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Step 3: Encouraging community members to help provide community focus. ... Police officers establish an ongoing dialog with community members to solve crime ...
Slide 3:Introduction
Slide 5:Community Mobilization Step 1: Identifying activities that will mobilize the community.
Step 2: Securing residents commitment and involvement.
Step 3: Encouraging community members to help provide community focus.
Step 4: Building community networks.
Step 5: Creating resident-led leadership structures.
Step 6: Leveraging internal and external resources.
Step 7: Creating additional communication vehicles between the community and the police and other partners at different levels of age groups such as Youth and parents.
Slide 6:Law Enforcement Identifying, apprehending and prosecuting the most serious and visible criminal activities.
Focusing on both collaborative problem-solving processes and enforcement tactics to suppress crime at the neighborhood level.
Establishing Neighborhood Watch when the community is ready.
Benefiting from the partnership for prosecuting the criminal elements.
Establishing communication channels between the community and Police Services for trust building.
Suggested activities: targeted patrols, assistance to the communities in gathering evidence, intensified drug investigations and targeted prosecution.
Slide 7:Community Policing Two key concepts community engagement and problem solving.
Police officers establish an ongoing dialog with community members to solve crime problems through a systematic process of address the underlying causes of crime.
Continued interaction (as opposed to situational/issues meetings) for fostering a sense of responsibility within the community to contribute to solutions.
Activities include multi-cultural dinners, other informal meetings, community days, youth pizza parties, all leading to building trust, open communication channel and establishing neighborhood watch.
Slide 8:Neighborhood Restoration Focus on revitalizing the economic and social conditions.
Involve and integrate local CED activities into the NCLB model.
Seek to expand the economic vitality of the community so that crime and disorder will not thrive. Would focus on coordinated use of provincial, local and private-sector resources.
Focus on economic development, employment opportunities for community members and improvements to the housing and physical environment of the neighborhood.
Activities: renovating and refurbishing housing, improving public spaces such as parks and recreational facilities, and creating opportunities for job readiness and employment training, including entrepreneurship and job creation through CED-related initiatives.
Slide 9:Prevention and Empowerment Risk factors (economic deprivation, lack of meaningful support to families at risk, early academic failure) lead to health and behavior problems in adolescence.
Protective factors (individual characteristics, bonding, healthy beliefs, clear standards) reduce the impact of risk factors on children.
Possible services to create an environment in which crime and violence cannot thrive.
Strengthen links among different agencies to improve the overall quality of services to community members.
We are unknowingly involved in crime prevention. NCLB ensures sensitization and establishing a mechanism to integrate multi-service activities for knowingly addressing the risk factor and strengthening the protective factors.
Some suggested services: Early years programming, family visiting, outreach to newcomers in the multicultural population after school programs, homework clubs, parenting courses, drug prevention programs, mental health services, drug education, family counseling.
Slide 10:Steering Committee OBJECTIVE
To provide guidance and maximize output of the resource input by integrating isolated projects for maximum impact.
Steering Committee:
Provides leadership, guidance, vision, and direction.
Provides a structure for building a commitment to the project.
Identifies areas of greatest community need.
Ensures everyones involvement in working toward the same goal.
Commits and delivers resources required to effect real change.
Meets frequently to oversee progress and approve changes to program implementation.
Slide 11:Organizing the Steering Committee
Slide 12:NCLB Steering Committee 3
Slide 15:Problem, Analysis, Response and Evaluation Process
Slide 17:Evaluation Step 1: Setting Objectives for Evaluation.
Step 2. Determining as to how the project will be evaluated.
Step 3: Setting bench marks after the initial surveys and data collection.
Step 3: Determining source/method to be used for gathering information.
Step 4: Identifying outcomes, indicators, source of information, tools and frequency of information collection.
Slide 18:Local organization chart
Slide 19:Roles and Responsibilities Project coordinator
Personal Attributes
Communication Skills
Organization skills
Resource development and Sustainability skills
Function of the coordinator
Connection with steering committee
Connection with funders (NCPC)
Job description/activities
Slide 20:Coordinators responsibilities Primary outreach: promoting project to new partners and community residents.
Preparation of progress reports.
Interface with steering committee.
Facilitating community in implementing and monitoring project activities.
Working with partners for new activities and funding opportunities.
Slide 21:Connection with funders Administrative/fiscal responsibilities.
Basic personnel issues.
Joint oversight of the project, steering committee and partners.
Progress report, evaluation.
Monitoring implementation of the activity plan.
Slide 22:Connection with the Steering Committee Organizational structure.
Programmatic oversight of strategy.
Development of strategy partners and resources.
Slide 23:Resource Development and Sustainability Skills Ability to think outside the box.
Ability to develop long range planning.
Ability to identify and leverage partners and resource.
Ability to build capacity.
Fund raising strength.
Evaluation and accountability.
Slide 24:Organization Skills Meetings
Steering Committee
Sub committees
Follow up
Slide 25:Communication Skills Good writing and speaking skills
Arbitration and mediation skills
Facilitation and coordination skills
Ability to delegate tasks
Negotiation skills
Presentation skills
Recognition skills
Slide 26:Personal Attributes Having leadership and team building skills
Being adaptable and flexible
Working independently and/or as a team member
Being creative, innovative and assertive
Having patience and tact
Having cultural sensitivity
Slide 27:Collaboration and Relationship with Partners Successful implementation requires effective collaboration between SC members as well as other community stakeholders
Encouraging collaboration between steering committee and sub-committee members? Go>>>
Building, strengthening and developing relationship with key partners?
Local government and elected officials/law enforcement/residents/others
What if the project is not developing collaboration and partnership? Go>>>
Mobilizing community residents Go>>>
Slide 28:Mobilizing the Community Involve community in all aspects of the project.
Ensure that the goals and objectives identified and strategy planned are consistent with vision and desires of the community.
Ensure that residents serve on all sub-committees.
Continuously survey the community for needs, issues and concerns.
Build resident led leadership structures.
Be accessible to the community.
Take advantage of local volunteers.
Market the community: web site, media coverage, neighborhood meetings, newsletters.
Slide 29:If we could not develop collaborations Ask these questions:
Are we communicating what this project is all about to residents and other partners?
Did we get feedback about the effectiveness of our efforts/programs/initiatives/strategies?
Are there more partnership we could leverage?
Are there issues affecting the community that we are not addressing?
Are we holding events/activities at the right time?
Are we expecting too much too soon?
Slide 30:Encouraging Collaboration Between Committees One of the primary role of the project coordinator would be encouraging collaboration among the various organizations, agencies and residents involved in the project.
Helping everyone that No Community left Behind is not a program, but rather a strategy, establishes a base for building collaboration.
Secure commitment and involvement.
Identify more partners that share the vision.
For community: Associations; watch groups; individuals; youth.
Slide 31:Sustainability What are we trying to sustain? Go>>
Measures for sustainability. Go>>
Leverage additional resources for the project activities? Go>>
Developing a transition strategy with the community and Steering Committee. Go>>
Slide 32:Transition Strategy One or another of the stakeholder might like to carry on the process.
Still it is better to chalk out a transition plan, keeping the following in mind:
Who in the community will benefit from it.
Document all evaluations and successes.
Develop a continuation strategy without the main funding source.
Train the community for seeking funds to continue TAs and Neighborhood Watch programs.
Pass on the lessons learnt and acquired knowledge.
Slide 33:Leveraging Resources Identify and attract new resources to support the process/strategy.
Ensure the available funds are efficiently optimized and leveraged (making it bigger and better).
Look for more than just funds.
Create asset map (inventory of resources) and revisit it frequently. All partners developing initiatives to invest in a joint-integrated manner.
Let the donors know the difference in effectiveness of an integrated and piecemeal approach.
Create and strengthen partnership with other service providers.
Apply for collaboration grants.
Slide 34:Measures for Sustainability Be consistent.
Encourage on-going and open dialogue.
Involve and motivate residents and stakeholders throughout the process.
Build a vested interest of all partners.
Develop capacity to carry on.
Slide 35:What to sustain? Project? Funding? Or Process?
All stakeholders realize the No Community Left Behind is a strategy -- not a program.
It promotes a strategy development process that brings together key resources from law enforcement and social development service providers, agencies and residents to collectively address the issues impacting the quality of life in the project area.
Therefore, it is the strategy development and implementation process that needs to be sustained and replicated.
Slide 36:How long you have been living in this community?
Slide 37:How safe do you feel in the community?
Slide 38:Do you feel safer in your community than you did 2 years ago?
Slide 39:Please pick the top three concerns that you have about your community, if there are any?
Slide 40:Please pick three problems that gangs present to the community, if you believe that gangs are a problem ?
Slide 41:Please pick three reasons why you believe gang activity exists in your community?
Slide 42:Do you think your child(ren) is in a gang or at risk of being in a gang?
Slide 43:Have you ever been the victim of a crime in this neighborhood?
Slide 44:What type of other crimes are you most concerned about?