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When it comes to ensuring the integrity and safety of your industrial assets, turn to our top-notch NDT Consultancy Services. Our team of highly skilled professionals specializes in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques, offering comprehensive solutions for quality assurance in various industries. With years of experience and cutting-edge technology, we provide expert guidance and support, helping you identify defects, flaws, and irregularities in your materials and equipment without causing any damage.
Tank&Pipeline AllUnderOneRoof • Services : Othervariousspecializedservices such as • AssessmentofStorageTank • Eddycurrenttestingofcondensertubes,feed water heater, heat exchanger tubes and air conditioners. • Tube inspection withIRIS. • Positive Material Alloy Identification (PAMI) in-situ mettallography for the identification of metal /alloytype.. • Assessmentofmicrostructuralcondition whereremovalof testspecimen isnot possible. • Identification of metal corrosion under insulation (CUI) • MaterialIdentification(PMI)and Weld Inspection. • Time ofFlightDiffraction(TOFD)Test GCG&GGSwithitsexperiencedin-houseLevelIII Engineers,Metallurgistandotherexperts is abletoprovide customizedsolutions forclient’s inspectionandNDTneeds with acompleteone-stopsolutionpackage, asingleservice team.
M/s.GirishChandraGhosh&G.G.S. INDUSTRIALNDT CONSULTANCY LeadingStorageTankCalibrator& SurveyorinIndia&Abroad/NDTServiceProvider ApprovedGovt. LicensedRepairer/CalibratorofStorageTank(LegalMetrologyDept.) BENGAL’SHERITAGEandMANYAWARDWINNERCompany HealthSurvey& InspectionPlantLayoutDetail Drawing CONSULTANCY: WeprovidefullsuiteofNondestructiveTesting(NDT) Thirdpartyengineeringinspection MetallurgicalConsultancy Consultancy Inspection Testing Survey M/s.GirishChandraGhosh&G.G.S. Defects in parts and products are expensive. The costs in rework time, raw material replacement, delayed schedules; lost sales and reputation damage affect your entireorganization.Non-destructiveExamination(NDE) can identify defects before they reach your clients, without damagingthe samplematerial. GCG & GGS offers comprehensive testing services in the area of Radiography Testing (RT), Digital Radiography / Radioscopy Ultrasonic Testing (UT), MagneticParticleTesting(MPT)and LiquidPenetrant Testing(LPT). CorporateOffice: 40/2, B. T. Road; Sonajhuri Appt. Gr. Fl.; Bl.: B; Kol-2, West Bengal HeadOffice: 39A,B.T.Road;Kantakal;Kol-2 WestBengal Works: 37B,B.T.Road;Kantakal;Kol-2 WestBengal Contact: 0-9830081365(SupriyoGhosh) Ph.:033-2558-9089/2532-0156 Fax:033-2558-9089 E-mail: gcg.ggs.kol@gmail.com Website: www.girishcalibration.com www.storagetankcalibration.in