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Gifts for vegans are tough. This list will guide you in selecting perfect presents for your loved one who has cut out animal products from their life.<br>
FunGiftsForOccasions ForHer ForHim ForKids Trending 20SustainableandEthical VeganGift IdeasThat EveryoneWillLove If you are a meat eater who is trying to buy a great gift for a plant-based eater/ animal lover, you mustbefeelingworried.Youmightbefeelingthatto buyfabulousvegan-centricpresents,you Birthday Gifts, Christmas Gifts, For Her, For Him, For Kids, ForOccasions,FunGifts,PersonalisedGifts havetospendalotoftime nowonthe internetsearchingforthem.As non-vegan,we can’t understandwhat awhollyplant-basedeater’s dietaryworldis like. But if youhaveaveganfamily 22+InnovativeHikingGiftsfor PeoplewholovetoHike memberorafriend,youknowthattheyreadallthe labelsminutelywhilebuying things, haveto make appropriate tweaks in recipes while cooking and it is not even easy for them to find vegan dishesinall restaurants. So,whenitcomestogiftgiving, coolgiftsforvegansarethe ones whichwill make plant-based eating and life a little simpler for them. You will find a list below filled with the best vegan gifts thatanyherbivorewouldappreciate. Birthday Gifts, Christmas Gifts, For Her, For Him, For Kids, ForOccasions,FunGifts,PersonalisedGifts 25+GiftIdeasforParentsthathave Everythingin2020 20Gifts for Vegan Gifts forvegansaretoughto find butwe havecoveredyou.Thesewill make perfectpresents foryour friend,familymemberoranylovedone who hascut out animal productsfromtheir life. 1.EmbossingLabelMaker ForOccasions
20 Best Gifts For A New Dad To CelebrateSteppingOntoFatherhood For Her, For Kids, For Occasions, Fun Gifts, Personalised Gifts Top25coolgiftideasforTeenage Girls The pantry of a vegan will most probably be filled with various kinds of pulses, flours and grains. A lot more than a regular non-vegetarian or even a vegetarian. They might like to or have to experiment a lot in the kitchen for making fantastic dishes but there is also a chance of having an overflowingpantrywhichcanleadtoconfusionwhile cookinghurriedly.Youcanhelpavegan bringsome orderinto their kitchenwith alabel maker. Theycanputlabelsontheir storagejars using this whichwillalsoaddaprettytouchtotheir kitchen. ChristmasGifts ChristmasGiftsForHusband KeyFeatures: RelatedPosts Ergonomicdesign Doesn’tneedbatteries Turn-and-clicksystem 26UniqueGiftsfor Couplesin2022 25Usefuland UniqueGiftsfor 2.Tofu Press 15+CuteGiftsfor Daughterswho Top28giftideas forhubby Subscribe Registerforfreshnews. Insertyouremail...* SUBSCRIBE Atofupresscanchangethe life ofavegan. Forpreparingmanyveganrecipes,one important step is to wick out the moisture from the tofu. This is a plant-based protein source for them and making tofu moisture free makes it crispy. They can form curds and can be used in a scramble whenmakingsomethinglike anegg scramble. The processoftaking outthe moisture fromtofu
becomes mucheasier and fasterwiththisTo futuretofupress.Thispresslookscool and itisa limited edition. It is dishwasher-safe and easy to clean. Because of its compact size, it can be kept in the fridge for storing tofu. This can bring a vast difference in the taste and texture of tofu bypressingthe water out. KeyFeatures: Removeswaterfromtofueasily Marinatedtofucanbekeptinit Compactsize 3.BOSH!: Highest-SellingVeganCookeryBook Askavegancookandtheywill tellyouhowtiredtheyareofsoups and stewsmade from chickpeas and other legumes and how bored they are of grain bowls. Let a breath of fresh air enter their kitchen with this cookbook having all plant-based simple recipes. The book is a #1 Times Bestseller and all the recipes are as they have been shown on the T.V. The book is filled with easy-to-cook recipes which do not compromise on taste. The recipes in the book can show how tasty and exciting dishes can be cooked without using any meat or dairy products. Now any vegan can cooknutritious,soul-satisfyingandeven indulgentveganmealsathome.Withthis gift, they will not hesitate before throwing a dinner party for non-vegan guests as the dishes they are goingtocookare suretobe delicious. KeyFeatures: Over140recipes Recipes are shownonthe T.V.show–Living OnThe Veg Easytocook and deliciousplant-basedrecipes 4.GaramMasala– AllPurposeIndianSeasoning
Indian cuisine has a separate fan base all over the world. Many though have the misconception thatIndian mealsmean non-vegetarian dishesbutthosewhoeatIndianfoodknowthat’snotat all true. There are many Indian vegan recipes which are delicious. This all-purpose Indian seasoningwillbeagreatgiftforaveganwholikes attempting tocook Indiandishesat home. The blend of spices adds a flavourful kick to most savoury and spicy dishes, mostly curries. It can besprinkledon anythingthough andcontainsiron andantioxidants.Garammasalacanhelp lowercholesteroland preventacidity. KeyFeatures: Vegan,glutenandsoy-free PaleoandKeto-friendly Anti-inflammatoryproperties UsedinIndianandMiddle-easternrecipes 5.DeadSeaMineralHandCream This premiumbrandhand cream containsactivedead seaminerals. Itisprimarilymade with mineralspringwater,glycerinandaloe vera. Thecream will give therequired nourishmentto
the dryskinofthe hands andmake itsupple.Theinfusionofgreenpalm andsandalwoodgives it an enchanting fragrance. It has been tested for allergies and has been declared as usable for sensitive skin. The witch hazel extract revitalizes the skin and makes it smooth. This vegan hand creamisgreatfor dailyuse. KeyFeatures: Contains 21essential minerals Hypoallergenic and paraben-free Hydrates,moisturizesandsoftens 6.MiniRiceCookerandSteamer Forpeoplewho eatonlyplant-based meals, riceisanessentialpartofthemaincoursewhichis both filling and nutritious. A rice cooker like this is easy to handle and it becomes easy to have freshly cooked hot rice much faster. Your vegan friend is going to love this one. The inner pot is of premium quality and has a non-stick coating. The cooker has a keep-warm function too which can keep the rice hot for a long time. It is a big steamer where rice can be made perfectly for up to 6 people. The rice cooker comes with a spatula and measuring cup making it a complete set. For someone whohasneverused aricecooker, thisstylishlydesigned oneisperfectforthem asit issimpletouseand canbecleanedeasily. KeyFeatures: Non-stick coating with honeycomb pattern Vegetablescanbesteamed Keepsricewarmforupto8hours Cancookupto6.5cupsofrice 7.CompostBinforKitchenCounter
From the kitchen of vegans and vegetarians, a lot of plant-based scraps turn out because of plant-based cooking. Maximum vegans are conscious of the environment and they would love to haveacountertopcompostbinon theirkitchen counter.Theycanalsoutilisetheirkitchen scraps in taking care of their plants at home or on any gardening project. They will be happy with the bin as it looks good too. It is one of the cool gifts for vegans. There will be no more odour in thekitchenandnoflies too.Afterthrowing thefoodwasteintothe compostbucketonejust has toclosethe lid. Thein-lidcharcoal filter controlsthe smell and keepsoutthe flies. KeyFeatures: The capacity of 3.8 litre Dual-layer powder coating Easytocleaninnerbucket 8.ProfessionalCountertopBlender Ablenderisone ofthe mostbeneficialgiftsthatyoucangivetoavegan.Theycanmake delicious smoothies at home and the best thing is they can be used to crack nuts and make things like butterandmilkfrom them.Theycanmake sauces and soups at home. Theblender
comeswithtwo glasses whichcanbe usedfor drinkingfrozendrinks, juices andsmoothies.This dishwasher-safe blender is quite big and it can be used for making drinks and smoothies for the entire family. The Nutri ninja cups that are given free with the blender have lids which makes it easytocarrynutritiousbeverages whileonthego.Thecrushingpitchercan beused for crushing iceand nuts formakingcreamyand velvetydrinksand soups. KeyFeatures: Fancyprofessionalblender 3 different speed and pulse functions Single-servebutton 9.GourmetSeasoningCollection If youhaveafriendwhohasrecentlyturned vegan,theymight findthat theflavoursofvegan food are nothing to speak of and they lack the excitement. They probably like to put a lot of spices in their food to be able to have a tummy-filling amount of it. They might be exaggerating while theycomplainbutput anendtotheir complaints withthispack of8spicescombokit. They canpreparevariousvegancuisinesathomewhichwill allbeflavorful, thankstothesespices. The containers have recipe ideas and tips on them so one would know how to use each of them and in how much quantity. Oil can be added to any of the spice rubs to prepare a marinade or the spices can be directly rubbed on vegetables too. Every tub is suitable for vegans and they are also glutenand sugar-free. KeyFeatures: Ingredientsmentionedonlabels World cuisine-inspired rubs Containsinstructions 10.Deli PaperSheets
Your vegan friend is most probably someone who likes to lessen the use of plastic as much as possible. This set of 2 reusable cotton food wraps is the perfect gift for your pal. These are vegan-friendly all natural sandwich wraps which produce no waste. The food wraps will be of 2 different colours and patterns. There are more than one layer and the flaps help to keep bread and chapatis warm for a long time. Now plastic sandwich bags and aluminium foils for wrapping rotisand tortillaswon’tberequiredasthese wrapsare tobewashed and used againand again. KeyFeatures: Zero-waste food wrap Machine washable Easilyreplaceablebelt 11. Gluten-Free|VeganDarkChocolate Your vegan pal may have been missing eating some really good chocolates since turning vegan. But they don’t have to miss out anymore. Once they try these Kosher-parve vegan dark chocolates, they are going to become big fans of the same. 15 pieces of chocolates will be wonderfullypacked inabeautifulgift box.Youcanalsochoose togive the 24-piece boxor48
piecesofchocolates. The boxhas anassortmentofdifferentlyshaped and designed chocolates. Theseare truffle chocolates havingamelt-in-the-mouthtexture.Thechocolatesarefreefrom anyadditivesorpreservativesso theywilllastabout3weeksifleftunopened. KeyFeatures: Elegantgiftbox Varietyofflavoursin1box Chocolatesofdifferentdesigns 12.5-BladeSpiralizer Whensomebodypractices veganism,theyarelikelyto eatzoodles(zucchininoodles),beet noodles or noodles, and noodles made from carrots (noodles). With this spiralizer, they can use their favourite vegetables to create their noodles from scratch. This one is not the regular hand- held spiralizer but a heavy-duty and strong one. It can cut any vegetable into spirals. It is very useful for making spaghetti and pasta using vegetables at home when carbs are avoided in a diet. This is a thoughtful gift which shows you care about their health. 4 recipe books will be providedtogiveideasaboutmakingoptimumuseof this spiralizer. KeyFeatures: Five different blades Suctionpadsatthebottom Ebookstomakegourmetmealsathome 13.NutMilkBags
Vegans don’t drink normal cow milk, so they have to drink nut milk like almond milk, cashew milk or pistachio milk. With the help of these milk bags, they can strain out the grits of nuts to have a smoothsubstituteformilk.Theseall-naturalcottonclothscanbeusedforstrainingtofu,tea, wine and soups as well. Cotton nut milk bags make it easy to squeeze out the liquid leaving behindthe impurities. KeyFeatures: Just twisting and squeezing required Eco-friendly wash and use bags Unbleachedandnon-toxic 14.VeganLeatherFlask Ifyouhavebeenlookingfor personalised vegangifts,we havefound a spectacularonewhichis a gift more suitable for men. This vegan hip flask will easily fit into pockets or even a purse, so why don’t you consider it as a gift for that female vegan friend who can hold her liquor well? The screw-donecap ensuresthatnospillagetakesplaceand it is also attachedtothebottle,so
there’sno chanceofmisplacing thelid. To customiseit,youcanchoose thedesignand thename ofthe recipientwillbe laser engravedonthe (vegan)leatherflask. KeyFeatures: 6flozcapacity Hand-washable vegan leather Comesina veganleathergiftbox 15.Vegan SnackHamper As vegans have to carry the time-consuming task of checking all the labels, and reading every detail whenever they have to buy groceries or munchies, they would be thrilled to receive a snack box hamper made for vegans, as a gift. For once, they would be able to enjoy it without the additional hassle. This gift basket is one of the best gift ideas for vegans. It is a standard- size hamper filled with more than 20 low-calorie treats. The snack box mainly has health bars, sweets and chocolates – all suitable for vegans. Now you can show your support for their healthy lifestyle choice and they will be able to enjoy some delicious treats when celebrating a specialoccasion. KeyFeatures: Themixofluxuryandpopularitems Low-calorietreats Presentableboxwithribbon 16.VeganPamperGiftSet
If you have a woman in your life who is a vegan, this is one of the best vegan gift baskets that you can give her. This is a gift set which will help her to relax and have a home spa session. The products will be packed in a white wicker basket which is completely natural and reusable. No artificial fragrances, sulphates or parabens have been used in any of the products and all the ingredients arepurelybotanical.Thenaturalorganicskincareproducts ofthispamperhamper consistofcruelty-freeand veganproductsfromaUK award-winningskincarebrand. Thereare four hand-craftedor hand-made giftsinthe basket–astressbalmtoreducestress,abathand body oil for a relaxing shower session, a hand cream for softer hands and a foot cream for healthierfeet. KeyFeatures: Pamperinghomespakit Vegan and cruelty-free No artificial fragrance Botanicalingredients 17. ColoringBookVegansandAnimalLovers
Ifyouhavebeenlookingforfunnyvegangifts, lookno furtherbecause wehave found a humorous and unique one. It is a snarky and funny colouring book made for all herbivores. Vegans have their share of problems. The colouring book has tried to include as many as possible inittomake aveganfeeltheyare notaloneinthis struggle.There arequotesinthis adult colouring book which is going to make your vegan family member or friend break into a big smile or smirk. This is an inexpensive gift which is a great way to make a vegan and their familymembers laugh. KeyFeatures: Funnygift Colouring book for grown-ups Afunwayto stayoccupied 18.Bamboo MakeupBrushes If your vegan best friend is obsessed with makeup then you can give this eco-friendly vegan makeup brush set as a gift which will keep on giving. This set of 12 vegan and cruelty-free makeup brushes will be delivered in a customised giftable box. Bamboo has been used in making these brushes so that it decomposes without adding to the pollution when discarded. Evenwhilemanufacturing thebrushes, itisdone throughaphysicalprocesssothat there isno damagetothe ecology. The length and thickness of the brushes have been kept just right for holding them easily. Now whether one has to apply face makeup like base and blusher, or styling like contouring and highlighting can be done perfectly using these brushes. Even someone with sensitive skin can usethese brusheshaving premium syntheticbristles. KeyFeatures: Premiumsyntheticbristles Bamboohandles Full facemakeupbrushset 19.BonsaiLiveTree
Has your friend always wanted to keep plants, but doesn’t know if they will be able to maintain them? Send this bonsai and make them a new plant parent. They can practice their green thumb with this before they bring in another plant. Just a small amount of water to keep the surface moist is enough. This is a hardy tree perfect for beginners as it is very easy to maintain. What it needs is sunlight, so it’s best to keep it outdoors or at least on a window sill and water now and then. KeyFeatures: Deliveredintheinsuredparcel Easytomaintaintree Comesinabeautifulpot 20.TurkishTea This one is for your tea-loving vegan friend. Whether they like to drink their tea with vegan milk or without, they are certainly going to love this exotic tea. The 150gm of tea can make 75 cups. It helpstoboost immunity as theherbalteahascardamom, cinnamon,staranise,rosepetals, driedcoconut,fennel seeds, black pepper,ginger andcloves!Theelegant-looking tinjarisnot
onlyreusablebutalsorecyclableandbiodegradable.Thetightlyrolledblack tealeaves havea sweet floral scent and a smooth taste. The spiced Turkish blend tea is aromatic, flavourful and easyonthepalate. Thoughbestto drinkwhenit’shotwithhoneyasasweetener,it canbe drunk asacoldteatoo.Anyway, this tea isextremelyrejuvenating. KeyFeatures: Sourcedfromsmall-mediumfarmers Comes with a blend of spices and rose petals Herbaltea Boostsimmunity We hope you have checked out all the cool gifts for vegans. These will make perfect presents for your friend, family member or any loved one who has cut out animal products from their life. You cannot give the usual leather bag or milk chocolates to them. As veganism is not only about food choice, it is howoneliveslifeasawhole,wehaveincludedbeauty-relatedproducts,appliancesetc. RelatedPosts: .26UniqueGiftsforCouplesin2022thattheywillLove .25UsefulandUniqueGiftsforPeopleWhoLoveGaming .15+CuteGiftsforDaughterswhohaveahardtimelikingeverything .Top28giftideasforhubby By Bhumika AnupkumarGolani|May12th,2022|0Comments ShareThis Article AbouttheAuthor:BhumikaAnupkumarGolani Bhumika Anupkumar Golani is from Mumbai. She is a student majoring in BscIT. She loves to explore her work options and gain experience in differentfields.Inthepast,Shehasworkedasanassistant teacher forayear.TwoorFouryears fromnow,She seesherselfasadeveloperor operationalmanagerofaSoftwareCompany.Shealwayslovedwriting herthoughtsdownon apaper, butneverknewthatshecould turnitinto a profession as a Content Writer. She sets her goals in advance for the future. She believes that practical knowledge and experience are more important than academicscores.Outside ofwork,Shelovesto travel, explorecultures,readbooksandbingewatchTVshows. RelatedPosts LeaveAComment
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