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UK SPEC stands for UK standard for professional engineering competence. It defines the value to become registered as a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), or Engineering Technician (EngTech). It explains the detailed information about the requirements that need to be met for obtaining the mentioned qualifications, and provides examples about the ways through which the mentioned qualification can be achieved.

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  1. UKSPEC UKstandardforprofessionalengineering competence

  2. UKSPECstandsforUKstandardforprofessionalengineering competence. It (UKSPEC) gives a description of thecompetencyandcommitmentcriteriathatisneedeedto fulfill for registration as a Chartered Engineer, Incorporated EngineerorEngineeringTechnician.Itmakespossibleforan employerorindividualtofindoutwhethertheyortheirstaff canfulfilltheregistrationrequirementsornot. WhatisUKSPECandwhatisitspurpose

  3. TogetyourselfregisteredasaCEng,youneedtoshowthat you are professionally capable by means of training, educationandprofessionalpractice.Togetdesignatedasa CEng, you need engineering education on MEng level or equivalentUK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence(UKSPEC)trainingandexperiencetoshow major technical (design competencies), management and commercialleadershipcompetencies. AMaster’sdegreeisnotrequiredforCEng. CharteredEngineerrequirements

  4. TheeligiblecriterianecessaryforregistrationasaUKSPECCharteredEngineer can be compared to many continental European countries requiring master- leveleducationforregistrationasaProfessionalEngineer. The Washington Accord, which Engineering signed in 1989, recognizes ‘substantial equivalence’ between the academic requirements for registration between signatories,whichmeansthatforeignqualificationsacceptedbytheirlocalsignatory body are accepted for Chartered Engineers, and UK qualifications can be utilized whenapplyingforsimilarglobalstatus.RecognitionundertheWashingtonAccordis result-based,notonthecourselength. InternationalrecognitionofUKSPEC CharteredEngineer

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