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The Flat Belly Fix by Todd Lamb is a unique system designed to blast away stubborn belly fat in as little as 21 days. Now, I know it likely sounds like just another gimmicky fitness plan that promises to provide results, but don’t be mistaken. Often times, most of those programs will provide results if you follow their regime precisely
888-268-4430 Ex-Marine Reveals the ONE Veggie You Need to STOP Eating to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours! I grabbed the nearest man, a fresh-faced PFC named Anders, and shoved him toward the cave entrance, kicking into high gear behind him. There was a flash and a deafening roar behind me, then I was lifted off my feet and the world dissolved into darkness. I'm Marine Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Cooper, and I’m about to share a bizarre story with you.
It’s about how a disastrous mission in the mountains of Afghanistan led to an amazing discovery that would save the life of Sharon Monroe, a 43-year-old out-of-shape accountant and mother of two who nearly dropped dead from a heart attack. What I found in the unforgiving desert would empower Sharon to lose over 40 pounds and save her life. Sharon achieved this miracle without pills, surgeries or gut-wrenching workouts! You might be shocked when you learn about the method she used to eradicate body fat and give her the youthful energy to go with it. Sharon had battled her weight for years. She’d tried every weight loss fad and followed the advice of “fitness gurus” who preached tons of cardio and crazy diets. The real breakthrough came out of nowhere, backed up by independent clinical research from some of the world’s top
universities, and I had to go overseas to find out about it. It would change Sharon’s life. This weight loss method is so astonishingly effective, I’ve retired from the Marine Corps so I can dedicate my life to sharing this miraculous secret with everyone who wants to shed pounds and improve their health. I’m going to tell you about the lies that create roadblocks to weight loss. One big lie is that salty foods are a hindrance to losing weight. It sounds crazy, but a lack of salt lowers the pH level in your stomach, so you can’t burn fat. It also leads to digestive problems, making you feel bloated and gassy. Another lie is that all vegetables are good for you. Some veggies create a serious thyroid imbalance that builds fat in your gut, no matter how much you work out. Studies have shown that excessive cardio speeds up the aging process, is ineffective at burning fat, and can cause serious heart conditions like arterial plaque buildup, oxidative
stress, and scar tissue on the heart, leading to deadly heart attacks. It goes against everything we’ve been taught. What about the scientifically proven fact that fat-free, sugar- free, gluten-free and low-carb diets make you fatter because of two body-fattening amino acids that are hiding in many foods you’ve been led to believe are healthy? They both deliver deadly trans-fats right into your bloodstream, destroying the body's metabolic system and bringing the production of thyroid hormones to a grinding halt – directly resulting in increased fat storage, specifically around your stomach and thighs. And according to WebMD, people who overdo exercise have shorter life spans and put themselves at greater risk for heart attack. The early symptoms of heart attack are shortness of breath and chest pains, but exercise over-achievers think it’s because they’ve had a good workout. Here’s something that might tick you o?. All the so-called “stars” on Nutrisystem’s success stories page are bogus, and I’ll show
you proof. This fit body is not the result of eating expensive, pre- packaged Nutrisystem foods! I’ll tell you the truth about how super-fit celebrities lose weight so quickly. Best of all, I’ll tell you exactly how Sharon Monroe lost over 40 pounds and just dodged leaving her husband a widower. You’ll find out how nearly getting blown to bits in a cave in Afghanistan led me to the discovery that would change Sharon’s life and thousands of others. You’ll learn the exact fat-burning system that’s been scientifically tested and proven to melt fat away with incredible speed, skyrocket your energy levels, balance your body chemistry, and ramp up your sex drive – so quickly, safely, and effectively that you’ll wonder why Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil haven’t been talking about it for years. My method lets you transform your body without drugs, surgeries, expensive supplements, exhausting workouts,
motivational rituals, or overpriced ?tness garbage. This system has proven to work for folks of any age, body type or state of health because it’s based on sound physiological and anatomical principles of the human body’s natural functions. The weight loss industry isn’t happy about what I’m doing. It makes tens of billions of dollars by cleverly marketing fads like the TLC Diet, Slim Fast, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig and South Beach, and they’re threatened by the information I’m going to share. I’m exposing the lies they use to bilk people out of billions each year… more than $61 billion as of 2010, based on a Marketdata study of the U.S. weight loss industry alone. They don’t want me to show people like you how to lose weight without losing money. What’s astonishing is that everything I was previously led to believe about nutrition and body fat was wrong! I had to leave the country to stumble on the proven secrets you’re going to learn about right here.
But don’t take my word for it. I’ll show you verifiable facts. Imagine waking up tomorrow with as much energy as you had in your twenties – even if you’re 70 now! Watch as day by day, your stubborn belly dissolves. You’ll look and feel healthier than you have in decades. And you’ll discover that the symptoms of major health issues like hyperthyroidism, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, chronic joint pain and more will fade so rapidly it will reaffirm your faith – or make you a believer. The secret I’m about to reveal is so simple and so easy, and the results so dramatic that it may seem unbelievable. I felt the same way when I learned about the incredible proven science behind a hidden fat-burning cycle that Westerners don’t know about. I thought it was more health mumbo jumbo. As a gunnery sergeant in a Marine Force Recon unit, I wasn’t just responsible for my team that fateful night in the cave. I was responsible for their physical fitness training. I watched the results of out-of-shape, middle-aged soldiers using this program, how National Guard units called up to serve were staffed by out-of-shape guys in their 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s, regular guys who were suddenly called to active duty to fight terrorist threats, and who were rapidly transformed into lean, mean fighting machines.
And I watched Sharon slim down within weeks. It’s one thing to whip soldiers into shape, but she was an overweight civilian. Nothing can replace the feeling of witnessing their success and seeing life-altering results with tens of thousands of people just like you and me. What I’m about to share will give you a lean and healthy body, plus the confidence you’ve always wanted. Most mind-blowing of all, this weight loss secret eliminates dangerous toxins, free radicals and heavy metals from your body to unlock energy reserves that make you feel young again and breathe vitality into every cell in your body.
That’s exactly what Patricia in Youngstown, Ohio, discovered: She lost 28 pounds and several inches o? her waist and thighs. She knew it had happened when she tried on a dress and her usual size 14 billowed around her. She went all the way down to a size 9! Then there’s David from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida:
David dropped a whopping 57 pounds and discovered his type 2 diabetes was gone. He no longer faced the prospect of daily insulin injections and expensive medications. Or Tamara from Chicago: Tamara used the simple method you’re about to learn and dropped 32 pounds, which gave her the boost of self-esteem she needed to apply for and receive a big promotion at her law firm.
Or Vince from Long Beach, California: He lost 22 pounds in under a month. He looks and feels great, and has landed an amazing new lady in his life. Listen to what Amanda from Boston says: Dear Kyle, I’ll admit I was skeptical, but what you showed me was hard to ignore, and now that I’ve tried it, I can say it’s amazing! Before reading your article, I was 25 pounds overweight and my doctor said my blood pressure was way too high and my cholesterol was through the roof, and he prescribed several meds that were only partially covered by insurance. I was a lost cause. But then you explained the science behind your technique, and it was so simple and made so much sense. I figured what did I have to lose? 27 pounds, that’s what! In 3 weeks I’d totally changed my life – more than 7 pounds per week! I feel great, my BP and cholesterol have
dropped back to normal, and I look better than I have in years. Hoo-rah, Gunny! These are just a few nice words out of tens of thousands of success stories I’ve received. I’ll share more later, but before I do, it’s critical that I tell you how this system works and why it not only transforms your body, it saves your life.
I’m a retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant, married to a beautiful woman and father of two awesome kids, and since my discovery, I’m also a celebrity in the health world. I’m humbled to have been labeled as one of the top international body transformation experts after helping tough clients other trainers couldn’t, reshaping their bodies in a few short months. But I’m nobody special. I was just lucky enough to blunder into a weight loss formula that transformed my soldiers and Sharon Monroe. Like most people, Sharon was skeptical – even after she lost 41 pounds, looked great and felt better than she had since she was 25! She wanted medical proof that it was my system that changed her, so she drove all the way from Missouri for a complete physical at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. The doctors were amazed that her genetic and lab analysis showed that even though she was 43, her body was that of a
woman 20 years younger. These were some of the world’s most prominent physicians. Just 2 years ago, Sharon was flabby, headed for a heart attack and at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. She never had any energy and her sex life was going down the tubes. She wanted to change but didn’t have the energy to spend hours in the gym, and she had put off thinking about her health for so long that it was nearly too late. Sharon almost died in 2014. She had decided it was time to take action, and she didn’t ease into it. She went full out and decided to run 3 miles. After the first mile, it got tough. Sharon gasped for air and felt the burn in her muscles, but she kept going. No pain no gain! Half a mile later, she got what felt like a stitch in her side. She ignored it until her heart started hammering. Then she fell down on her knees, doubled over in pain. Sharon could hardly catch her breath for several long minutes, but eventually the pain let up. Amazingly, instead of calling it quits, she kept going. After that, things went from bad to worse. Sharon, who was 40 then, didn’t realize that there was something seriously wrong with her heart and these were all warning signs. Two nights later, after she and her husband, Tyler, went out for dinner, she woke up with crushing chest pains and labored breathing. Thinking it was just food acid, Sharon took some Tums and waited for the heartburn to subside. But what we all fear was about to happen to Sharon. An hour after she had been woken by the pain, her left arm started to tingle. She woke up her husband, who said it didn’t sound like heartburn to him and that she was having symptoms of a heart attack. It was time to go to the emergency room, but she felt good enough to drive herself so Tyler could stay home – reluctantly – with the kids. It was a life-changing doctor’s visit.
The doctors confirmed that she’d had a mild heart attack. She was told that she was considered obese and that her weight had brought on cardiovascular damage. Sharon was shocked. Here she was, 40 and trying to get fit. And as a result, she’d found out she had heart disease. She didn't sleep that night. Sharon sat with Tyler after returning from the ER and cried like a baby. She wondered how long she’d be around, if she’d see her kids grow up, and whether she’d leave her husband a single dad. What about all her plans? Their trip to Europe next year? The side business they were going to start together? The next morning Sharon helped get the kids off to school. As they got on the bus, she wondered, “Will this be the last time I see them?” That ER visit was a wakeup call. Sharon knew she needed to drop a few pounds, but hadn’t imagined anything like this. Like most of us, Sharon was good at denial. Sure, she was a little out of shape, but she’d get around to making changes soon. She made excuses and turned to fitness fads and
quick fixes, wasting hundreds of dollars on things that didn’t work. Weight loss systems like Nutrisystem, Atkins, Slim Fast and South Beach are all about restricting your diet, counting calories and starving yourself. Sharon thought what she was doing was right and was frustrated by the lack of results. When she was on one diet or another, she felt extreme hunger, especially at night. What she didn’t realize was that these diets simply restrict caloric intake and when your body is starved, it turns to survival mode – storing food as fat as a means of preservation. She was so hungry because she was depriving herself of carbohydrates, which is how your body refuels and generates energy. So Sharon wasn’t losing weight, her muscles weren’t getting any stronger, and her body wasn’t shaping up. She was starving it of the proteins and nutrients it needed to get stronger and burn fat. Sharon thought about all the money she had wasted on Paleo, Nutrisystem and TLC diet programs. They had shrunk her bank account but not her stomach.
The diets that preached portion-sized meals just weren’t enough food. An hour after dinner, she’d get hungry and couldn’t fight the urge to eat – usually junk food. On top of everything, Sharon’s LDL level (bad cholesterol) was high, which intensified the danger of her heart condition. Her body was so loaded with fat that her triglyceride levels – blood sugar – were over 300, a huge contributing factor to heart disease and diabetes. Not even a week later, Sharon was struck with a massive wave of depression. She fell to her knees by the bed, sobbing. Her 10-year-old son was watching from the doorway. He walked over quietly, put his arms around her, and said, “It’s okay, Mom. Jesus will take care of you.” She gave him a big hug, taking comfort in his bravery. But the next day at her doctor’s office would put the final nail in Sharon’s coffin of depression. As she waited for word from the doctor, each second crept by. After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor came in and told her about the bleak consequences of ignoring her weight for so long.
She said, “Sharon, if you don’t lose 40 pounds, I’m not sure how long your heart can keep going. You can’t keep ignoring your health. Your blood pressure is 175/110, your BMI is over 30, and your cholesterol levels are through the roof.” Sharon’s huge fat and cholesterol buildup was because of years of eating the wrong foods and doing the wrong exercises. “Your arteries are already beginning to harden, and weight loss surgery would not only be expensive, but also dangerous,” the doctor explained. Sharon felt helpless and defeated. How could she possibly drop 40 pounds? She hadn’t thought she was unhealthy, just getting older. Age is a time bomb waiting to go off. The older we get, the faster the timer counts down, whether we’re talking about cancer, heart disease, stroke or diabetes. Any day could be your last. Sharon was advised to get her affairs in order. She’d have to explain it to her kids and plan for their care after she was gone. How could she tell her young children that she might not be around for their next birthdays? But her son, with total confidence, repeated that Jesus would help. Sharon isn’t deeply religious, but she desperately hoped he was right.
Here’s where the story would have ended, if not for my brush with death in a hot cave in Afghanistan, an event that would lead to Sharon’s salvation.