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Helpful gifts are what a new dad needs most. So to help you find gifts for new dads, here is a list given from Giftsgoody
FunGiftsForOccasions ForHer ForHim ForKids Trending WelcometoFatherhood:20GiftIdeasforNewDads When a couple announces that they are expecting, all the attention falls on the pregnant mother. Thebabyshower involvesthemotherandalso the yet-to-be-bornbabyreceiving gifts.The BirthdayGifts,ChristmasGifts,ForHer,ForHim,ForKids, ForOccasions,FunGifts,PersonalisedGifts father takesabackseat.Weoftenoverlook the contributionandeffortsthatanewfathermakes. As he turns into a new dad, he is bound to have sleepless nights too. It is both an exciting and a learning stageforhimtooandhedeservesabitof the spotlighttoo.Givinghimagiftwill make 22+InnovativeHikingGiftsfor PeoplewholovetoHike him feel appreciated and will help him to surge ahead in this stage smoothly. Below are some inspirationalideasforwhatare someofthe greatgiftsfornewdads. 20BestGiftsforTheNewDads ForOccasions Helpfulgiftsarewhatanewdadneeds most. Sotohelp youfind suchgiftsisalistgivenbelow forgiftingthenewdad. 20 Best Gifts For A New Dad To CelebrateSteppingOntoFatherhood 1.TheHappiestBabyontheBlock
ForHer,ForOccasions 20SterlingStarWargiftsforher whichwillimpressanyfan For Her,For Kids, For Occasions, Fun Gifts, Personalised Gifts Top25coolgiftideasforTeenage Girls For the dad wholovesreadingbooks, this isabookonparenting whichwill help himtocalm down a baby when needed. It is a must-have if he is becoming a dad for the first time. Generally, itisdifficultfornewparentsto understand whytheir babyiscrankywhentheyare well-fedand the nappy has been changed. Now he will be able to fix the situation while letting the new mom rest because he will have this book which is like an instruction manual. We are talking about the bookbutitis availableasaDVDtoo.There arealsoillustrations inthebooktoexplainthe ForOccasions techniques. The reference pages are useful when one doesn’t have the time or energy to read thewholebook. 21BestIdeasonhowtomakea spookybasketformen KeyFeatures: RelatedPosts Revised&updated2ndedition 25last-minute Christmasgift 25ImpressiveGift IdeasforWomen Helpstocalmbaby Techniques tomakebabysleeplonger 2.‘DAD’PrintedHoodie 30AmazingGifts forTeenagersfor Impressive Christmasgiftsfor Subscribe Registerforfreshnews. Insertyouremail...* SUBSCRIBE Iftheyoung manwho isafanof Batmanhasbecomeadadrecently,thenthispull-overhoodie sweatshirtwill make himsmile. Thesweatshirt alsocomeswithacouple ofstickers whichhecan
usetodecoratehislaptop. Thesweatshirt isgoingtokeephimcomfortable whilehe comforts his baby. Mostly made with cotton with a mix of polyester, the hoodie is ultra-soft. There are pockets in the front which will help him to keep mobiles, and keys or to keep his hands warm when he is not holding the baby. The Batman classic logo hoodie is going to become his new favourite piece of clothing. High-tech printing technique has been used to print the logo so it is long-lasting. KeyFeatures: Durable material Foreverydaywear 3.BaseballHat This isforanewdadwho lovestogoforwalks andgoesoutoftenforcarryingouterrands.Itwill also come in handy if he needs to rush out to get a pack of diapers or something for the new mom on an emergency basis. He can get up from the bed and leave without having to comb or brush his hair. Also, a good way to look stylish when he decides to have a short catch-up session with his buddies and doesn’t want to style his hair. The snap closure at the back has multiple holes,sothesizeisadjustableandwillsitsnuglyonhishead,evenwhenheisjoggingor playingsomething. KeyFeatures: MediumDepth/CurvedBill Moisture-wicking Ampleventilation 4. YourBaby’sFirstWordWillBeDADA–BoardBook
This is a 40-page children’s book penned by none other than Jimmy Fallon. The reading age of this book claims it is for babies between the ages of 1to 3. So if you are looking for a funny gift foranewdad,thiscanbeahumorousgiftwhichwill keephimprepared.Everynewdadsecretly hopes that his baby’s first word will be ‘Dada’ and not ‘Mama’ and so did TV host and entertainer Jimmy Fallon. His secret campaign failed but he designed this book to help all the new dads in launchingtheircampaign.Theycanusethisbookduringstorytimeassoonashethinksthe babyistryingtospeak. KeyFeatures: Encouragesbabytosay‘Dada’ Fromoneofthebiggestlate nightshowhosts Teaches aboutanimals &theirsounds 5.Daddy’sSippyWhiskeyCup Before yougetconfusedaboutwhatwe aretalking about,itisawhiskeyglass.Ifcoolnewdad gifts are what you have been looking for, a new dad whiskey glass is one. A new dad will feel exhausted handlingthebaby’sdemands andtantrums.Hiswifemightbe feelingcrankyattimes
too andhewill haveto handlethe situation. There are days whichwill leave himfeeling completely spent. A whiskey glass is something which he will use on those kinds of days. After the baby has finally gone off to sleep at night, taking sips of whiskey from this glass will help him relax.It is anold-fashionedwhiskeyglasswith‘Daddy’sSippyCup’ engravedonit. KeyFeatures: Low-ballwhiskeyglass HeavyBase PermanentEngraving 6. EngravedLeatherWallet(Personalized) Ifitisyourhusband whoisnowadadand youwanttogivehimsomethingforFather’s Dayon behalf of your daughter, then this leather wallet will make his first Father’s Day celebration special. It can also be given as a gift for his birthday or as a Christmas gift. Everyone carries a wallet with them wherever they are going and this wallet will be a constant reminder for him that hehasalovelydaughterwho loveshimso much!Heis thefirstmanhislittlegirlhasfallenin love with and he will forever be his number-one hero, even when she outgrows his lap. It is a bifoldleatherwalletmade withhigh-qualityleather whichgivesitavintage look. KeyFeatures: Personalized wallet Practicalandmeaningful 7.WillowTreeforNewDad
This sculpted hand-painted figure is a sentimental gift for a new dad. It is made with resin and shows a new dad sitting, and holding his newborn. The dad seems to be looking at his baby with wonder and awe and with a lot of love. He can keep the 6-inch figurine on his work table in his office which is going to remind him sweetly now and then that he’s a dad now. It will surely make him relax despite all the work pressure. This gift somehow communicates without the use of any words and the sculpture is designed to mark a memory using a gesture. The expressive figure is something which he is going to cherish forever. Surprise the new dad with this great gift and othersurprise planstoo. KeyFeatures: Timelessgift ComeswithanEnclosurecard Hand-carvedandpainted 8.BabyCarrier Astrongbabycarrieriseverynewdad’s most useful accessory.He hastocarryhisnewborn around a lot,eveninhisarmswhichcanbetiringor painfulaftercontinuouslyholding for along
time.And carryingababynormallyaroundkeepsbothhands occupied. Byusingasturdycarrier, he will be able to carry on with his regular tasks. He will be able to take the baby for shopping trips to departmental stores or supermarkets and shop while both he and his baby stays comfortable. There are various brands available but the comfortability factor of the dad has beentakeninto accountwhile makingthis one. KeyFeatures: Babycanbecarrieddifferently Canbeusedfor0-48months,baby Paddedsupportforwaist& shoulders 9.DiaperBackpack Most diaper bags have been designed for moms but this backpack has a unisex look which will make the new dad look adorable. This is a large-size multi-purpose insulation bag which is best to be carried while travelling. It will keep him prepared anytime, anywhere. The bag looks fashionable and is durable which will keep nappies and everything else that a baby might need in an organized manner. There are pockets on the sides where tissues can be kept, so they can be accessed quickly when needed. There are multiple compartments but the main interior compartment is big and spacious and there are zip-close pockets both in the exterior and interior. KeyFeatures: 3insulatedbottleholderspocket Interiorzippockets Laptopandclothescanbepacked 10.SportySunglasses
On most nights now the young man has to stay awake the whole night and then head out in the morning for a walk, groceries and work. Nobody more than he will appreciate a pair of cool sunglasses more than him. When he goes outside, he will thank you for giving him a sturdy pair which will keep the sunlight out from his eyes. The lenses are non-polarized and UV protected and dark green which will not make his tired eyes visible but will add a trendy look to his appearance. The polycarbonate lens and full-rim plastic frame keep it lightweight and comfortable. Whether he is driving, relaxing at a park or on a beach, or jogging, the sunglasses won’tslipoff. KeyFeatures: Greenlens Fullrim Plasticyetstrongframe 11. MatchingFatherandBabyTees Thisisone ofthe verycute newdadgifts. Itisacombopack havingatee,actuallyaonesie for thebabyanda matchingt-shirtfor daddy. Thisisanincrediblycutepairof clothing whichwill get
thenewfatherravingaboutit. The printing onthemen’s t-shirtreads‘Pint’. Wearingthese matching t-shirts, the new dad would love to show off his ‘mini-me’ to the world. The Grey colour with the blue slogan looks bright and cheerful which would look cute on both the adult and the child. KeyFeatures: Regular fit 100%Cotton Funnyprints 12.DigitalInstantCamerawithPrinter Mobile phoneshave diminished the importance ofold-fashionedcameras butthereis still something retro-coolaboutgivingsomeoneadigitalcamera.Thestand-outfeature ofthis camera is the ability to print photos instantly. Having physical photos means having access to them after decades and no chance of them being erased. Memorable moments can be captured instantly using this 5-megapixel camera. The new dad can also take out prints of the images on Zink sticky-backed photo paper. He can use the photos immediately to decorate the fridge door orbuildupascrapbookor fillupaphoto album. KeyFeatures: Point-and-shootcamera Smudge-proof, water-proof & tear-resistant photos Has aview-finder &auto-flash 13.WhyaDaughterNeedsaDad:PictureBook
Ifyouarelookingforapocket-friendlyyet heart-warminggift,youcan givethisbook. Thisisa gift only for those new dads who have been blessed with a daughter. Though this book is aimed at little girls who would enjoy reading it when they are 4 – 8 years of age, this book celebrating fatherhoodisaptasagiftforanewdad.He cankeepittoread itoutaloudtohisdaughterwhen she grows up enough to understand. It is a New York Times Bestseller book which can be given on the occasion of his birthday or Father’s Day. He will realise how important he is in his daughter’slifeand howhewouldcontributetoher growth. KeyFeatures: Containsrhymes Hascolourful illustrations Keepsakegift 14.LetterstoYou–ChildhoodKeepsakeJournal This journal will letthe newfather write aletter tohis childeveryyearfrombirthtilltheyare16 years of age. Generally, mothers receive such journals but why should the after miss out on recording events and special momentsinhisway?He wouldlove to fillone pageeachyearas
hewatches thebabygrow. He canalso fillupafewpageswithphotographsandrecordkey milestones that happened each year. He can also write about his dreams and hopes which makes it a thoughtful gift. There are 88 pages in the journal but it does not have any prompt, allowinghim tofillitup freely. KeyFeatures: Can be given as a gift for the baby’s 16th birthday PerfectBabyShower Gift 15.Tortilla-ThemedBabyWrap This isaswaddle blanketforanewbornwhichisone oftheuseful giftsfornewdads,especially if they love a burrito. The wrap blanket looks like a tortilla and the new dad will not be able to stop‘awwing’ overhiscutieandwouldhappilyspendhourslooking athisminiversion.The weird design of the blanket will make the baby cuter than they already are. The soft flannel blanket also has a hat along with it which will keep the baby very comfortable after giving a bath orwhentheyare sleeping.Nozippersorsnaps are makingitcompletelysafeforanewborn. Thenewdadwill keepontaking photoswhenhisbabyiswrapped inthisuniqueandfunny blanket. KeyFeatures: Tortilla design Flannelblanket 16.DressingGown/ShawlRobe
A new dad has gotten promoted, based on his status. He has become a dad now and he should be given something to celebrate this new phase he has landed into. This flush and cosy robe will make him feel luxuriant and he would feel like chilling in it and would hate to change into somethingelse.Thisdressinggownismadewithfleeceandhasahoodieattachedtoit.Asit has been made with coral fleece, the gown is extra-fluffy. Whenever he wants to have some ‘me’ time to relax and rejuvenate, the robe will give him an extravagant experience without him doing much. The belt which is used to tie the robe at the waist is adjustable and there are 2 big front pocketstoo. KeyFeatures: Shawlcollarstyle Madewithcoralfleece Full-sleeved 17.BackandNeckMassager Asalreadydiscussed earlier,it isgiventhatanewdadhastocarryhisbabyalotinhis arms. Evenif heuses acarrier, itdoesputalotof strainonhis body, especiallyhis back. Thisisa
shiatsumassagerwhichwill give adeeptissue kneading massagewithheat. He cansay goodbyetoanybackpainorneckpainthatheisfeeling withthisportablemachine. Hecanget a massage sitting on any chair, all he has to do is strap the massager on with the help of the velcro strap. When switched on, it can massage for 15 minutes at a stretch before switching off automatically. KeyFeatures: Breathable mesh cover Improvesbloodcirculation Canmessagemultiplebodyparts 18.NeutrogenaHydroBoostEye-awakeningGelCream A vintage mechanical watch for a mechanical engineer is a remarkable idea as they would be able to truly appreciate the mechanism of such a watch. This is a pocket watch with a chain, just as we have seen in classic old movies. This style is known as the ‘Oxford’ style which is the open-face pocketwatch.It’sa48mmgolden-colouredwatchwhichisstuddedwith17 jewels. It will already be delivered in a branded gift box, sparing you with the trouble of gift wrapping. The high-qualitypocketwatch willalsocomewitha guaranteesoyoudonothavetodoubtthe quality. There is a white dial on which Roman numerals have been used for hours. There is a sub- dialtoofor showingthe minutes. KeyFeatures: Analogwatch Micro-quartzmovement Comeswithchain 19.We’reParents!TheNewDad’sGuidetoBaby’sFirstYear
Thisisagreatguidebookfor a first-time dadwhichwillnotonlyhelp himsurvivebutalsobe good at parenting right from his baby’s birth. Most men remain childlike till they become a father and thentheyhavetostartadulting hard. Everymanneedssome helponhowtohandlethisnew adventure and this book will do just that. Parenthood is a journey which will be filled with memorable happenings but there will also be moments when a new dad will feel like tearing his hair off. Fortunately, now this book is available which will make him feel prepared to handle any situation.Thebookhasbeendividedinto4chapters,eachcovering 3months. KeyFeatures: Practicaladvice Has check-lists Is afunread 20.“BestDadEver”Socks Ifyouarelookingfor uniquenewdadgiftstogive toyourhusbandonbehalfofyour little one, then this set of novelty socks is your best bet. These are funky and funny socks. He is trying to bethecoolestdadand trying hisbesttobeagreat father. Showthatyouappreciate hishelp
and effortbygiving himthese socks. There are6pairsofdesignersocksmadeofcotton.There are 6socks, so hecanwear themeverydayoftheweek.Hewouldproudlyshowoffthese socks at theslightestchancehegets andyou can besurethesearegoingto behisconstantwith casualclotheswhile heislounging athomeorattendingaparty. KeyFeatures: Deliveredwitha sweetmessage 6pairsofdesigner socks Madewithcotton&polyester So what do you think about all the must-haves for a new dad? There are gifts which are going to be his guide in this exciting new phase. These 20 gifts are going to make him feel appreciated and also make him more prepared for this new journey. Helpful gifts are what a new dad needs most, which is whyyouhaveseena massagerandacarrier.Therearealsoacoupleofbabyproductswhichcanturninto greatkeepsakes. Startshoppingforthe newfather because heneedssomemotivationtooashestrugglestobecomethe bestdad! RelatedPosts: .25last-minuteChristmasgiftideasthatwillamuseyourlovedones .25ImpressiveGiftIdeasforWomen .30AmazingGiftsforTeenagersforalltheirwork .ImpressiveChristmasgiftsforgirlsthataresuretoaweher By Bhumika AnupkumarGolani|May16th,2022|0 Comments ShareThis Article AbouttheAuthor:BhumikaAnupkumarGolani Bhumika Anupkumar Golani is from Mumbai. She is a student majoring in BscIT. She loves to explore her work options and gain experience in differentfields.Inthepast,Shehasworkedasanassistant teacher forayear.TwoorFouryears fromnow,She seesherselfasadeveloperor operationalmanagerofaSoftwareCompany.Shealwayslovedwriting herthoughtsdownon apaper, butneverknewthatshecould turnitinto a profession as a Content Writer. She sets her goals in advance for the future. She believes that practical knowledge and experience are more important than academicscores.Outside ofwork,Shelovesto travel, explorecultures,readbooksandbingewatchTVshows. RelatedPosts LeaveAComment
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