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5 Tips To Prevent Coronavirus And Its Symptoms

As the coronavirus COVID-19 is spreading across the world, there are certain preventive tips you should take to prevent yourself and your dear ones.<br><br>Since the corona outbreaks in China, you might have heard about the highest number of cases in India. The major cases are reported in the cities including, but not limited to New Delhi, Kerala, Mumbai, Patna, Hyderabad, and Mumbai. So, now the question is- how to prevent the spread of this disease?

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5 Tips To Prevent Coronavirus And Its Symptoms

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  2. Symptomsof Corona-Virus ImportantPointstoKnow TheviruscancausePneumonia. Thosewhohavefallenillare reportedtosufferCoughs, FeverandBreathing difficulties. Inseverecasestherecanbeorganfailure. Asthisisviral pneumonia, antibioticsareofnouse. Theantiviraldrugswe haveagainstfluwillnotwork. Recoverydependsonthe strengthoftheimmunesystem. Manyofthosewhohavedied werealreadyinpoorhealth. F I R STAI D G U I D E | 2 0 2 0

  3. WhatisCorona-Virus WhyYouNeedtoLearn Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause disease in animals. Seven, including the new virus, have made the jump to humans, but most just cause cold-like symptoms. Two other coronaviruses, Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), are much more severe, having killed more than 1,500 people between them since 2002. The new virus, officially called Covid-19, is also dangerous so far, around 20 per cent of confirmed cases have been classed as severe or critical. So far, around 15 to 20 per cent of hospital cases have been classed as "severe" and the current death rate varies between 0.7 per cent and 3.4 per cent depending on the location and, crucially, access to good hospital care. This is much lower than fatality rates for Mers (30 percent) and Sars (10 percent), but still a significant threat. Scientists in China believe that Covid-19 has mutated into two strains, one more aggressive than the other, which could make developing a vaccine more complicated. FI RS TA ID G UI DE | 20 20

  4. 5 TipsToPreventCorona-Virus AndItsSymptoms AstheCoronavirus COVID-19isspreadingacrosstheworld, therearecertainpreventivetipsyoushouldtaketoprevent yourselfandyourdearones.Sincethecoronaoutbreaksin China, youmighthaveheardaboutthehighestnumberof casesinIndia. Themajorcasesarereportedinthecities including, butnotlimitedtoNewDelhi, Kerala, Mumbai, Patna, Hyderabad, andMumbai. So, nowthequestionishowto preventthespreadofthisdisease?

  5. ImportantTipsTo Remember WHATISFIRSTAID? Wash Your Hands:Itistheprimarytiptopreventtheeffectsof Corona-virus. Washyourhandsmoreoftenwithsoapandwater, andatleastfor20seconds. Youshouldfollowthisespecially beforeeating, aftergoingtothewashroom, sneezingorcoughing andafterblowingyournose. Avoid Touching Your Face: Oneoftheimportantthingsyou shouldconsidertopreventCorona-virusisavoidingtouchingyour eyes, mouth, andnose. Youmightbehabitualoftouchingyour faceoften, butitisrecommendedtostopitbecausethechances ofgettingthisvirusarehigherifyoutouchyoureyes, nose, and mouthwithcontagioushands. F IRS TA ID G UI DE | 20 20

  6. ImportantTipsTo Remember WHATISFIRSTAID? Stay Home: Ifyouhaveacold & cough, stayatyourhomeand takepropertreatmentfromareputeddoctor. AsCorona-virusis highlycontagious, itcanspreadeasilyifyougooutside. Thus, you shouldstayathomeandtaketheproperrest. Be Smart During Travel: ThebestwaytostaysafefromCorona- virusistoconsiderpostponingunnecessarilytravel. But, ifyoucan botavoidyourtravel, thenyoushouldtakecertainprecautionary measuressuchasavoidhandshakingandmaintainadistanceof atleast3feetfrompeopleespeciallyfromthose, whohavecough & cold. F IRS TA ID G UI DE | 20 20

  7. ImportantTipsTo Remember WHATISFIRSTAID? Use Hand Sanitizer and Mask: Youshoulduseanalcohol-based handsanitizercontaining60%-95% amountofalcoholmore frequently. Apartfromthis, youshouldweararespiratormaskto getmoreprotectionfromcoronavirus. However, mostpeopleoverlookthegeneralsymptoms ofcough & cold, butitthetimeyoushouldtakeproper careofyourhealthanddonotavoidanyhealth conditionsespeciallycoughingandsneezing. Youshouldoptforimmediatemedicalcaretostaysafe fromanydiseases. IfyouliveinVaranasiandlooking forthebest  ENTdoctorinVaranasi  togettheproper treatmentforconditionslikecold & cough, tonsillitis, nasalinfections, andthroatinfections, thenyoushould visitHeritageHospitals. F IRS TA ID G UI DE | 20 20

  8. Heritage Hospitals has the most experienced and skilled team of medical practitioners, doctors, and surgeons, who provide highly effective treatment to almost all kinds of health conditions. You can also get the treatment for your cold & cough and related symptoms. Reach OuttoUs Mailingaddress Heritage Hospitals Ltd. Lanka, Varanasi- 221005 (U.P) INDIA Emailaddress info@heritagehospitals.com Phonenumber +91-9984948016

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