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Outline. What is a Team? Why work with a Team? Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader The Characteristics of an Effective Team Barriers to Effective Teams The “ORMING Model” for Developing an Effective Team Team Building Activities Team Building Resources. 3. What is a Team?.
Outline • What is a Team? • Why work with a Team? • Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader • The Characteristics of an Effective Team • Barriers to Effective Teams • The “ORMING Model” for Developing an Effective Team • Team Building Activities • Team Building Resources 3
What is a Team? What the Dictionary says… • Two or more horses, oxen, or other animals harnessed together to draw a vehicle, plow, or the like. • A family of young animals, esp. ducks or pigs. • A number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest.
What is a Team? What we say… A team is a group organized to work together to accomplish a set of objectives that cannot be achieved effectively by individuals. 5
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead 6
Why Work With a Team? • TEAM: • Together • Everyone • Achieves • More
Why Work With a Team? • Working in teams allows us to accomplish goals that we cannot achieve alone • Team work can take advantage of the strengths of its members • “Many hands make light work”
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader • Is a good communicator • Communicate constantly. • Don't assume that people know what you're doing, still less what you are planning or thinking. • Make communication a two-way street.
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader • Is a motivator • Is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. • People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. • Be a source of inspiration.
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader • Treats everyone equally • Diversity must be valued as an asset. • The mix of people and skills is a key element which gives the team it’s synergy. • Respect all team members no matter what their position is.
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader • Always works from a plan • Decide upon the team’s goalsand how to achieve them. • Put the plan in writing. Estimate the amount of time it should take. • Use these goals as guidelines in formulating the plan. • Remember, the plan is only a beginning. • Put the plan down on paper and refer to it frequently. • Be prepared to adjust the plan if need be.
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader • Is a problem solver • Define the problem • Come up with a strategy • Ask what might happen if? • Try it out! • Was the problem solved?
Characteristics of a Successful Team Leader • Listens and leads by example • Create standards of excellence • Always take responsibility • Roll up your sleeves • Don’t be afraid to listen
The Characteristics of an Effective Team. • Effective teams have members that: • Contribute ideas and offer solutions. • Listen and share information. • Have respect for each other’s viewpoints. • Deal with conflict openly • Share the responsibility for the team’s successes and disappointments
Barriers to Effective Teams • Ineffective leadership • Poor strategic planning • Unclear goals • Personal agendas • Lack of recognition of individual contributions in a team atmosphere
Breaking Down Barriers • Effective Leadership • Listen and lead by example • Encourage and support the team • Show commitment to the team’s goals • Provide the attitude of success • Planning • Always work from a plan • Review your plan regularly, revise if needed
Breaking Down Barriers • Clear goals • Goals should be in writing with everyone’s agreement • Never take your eye off your goals • Never make decisions that go against your goal • Leave personal agendas outside • Removes “self” from the team • Fosters cooperation and team work • Keeps the team focused on team goals
Breaking Down Barriers • Recognize individual contributions in a team atmosphere • Allows the members to feel responsible for the teams’ accomplishments • Highlights each team members’ contribution
The ’ORMING Model • Four Stages • Forming • Storming • Norming • Performing Facilitation Tools for Staff and Volunteer Leaders Association Xpertise Inc.
Forming • Social behaviors as members get to know each other • Team members try to establish their role on the team • Uncertainty regarding purpose or direction, and possibly anxiety • Enthusiasm shown by some or all group members
Storming • Conflict and competition emerge in the group • Some group members show resistance to the structure of the group; "camps" may emerge • Some members may become overzealous • Frustration may occur
Norming • Group starts to develop a common purpose and spirit • Teamwork and a supportive atmosphere grows • The group begins establishing and achieving goals • Respect and trust grows among team members
Performing • Roles are clear, and group members begin "job sharing" when needed • Group members see group potential better than self potential • Group feels strong and confidence grows • Satisfaction emerges as group achieves high performance
Symptoms of an Uncompleted Stage • Forming • Members work in disarray • There is no recognition of the skills, abilities and contributions of team members • Unclear about why was the group formed? Why are we here? • Who are the other group members?
Symptoms of an Uncompleted Stage • Storming • Expectations are unmet so people get upset or they withdraw • A sense that there is unequal work sharing • Some individuals feel excluded or ignored
Symptoms of an Uncompleted Stage • Norming • Group members work at cross purposes with each other • There is no connection in how the group is working together • The group is still trying to decide how they are going to work together.
Symptoms of an Uncompleted Stage • Performing • Work does not get done on time, or is of inadequate quality • There is an inability or lack of desire to celebrate accomplishments • How will we know when we are successful?
Team Building Activities • Why use team building activities? • Helps people get to know one another • Helps people relax • Energizes and motivates • Creates a positive group atmosphere • Helps people to “think outside the box”
Examples of Team Building Activities (Any size group) • “Two Truths and a Lie” • People write down two truths about themselves and a lie. They then share the three “facts” to the rest of the group who tries to guess which one is a lie. • “Back to Back Drawing • Have group divide into pairs and sit on back to back chairs. Give one person a clipboard with a clean piece of paper. Give the other part of the pair a picture or template of a shape. The person with the picture has to get their partner to draw an exact duplicate of the shape drawn on their sheet using only verbal directions. Then compare the results.
Examples of Team Building Activities (medium sized groups) • “Marshmallows and Spaghetti” • Divide the group into teams of three or four people. Each team gets a box of spaghetti and a bag of marshmallows. Given a time limit and using only these items, the teams complete to see who can build the highest structure. • “Tarp Flip” • Layout a tarp on the ground and have all team members stand on it. While standing on top of a completely open tarp, the group must create a plan to get everyone on the opposite side of the tarp without anyone stepping off.
Examples of Team Building Activities (15 or more people) • “Categories” • Ask everyone to stand up and walk around; explain that you will announce a category and the participants should quickly organize themselves into a smaller group based on the category to which they belong. • Allow the smaller groups to mingle for a few moments then start again. Continue until the group is warmed up. • Examples of categories: • What is your favorite season? • What is your star sign? • How many siblings do you have?
Examples of Team Building Activities (15 or more people) • “Look Up, Look Down” • Everyone stands facing each other in a circle. When the leader calls out “look down” everyone looks down into the circle. When the leader calls out “look up” everyone looks up and stares at one other person in the circle. If that person is looking at them both are out. Continue until there are only one to two people left
Note: Many of the games came from the website www.wilderdom.com which is a copyleft site. For more information the Creative Commons Attribution License website
Team Building Resources • Author: John C. Maxwell • The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork • Publisher: • Thomas Nelson Inc • July 2001
Team Building Resources • Author: Suzanne Willis Zoglio • Teams at Work • Fiction: • Tower Hill Pr • October, 1993
Web Resources www.wilderdom.com www.teambuildingportal.com http://nationalserviceresources.org http://saulcarliner.home.att.net/leadership/volunteers.htm
I was txld xnce that teamwxrk depends xn the perfxrmance xf every single member xn the team. I had trxuble understanding it until I was shxwn hxw the xffice typewriter perfxrms when just xne key is xut xf xrder. That xne key destrxys the effectiveness xf the typewriter. Nxw I knxw that even thxugh I am xnly xne persxn, I am needed if the team is tx wxrk as a successful team shxuld.