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There are few things that can be as stressful and unforgiving as knowing that you have a highly important exam coming up in that hard to master college course. Many times, college students are practicing several modes of survival throughout their college careers; for many students, exams resemble a ten-round boxing match that has to go to the judge’s scorecard. There is hope, however, that with the right strategies and preparation exercises, that next exam can end with you achieving a total knockout in the early rounds!
GradeBuddy Exam Preparationand Completion
GradeBuddy EXAM PREPORATION ANDCOMPLETION There are few things that can be as stressful and unforgiving as knowing that you have ahighly importantexamcomingupinthathardtomastercollegecourse.Manytimes,collegestudents are practicing several modes of survival throughout their college careers; for many students, exams resemble a ten-round boxing match that has to go to the judge’s scorecard. There is hope, however, that with the right strategies and preparation exercises, that next exam canend with you achieving a total knockout in the earlyrounds! Preparation The process of succeeding on examsstarts well before the exam itself. It isurgent that you take proper notes forunderstanding of the material long before the exam takes place. Now, this may seem prettyobvious. Manystudentsfeelthattheyaredoingwhatisnecessaryleadinguptotheexamwithregularcoursework. There is one major problem that many students have, however. Most students aren’t taking notes efficiently and properly. Almost any college class will feature the stereotypical packed classroom with that fast-talking professor on a runaway train of words on a subject that seems from another universe. Thosepackedstudentsaretryingtokeepupbywritingeverysinglewordthattheycanrecognizeintheir notebook, thinking that they will get some semblance of a focal point. This is a mistake. The focus of yournotesshouldalwaysbeMAINIDEAS.Capturethemainideasandidentifythemajordetailsofeach of those ideas. The excess fluff is both unnecessary and confusing. A great strategy for this is Cornell Notes. The concept of Cornell Notes is simple. Your paper is split by a vertical line just to the right of the left margin on your paper. The left sectionyounowhaveonyourpaperissetasideforthemainideasof the lecture or presentation. The right side is set aside as the “body” of the paper, or the area that you will jot down the major details of each point being discussed. Lastly, the far right margin of your paper will be used for the “Essential Question” of each main idea you are discussing. The essential question can be whatever you gather that themainideaandbodysectionareaanswering.Thiswillsimplifyyour overall information that you will be studying for a given exam, both making your time more focused on exam material and pinpointing whatyouarestrugglingwithandwhatyouhavemastered. Cornell CornellNotes
GradeBuddy EXAM PREPORATION ANDCOMPLETION Flashcards Flash cardshave been used for subjects at all grade levels seemingly forever. They are a proven method to successfully memorizing keyideasandconceptsacrossanycurriculum. Thereareseveralgreatwaystomaximizethe benefit of using flash card studyexercises. diligence, the answer can be expanded to cover several more points and facts, without having to delve into a newflashcardandmaking“fluff.”Theanswercouldread “Great Britain. Declaration ofIndependencewrittentodeclareindependencefrom Great Britain. Colonis weredeterminedtoescapeunfair taxation without being represented inBritish Parliament, rigorouslab The first thing that will help you see improvement in flash card studying is to arrive at the same answer using a variety of question styles. For example, let’s say we are studying for a U.S. History exam over the DeclarationofIndependence.Todeducethat the colonies were declaring independence fromGreatBritain,astudentmaymakeaflash card simply asking, “Who were the colonies declaring independence from by writing and deliveringtheDeclarationofIndependence?” The answer would obviously show “Great Britain” as the answer to this question, and theystudentwouldthenmoveontothenext question. While this will reinforce theanswer tothequestiontothestudent,withabitmore Question TheAnswer requirements that were a part of Great Britain enabling mercantilism, and the quarteringact.” This strategy will both expand the answer for theperson who is answering the question, while reinforcing other knowledge of the subject without having to go through anotherflashcard.Thisflashcardtechniqueisprovento be more efficient with both the studying of the material as well as the actual making of the flash card. This is another technique that has endless possibilities with subject matter and length of studymaterial. This is a fairly simple procedure that goes to accomplish one major basic goal of exam preparation. Expanding knowledge of basic answers to questions will allow you to identify the correct answer on an exam, no matter how the question is asked. For this study exercise, simply go through whatever question and answer procedure you typically use. Using the same example from above, we know that the colonies declared independence from Great Britain. All that we have to do now is come up with 3 questions that expand on Great Britain. For example, we arrive at Great Britain as the answer to our question, so you will think back to your material or look back at your study material and come up with three question. One question could be “Who took most of the major land holding of France on the North American continent?” The answer would obviously be Great Britain. The second question could be “Who lost the American Revolution because the people didn’t want to continue to fund it?” Great Britain would be theanswer. Ifyoudothisforeachanswerthatyoucomeupwith,youwillbeexpandingonsubjectknowledgeand increasing the spectrum of questions that you can deduce the answer. This is a great strategy because it doesn’t involve making 200 flash cards or writing down 200 questions that you feel could be on the exam. It involves major points from Cornell Note standards that expand on single answers and cover a wide array ofmaterial.
GradeBuddy EXAM PREPORATION ANDCOMPLETION ExamPracticeTest I know, the most basic strategy in the book. While everyone has tried the practice questions in anexam style format, there are a few things that will make it moreeffective. The first suggestion is quite easy. Get with a partner and have them make a test for you, and you can makeatestforthem.Itdoesnothavetobesome50questionoverthetopthing.Isuggest10questions focusing on a specific subject within your exam. As you take the test, simply pick the answer you feelis correct.Haveyourpartnerdothesamething.Afteryouhaveeachfinished,gradeeachtestandcorrect them as needed. Now, the magic willbegin. Go back through your test, and give three sentences for each answer. For the correct answer, expand on the answer explaining why it is correct and the facts associated with the answer to that question. Forthethreeincorrectanswers,explaininatleastthreesentenceswhythoseanswerscan’tpossiblybe correctforthatquestion.Dothisforall10questions,andyouwillhaveamassiveamountofknowledge that you had to recover and recall. This strategy is possibly the single most successful strategy for students. This strategy also takes out the stress of missing questions. You know, while taking the test, that if you miss a question, you are going to have the opportunity to expand and explain each choice. This gives the confidence to a student that this subject won’t trip them upagain. Overall,thesearejustafewexampreparationmodelsthatareproventowork.Therearecountlessothers thatmayworkdifferentlyformanypeople.Thesearesomeofthemostpopularintheeverchangingworld ofeducationduetothefactthatthestudentisresponsibleforestablishingtheoutcome’sandquestion’s based off of their knowledge. When you have make the questions, establish the correct answers and expand on those correct answers, you have gone beyond the outdated methods of memorization for an exam. Memorization is definitely a habit that has it’s time and place. If you are taking a major math exam, then memorizing formula’s and procedures is crucial of course. But most subjects will not lend well to memorization of answers to single questions. This narrow’s your scope of knowledge and leads the student to be lost when the question is worded differently than what was memorized. This single fact is what makes many student’s struggle on exams at the collegelevel.
GradeBuddy EXAM PREPORATION ANDCOMPLETION ExamDay Notmuchhasactuallychangedovertheyearswhenitcomestotakingexams.Toelaborate,thereisno secret to guarantee your success or failure on an exam on the day of the test. The work is donebefore the exam, and that is what you have to do in order to put yourself in position tosucceed. The morning of the exam, you need to be awake and active at least 2 hours before your exam time. This will allow you the necessary time to get a nutritious breakfast, such asfruit or cereal, and to get your brain firing. Thishas been crucial in my own personal experience over the years. I always found that if I hadn’t been moving the morning of an exam, I hada hard time really focusing on myexam. The first thing to remember is obviously to get your 6-8 hours of sleep. Do NOT go overboard with this; 10 hours of sleep will leave you groggy and lethargic. It should go withoutsayingthatgoingtothathouseparty thenightbeforetheexamisprobablynotthe best line of thinkingeither. Lastly, and most importantly, RELAX! You have done the necessary work to put yourself in position to succeed. A piece of crucial advice that I had a professor give me in Education Psychology was that it is okay to miss a few questions. Really? The professor doesn’t expect you to be perfect? While you are striving to make that perfect score, it is a major problem if you come across a question you aren’t completelysureaboutandyoucan’tmoveonfromit.Don’tletquestion10affectyourperformanceon questions 11-20. The beauty of college is that you are LEARNING. You will take exams and miss some questions. The crucial thing is that you learn from your mistakes and ultimately learn thematerial. So relax, study hard, and study SMART. Try out these study tips on your next exam preparation, you will seeadifferenceandmayfindthatthiswholecollegeexamthingisn’tasbadasitseems.Maybeyouwill land that punch to knock itout! GetaheadstartonyourexamrevisionwithGradeBuddy,whichisalecturenoteserviceforyourclasses offeringrichandconcisematerialsforeverylecture,andastudyguidebeforeeachexam.Qualitylecture notes and study guides are prepared by in-class note-takers, delivered to you online. You concentrate on listening, let GradeBuddy take care of the note taking. Visithttps://gradebuddy.com/