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ISO 45001 standard is also known as Occupational Health and Safety Management System. It provides a framework for an organization to provide safe and healthy workplaces and reduces work-related accidents and diseases.<br>
Downloadedfrom:justpaste.it/641y8 How Can ISO 45001 Certification Improve Your Business A safe work environment leads to increased productivity of the employees. An organization needsto providefor and maintain thephysical, mental and socialwell-being of its employees. A safe work environment is the right of every employee and increases the employees' productivity.
WhatisISO45001? • ISO 45001 standard is also known as 45001 OHSMS Occupational Health and Safety Management System.It providesaframework for an organization to providesafe and healthy workplacesandreduceswork-relatedaccidentsand diseases. • It is a generic standard that applies to most industries regardless of size and nature. It focuses on eliminating risks related to occupational health and hazards that can cause serious problems.ISO45001 standardrequires strict compliance withthe lawsand regulations. • The ISO 45001 standard is considered one of the most popular standards for quality management. Many organizations are goingforthisstandard, as itallowsyourorganization to increaseitsexistingcustomerbaseandwinnewbusiness collaborations. • The first edition of ISO 45001 standards was published in 1989. The current version of ISO 45001isknownasISO 45001:2018,anditwaslast revisedin2018. • PurposeofISO45001Certification • Around 3.5 billionpeople are working,which means nearlyhalf of the world’s population.An estimate shows that almost 153 peopleexperiencework-related injuries, andaworker dies every15seconds. • ISO45001 standards adopta risk-basedapproach and help to detect and preventhazards and work-relatedaccidents and diseases.Itensuresthesafety and health of the employees. • SignificanceofISO45001standard- • Helpsorganizationsprovidea safeworkingenvironmentfortheiremployees • Enhances the organization’s performance and addresses issues that can cause serious healthproblems. • Applies tomost industries regardless of the size, nature and geographical location. • Leverages yourorganization and provides you withacompetitive edge inthemarket. • Toprovidea framework to operateunderthecontrolsforeffectiveOccupationalHealth and SafetyManagement. • Helpsto reducework-related injuriesand diseases. • Securestheparticipation ofthe employees. • Assurescompliance withall the lawsand regulations. • Focuses on shapingyour organizationintoproactivethan reactive.
Ensuresthe safety andhealth of employees. • Toincrease your organization’s revenues and reduce costs. • Yourorganizationfollows arisk-based framework. • IndustriesrelatedtoISO45001on • Oilandgasindustry • Tobaccoindustry • Tourismindustry • Informationtechnologyindustry • Healthcareindustry • Chemicalindustry • Railways • Education • HowCanISO45001CertificationImproveYourBusiness • ISO 45001 is a quality management standard that provides guidance and information on preparing, enforcing and supporting quality management at all levels. ISO 45001 Certification is one of the most significant ISO certifications that a firm can have because it specifies the standardforyourbusiness. • It definesthequality management system to guaranteethatthe environment,customers and employeesaresafe. • It acts as a frameworkthathelpscompanies to understandtheir key areas and build appropriategoals. • ISO45001 enables companies to understandtheir customerusing thebest possible methods. Italsohelps them to findout factorswhichwillhelp them inachievingcustomer satisfactioninabetterway. • ISO 45001 standards is a management system that allows companies to enhance their quality management system and comply with laws, regulations, internal policies and standards.
Ithelpsorganizations todevelopstandardizedprocesses,procedures, and documentationto concentrateoncustomer satisfactionwhile raisingquality andproductivity. • ISO45001 standards isa hallmark of excellence thatoffers organizations'a proventrack recordofmaintainingahighlevelofquality. • It exhibits to customers, business partners and key stakeholders the organization’s ability to producesafeandqualitygoods. • Itprovidesunderstandingregardingyourprocessperformance,evadingunnecessarywaste andenhancingbusinessperformance. • ISO45001 standard providesguidelines to enterprisesfor riskmanagement. ISO 45001 standards suggest how companies should manage and detect risks and controlthem. • Itenhancescommunicationbetweenfirmsandcustomers,decreaseswaste,andprovides forbetterenvironmentalperformance. • It is prepared to meet the needs of companies with a diverse and complex portfolio of products,servicesandoperations. • ISO45001 standardsprovide businesslocalizationtools thatallowthe users to trace how the overallqualitymanagementofmanufacturingorganizationsworks. • It indicates an organization'scommitment to complywith allthenational and international standardsandwinscustomers’confidenceinyour brand.
It results in profit-making partnerships as it demonstrates the organization’s capability to deliver quality products and services andmakes your organization reliable and credible. • It strives to identifyall the potentialrisks and hazardsrelated to theworkplace and develop strategiestoeliminaterisksandhazards. ISO45001Certificationsrequirementschecklist Thefollowingarethe ISO45001certificationrequirements checklist: Contexttoorganization It focuses on understanding external and internal issues and defines the scope of the organization. Itdetermines the needsand requirements of the interestedparties to ensure customersatisfaction. Leadership A leader is the one who guarantees the success of any venture. The top-level management playsacrucial rolein the effective implementationofISO45001 standards. Planning It aims to monitor, detect, prevent and measure potential risks and opportunities. It formulates strategiesandplanstomitigatetheriskandreapthe opportunities. Support Itassuresthattheorganizationprovidesthenecessaryresources,either human resources or raw materials. It also requires providing the related training and skills to the employees to establishaneffective managementsystem. Operation It focuses on theimplementation of allthepolicies and procedures.This stepis related to the planningasitistheaction stageofalltheplanning andpolicies. Performanceevaluation It evaluatesallthebusinessoperations and reviews theactivities of themanagement.It analyses the impacts of allthe processes andseeks awayto improveconsistently.
7.Improvement It focuses on takingcorrectiveactions. Itevaluates thebusinessoperations and identifies ways to enhance the processes and management. ISO 45001 Certification offers an organizationtoimproveits businessoperationandmanagementsystem. ISO Certifications ensure the quality of the product and services and follows detect and prevent approach to mitigate risk. ISO 45001 standard works on four pillars. These are process, product, people and organization, and it strives to improve each of them at every level of operation. ISO 45001 Certification provides a framework for the safety and health of employeesanddetectspotentialrisksandopportunities. source - https://www.siscertifications.com/how-can-iso-45001-certification-improve-your- business/