
120 100 Other Navigation and Maps 80 Minutes / Day / User Multimedia/Gaming Browsing 60 PIM Messaging 40 Voice 20 * At least twice per week during the panel period 0 Source: Nokia Smartphone 360 Low Mid High Great potential for non-voice services on Nokia devices 11 © 2008 Nokia
Why does mobile and Nokia matter to developers? •More than 3 billion mobile phones worldwide -one for every two people on the globe •Expected to jump to 4 billion by 2010 -roughlytriple the number of personal computers •Approximately 4% of mobile phoneusers are actively downloading mobile applications. •SymbianOS device ownersare much more likely to be downloaders. In certain EMEA countries, 23%of them are active downloaders. •Over 900 millionNokia handsets are in use around the world •More than150 million S60 smartphonesshipped 12 © 2008 Nokia
Operator’sARPU globaltrendsare downward, but……. • Data service usage is rapidly increasing worldwide, principally driven by mobile internet • Data revenues amount now almost 20% of total revenues globally • As growth slows down in mature markets, global operators expand to Emerging markets for future growth and service differentiation, mobile VAS market is booming in emerging markets • Rising the interest to replicate Emerging markets’ business models based on low costs and low tariffs also in more mature markets • Carriers are dominant distributors of content and applications in their domestic markets
Flat rate data pricing stabilizing in most markets Operator Country GB/Jan GB/Jul Australia Telstra Austria A1 Bulgaria M-Tel Croatia Vipnet France Orange France SFR Germany O2 Germany T-Mobile Hong Kong1010 Italy TIM Italy Vodafone Kuwait Zain Lithuania Omnitel Malaysia Maxis Netherlands T-Mobile Portugal Vodafone Singapore M1 South Africa Vodacom 3 Switzerland Swisscom 1,5 1,5 U.K. H3G USA AT&T 1 3 1,5 1,5 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 10 ∞ 1 ∞ ∞ 1 ∞ 1 3 1 1 1 5 5 1 0,5 15 1 ∞ 1 1 ∞ 3 1 1 5 ∞ 60 € 0 € 40 € 20 € Jan 07 July 08 14 © 2008 Nokia
Business models & distribution channels Licensing Advertising Subscription Operators The applicationstoreboom…. ContentProviders Retailers 15 © 2008 Nokia
LAUNCHED TURKCELL PORTAL PROVIDING FORUM NOKIA MOBILE APPLICATIONS TO ABOUT 35 MILLIONS TURKCELL SUBSCRIBERS Forum Nokia Business Development TeamEMEA wasconsultingTurkcellin settinguptheirapplicationmarketplace. On the portalithasbeendeployed alreadymorethen100 mobile applicationsfromForum Nokia developersand morearein the pipeline waitingfor the deployment. Fromthe followinglink: http://www.uygulamapazari.com/Store Front/Index.aspx?lang=2youwillfindthe applicationportalin English
TELENOR GROUP AND FORUM NOKIA JOIN FORCES Forum Nokia Business DevelopmentTeam EMEA reachedan importantagreement withTelenorGroup. Forum Nokia willstartpromoting applicationsand servicesto Playground, the applicationportalfor TelenorGroup. Playgroundportalis usedbyoperators belongingto the TelenorGroup to select and deploynew applicationsand servicesin the markets. Youwillfindmoreinformationfromthe followinglink: http://playground.telenor.com/node/887, and the articleregardingthe agreementat the followinglink: http://playground.telenor.com/node/899
Summary The ways people use their phone are changed The mobile is still the preferred device Mobile applications can offer new dimensions and more value The business will be big enough for all the ecosystem
Thank you 19 © 2008 Nokia