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POL 110 RANK Introduction Education--pol110rank.com

FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT <br> www.pol110rank.com<br><br>POL 110 Week 1 Discussion How Active Is Your Government<br>POL 110 Week 2 Discussion Does the need for national security conflict with our personal rights<br>POL 110 Week 3 Discussion Is Federalism Necessary?"<br>POL 110 Week 4 Discussion The Ideologies of American Politics<br>POL 110 Week 5 Discussion The Two-Party System<br>POL 110 Week 6 Discussion Voting and the Role of Interest Groups<br>POL 110 Week 6 Assignment 1 Politics Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2 Papers)<br>POL 110 Week 7 Discussion Congress<br>POL 110 Week 8 Discussion Presidential Elections and Peaceful Transitions<br>POL 110 Week 10 Assignment It May Not Work in Politics (2 Papers)<br>POL 110 Week 9 Discussion The Fairness of the Court System<br>

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  1. POL 110 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com POL 110 Week 1 Discussion How Active Is Your Government POL 110 Week 2 Discussion Does the need for national security conflict with our personal rights POL 110 Week 3 Discussion Is Federalism Necessary?" POL 110 Week 4 Discussion The Ideologies of American Politics POL 110 Week 5 Discussion The Two-Party System POL 110 Week 6 Discussion Voting and the Role of Interest Groups POL 110 Week 6 Assignment 1 Politics Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2 Papers) POL 110 Week 7 Discussion Congress POL 110 Week 8 Discussion Presidential Elections and Peaceful Transitions POL 110 Week 10 Assignment It May Not Work in Politics (2 Papers) POL 110 Week 9 Discussion The Fairness of the Court System POL 110 Week 10 Discussion Social Security and Medicare POL 110 Week 11 Discussion Self-review of Course

  2. POL 110 Week 4 Exam 1 (5 Set) POL 110 Week 8 Exam 2 (4 Set) POL 110 Week 11 Exam 3 (5 Set) ============================================== POL 110 Week 1 Discussion How Active Is Your Government FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com "How Active Is Your Government?" Please respond to the following: Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from the text book and this section, address the following: Explain two to three roles that modern government plays in the lives of American citizens. Then, determine at least two benefits and two limitations of the power of the U.S. government in affecting the day-to- day lives of its citizens ==============================================

  3. POL 110 Week 2 Discussion Does the need for national security conflict with our personal rights FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com “Does the need for national security conflict with our personal rights?" Please respond to the following: Based on the scenario, the text and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following: Give 2 examples of how our individual civil rights or civil liberties may be threatened by the need to maintain our national security. Are people’s rights being violated by the national security efforts? Provide support for your argument with specific examples of civil rights and liberties. ============================================== POL 110 Week 3 Discussion Is Federalism Necessary?" FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com

  4. "Is Federalism Necessary?" Please respond to the following: Based on the text, the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following: Discuss at least two effects on U.S. citizens that stem from the division of power between the federal and state governments . (Students, to answer this main question you might want to see how state laws affect you differently than federal laws on various issues). ============================================== POL 110 Week 4 Discussion The Ideologies of American Politics FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com The Ideologies of American Politics" Please respond to the following: Based on the text, the scenario and the knowledge gained from the text on this section, address the following: Describe the differences between Liberal and Conservative ideologies in America. Name two policies that are examples of each. Is the public moved to support one or the other based upon ethical or moral principles, or is it based upon the influence of the media?

  5. ============================================== POL 110 Week 4 Exam 1 (5 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com POL 110 Week 4 Exam 1 Set 1 Question 1 In a parliamentary system, the prime minister is chosen by the Question 2 Today, the average income tax rate for American families is over __________ percent. Question 3 Who was the chief architect of the Constitution? Question 4 The United States is a(n) Question 5 The term that the Framers of the Constitution used to describe our form of democracy was Question 6 Which constitutional amendment took 202 years to ratify? Question 7 Cruel and unusual punishment is forbidden in the Question 8 The Virginia Plan called for

  6. Question 9 Of the men at the Constitutional Convention, the most famous in the world as a scientist and writer was Question 10 Who said that the “real revolution” was the “radical change in the principles, opinions, and sentiments, and affections of the people”? Question 11 The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Texas v. Johnson focused on Question 12 In general, all of the rights in the Bill of Rights now apply to the states, except for the Question 13 The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in New York Times v. Sullivan focused on Question 14 Police may legally search persons for evidence either when they have a search warrant or when Question 15 Under the USA Patriot law, the attorney general may hold any noncitizen who is thought to be a national security risk for up to ___________ days. Question 16 Which state notably legalized same-sex marriages in the mid-2000s, inspiring other states to do the same or to tighten their restrictions? Question 17 Under the influence of justices appointed by President __________the Court began to uphold some state restrictions on abortion., Question 18 The Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas was notable for its reference to Question 19 In which case did the Supreme Court rule states could not ban partial-birth abortions altogether?

  7. Question 20 The Hyde Amendment prohibits Question 21 State officials complained because Obamacare required that the states Question 22 In recent years, most mandates have concerned Question 23 The Constitution has been amended __________ times in more than 225 years. Question 24 In 1995 the Court appeared to reverse field, limiting the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in a case involving a ban on Question 25 The first federal grants to the states began Version 2 Question 1 State universities can take race into account in admitting students to colleges so long as no _________ is used. Question 2 In 2008, what state approved a ballot measure titled Proposition 8, banning gay marriage that was then overturned in 2010, and later sent to the federal appeals court? Question 3 The Supreme Court’s strongest statement regarding affirmative action came in a case involving Question 4 Which case found the Supreme Court striking down an affirmative action plan that employed quotas as “unconstitutional”?

  8. Question 5 Which president ordered that all Japanese Americans be removed from their homes in California and placed them in relocation centers far from the coast? Question 6 Under the USA Patriot law, the attorney general may hold any noncitizen who is thought to be a national security risk for up to ___________ days. Question 7 The amendment that is probably the most important in terms of having the Bill of Rights apply to the states is the Question 8 A bill of attainder Question 9 Which case addressed the issue of school vouchers? Question 10 Police may legally search persons for evidence either when they have a search warrant or when Question 11 Which constitutional amendment took 202 years to ratify? Question 12 The Articles of Confederation went into effect in Question 13 All of the delegates from the State of __________ left the Convention, with the exception of Alexander Hamilton. Question 14 Of the men at the Constitutional Convention, the most famous in the world as a scientist and writer was Question 15 Who, notably, said, “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing”? Question 16 The federal government’s full-time civilian workforce numbers about __________ million. Question 17 The Constitution has been amended __________ times in more than 225 years.

  9. Question 18 The authority left to the states under the Tenth Amendment amounts to Question 19 In 1995 the Court appeared to reverse field, limiting the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in a case involving a ban on Question 20 State officials complained because Obamacare required that the states Question 21 The authors suggest “stalemates” are ___________ in American politics. Question 22 The term that the Framers of the Constitution used to describe our form of democracy was Question 23 By 2010, the national debt was around ___________ trillion dollars. Question 24 All of the following are characteristics of most people holding public office except Question 25 Who was the chief architect of the Constitution? Version 3 Question 1 The term that the Framers of the Constitution used to describe our form of democracy was Question 2 Freedom of speech is strongly protected under the __________ Amendment.

  10. Question 3 By 2010, the national debt was around ___________ trillion dollars. Question 4 One notable feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom is that it Question 5 Who was the chief architect of the Constitution? Question 6 The Declaration of Independence contains twenty-seven paragraphs that list Question 7 Shays’s Rebellion was conducted by a group of Question 8 Cruel and unusual punishment is forbidden in the Question 9 The Articles of Confederation went into effect in Question 10 The number of senators allowed to each state under the Great Compromise was Question 11 Under the current standard, the Supreme Court insists that obscenity convictions be based on contemporary __________ standards. Question 12 In general, all of the rights in the Bill of Rights now apply to the states, except for the Question 13 In the Des Moines “student-black-armband” case, the Supreme Court ruled that the wearing of the armbands was Question 14 The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Texas v. Johnson focused on Question 15 During an arrest, the police may legally search Question 16 The Hyde Amendment prohibits

  11. Question 17 In 2008, what state approved a ballot measure titled Proposition 8, banning gay marriage that was then overturned in 2010, and later sent to the federal appeals court? Question 18 The Court’s rulings regarding sexual harassment draw largely from Question 19 In general, the Supreme Court has allowed race to be taken into account in the area of jobs if Question 20 The Supreme Court’s strongest statement regarding affirmative action came in a case involving Question 21 The federal government’s full-time civilian workforce numbers about __________ million. Question 22 National supremacy became an important legal question in an 1819 case involving a Question 23 The Supreme Court case that established national supremacy was Question 24 In recent years, most mandates have concerned Question 25 The Supreme Court, in McCulloch v. Maryland, decided that POL 110 Week 4 Exam 1 Set 2 Exam 1

  12. • Question 1 The chief executive in a parliamentary system is usually called • Question 2 The United States is a(n) • Question 3 The term that the Framers of the Constitution used to describe our form of democracy was • Question 4 In addition to the power of judicial review, courts can wield influence by • Question 5 In a presidential system, the bureaucracy reports to • Question 6 Shays’s Rebellion was conducted by a group of • Question 7 Who said that the “real revolution” was the “radical change in the principles, opinions, and sentiments, and affections of the people”? • Question 8 The Framers of the Constitution intended to create a • Question 9 When all was said and done, the delegates of __________ states who remained in Philadelphia approved the Constitution. • Question 10 The Virginia Plan called for • Question 11 The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in New York Times v. Sullivan focused on • Question 12 In a 1947 decision, the Supreme Court allowed a New Jersey town to fund busing to a parochial school because • Question 13 The historical source for the metaphor of a “wall of separation” between religion and the state is

  13. • Question 14 During an arrest, the police may legally search • Question 15 The Fourteenth Amendment provides for • Question 16 The Supreme Court ruled that separate educational facilities for the races are “inherently unequal” in • Question 17 When the University of Michigan employed race in its decision-making process for admissions, the Supreme Court ruled that it could only be employed as a(n) • Question 18 In the 1992 Casey decision the Court discarded the first-, second-, and third-trimester framework of Roe v. Wade because • Question 19 Which case found the Supreme Court striking down a law that banned interracial marriage? • Question 20 The attorney general was directed to bring a suit challenging the constitutionality of the poll tax in • Question 21 In recent years, most mandates have concerned • Question 22 Hamilton’s view of the new government generally was rejected by • Question 23 The Constitution was ratified in • Question 24 The authority left to the states under the Tenth Amendment amounts to • Question 25 Under the grants-in-aid system,

  14. • Question 1 By 2010, the national debt was around ___________ trillion dollars. • Question 2 The United States is a(n) • Question 3 Public trust and confidence in the federal government has declined sharply since the • Question 4 The text notes that, in the mid-1930s, the vast majority of Americans • Question 5 Today, the average income tax rate for American families is over __________ percent. • Question 6 Cruel and unusual punishment is forbidden in the • Question 7 Double jeopardy is forbidden in the • Question 8 The Articles of Confederation went into effect in • Question 9 All of the delegates from the State of __________ left the Convention, with the exception of Alexander Hamilton. • Question 10 The political theory of the Declaration of Independence was influenced greatly by the writings of • Question 11 Which classic case involved prayer in public schools? • Question 12 In a 1947 decision, the Supreme Court allowed a New Jersey town to fund busing to a parochial school because • Question 13 Police may legally search persons for evidence either when they have a search warrant or when • Question 14 The ban on double jeopardy can be found in the

  15. • Question 15 Which case addressed the issue of school vouchers? • Question 16 If there has been a history of discrimination, the Court has allowed requirements that contractors set aside __________ percent of their contract funds to purchase services from minority-owned businesses. • Question 17 In which case did the Supreme Court rule states could not ban partial-birth abortions altogether? • Question 18 The Hyde Amendment prohibits • Question 19 The Court’s landmark decision in Rostker v. Goldberg focused on gender discrimination and • Question 20 The landmark case Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg (1971) held that • Question 21 State officials complained because Obamacare required that the states • Question 22 In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled the most controversial aspect of Obamacare withstood constitutional scrutiny as a _________ as opposed to a “penalty.” • Question 23 The first federal grants to the states began • Question 24 Knowing the Constitution could not possibly contain an exact and exhaustive list of powers, the __________ clause was added. • Question 25 Hamilton’s view of the new government generally was rejected by

  16. • Question 1 In a parliamentary system, the prime minister is chosen by the • Question 2 All of the following are characteristics of most people holding public office except • Question 3 In addition to the power of judicial review, courts can wield influence by • Question 4 One notable feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom is that it • Question 5 The authors suggest “stalemates” are ___________ in American politics. • Question 6 The number of senators allowed to each state under the Great Compromise was • Question 7 All of the delegates from the State of __________ left the Convention, with the exception of Alexander Hamilton. • Question 8 The Virginia Plan called for • Question 9 Who, notably, said, “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing”? • Question 10 Double jeopardy is forbidden in the • Question 11 Under the current standard, the Supreme Court insists that obscenity convictions be based on contemporary __________ standards.

  17. • Question 12 Since the First Congress in 1789, the House and the Senate have opened each session with • Question 13 A bill of attainder • Question 14 In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment means one has a “right” to _________ for self-protection. • Question 15 In a 1947 decision, the Supreme Court allowed a New Jersey town to fund busing to a parochial school because • Question 16 The Supreme Court’s strongest statement regarding affirmative action came in a case involving • Question 17 In general, the Supreme Court has allowed race to be taken into account in the area of jobs if • Question 18 The text notes congressional law on the matter of sexual harassment is • Question 19 Which president ordered that all Japanese Americans be removed from their homes in California and placed them in relocation centers far from the coast? Franklin Roosevelt • Question 20 Which case banned so-called “freedom-of-choice” plans as devices for desegregating public schools? • Question 21 The authority left to the states under the Tenth Amendment amounts to • Question 22 National supremacy became an important legal question in an 1819 case involving a • Question 23 The doctrine of dual federalism grew out of a debate on the subject of

  18. • Question 24 The Constitution has been amended __________ times in more than 225 years. • Question 25 A federal grant designed for a specific purpose defined by a federal law is called a POL 110 Week 4 Exam 1 Set 3 • Question 1 The United States is a(n) • Question 2 The chief executive in a parliamentary system is usually called • Question 3 One notable feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom is that it • Question 4 It is important to remember that the business of lobbyists is protected by the __________ Amendment. • Question 5 The authors suggest “stalemates” are ___________ in American politics. • Question 6 Double jeopardy is forbidden in the • Question 7 The stated purpose for the delegates’ assembly in Philadelphia in 1787 was to

  19. • Question 8 Of the men at the Constitutional Convention, the most famous in the world as a scientist and writer was • Question 9 The political theory of the Declaration of Independence was influenced greatly by the writings of • Question 10 The convention in Philadelphia lasted about • Question 11 The historical source for the metaphor of a “wall of separation” between religion and the state is • Question 12 The ban on unreasonable searches and seizures can be found in the • Question 13 The amendment that is probably the most important in terms of having the Bill of Rights apply to the states is the • Question 14 Passage of the Communications Indecency Act resulted in the Supreme Court expanding the protection of free speech to • Question 15 The ban on double jeopardy can be found in the • Question 16 Which case first asserted a “right toprivacy” can be found in the Constitution? • Question 17 In the 1992 Casey decision the Court discarded the first-, second-, and third-trimester framework of Roe v. Wade because • Question 18 The attorney general was directed to bring a suit challenging the constitutionality of the poll tax in • Question 19 The right to privacy suffered a setback in 1986 when the Court ruled that the right of privacy did not include • Question 20 The Hyde Amendment prohibits

  20. • Question 21 The term intergovernmental lobby refers to lobbying activities by • Question 22 The Constitution has been amended __________ times in more than 225 years. • Question 23 In recent years, most mandates have concerned • Question 24 Hamilton’s view of the new government generally was rejected by • Question 25 Federal laws requiring states and cities to take certain actions whether or not they receive federal aid are called ============================================== POL 110 Week 5 Discussion The Two-Party System FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com "The Two-Party System" Please respond to the following: Based on the Text book, the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following:

  21. Does the two party system, with only the Democratic and Republican parties, accurately reflect the interests of Americans? Does it represent your different interests? Suggest one reason why the two-party system has regulated the emergence of any major third parties so as to keep them out of presidential elections. ============================================== POL 110 Week 6 Assignment 1 Politics Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers POL 110 Assignment 1 Politics – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Due Week 6 and worth 200 points

  22. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which the student answers the following three (3) items using headers to separate each item: Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) that have influenced a sense of social responsibility in the American government today. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: In your response, consider how the events influenced the way state, local or national political leaders or agencies responded in a socially responsible or ethical manner toward the community. Discuss two (2) media events (past or present) that have positively and or negatively influenced the public’s opinion of a government agency. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how a news story or media coverage of an event positively or negatively changed the public’s opinion (or perception) regarding how responsible a government agency should be towards meeting the needs of its customers; i.e. the American people. Discuss two (2) differences between the Republican and Democratic parties that may have an ethical impact (positively or negatively) on the American people. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider the different ideals, values, morals, and/or goals held by the Republican and Democratic parties, and their different views on the ethically or morally right way to govern and make the best policies for the people they serve. Determine if your example presents any type of

  23. ethical concerns for or against the public interest of the American people. In your research, you cannot use Wikipedia, online dictionaries, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, or any other Website do that does not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are to: Identify informed opinions on issues and questions involving the U.S. government, national political processes, policy making, and the notion of democracy.

  24. Employ terminology used to study political science and American government. Distinguish between civil rights and civil liberties in the context of Supreme Court protection of freedom of expression. Develop reasoned written and spoken presentations on issues and questions involving the U.S. government and national political processes using information in the course. Explain how the federal system of government works. Explore different perspectives on issues and questions about the U.S. government and national political processes. Describe the importance of an informed, effective citizenship for the national government and political processes . Use technology and information resources to research issues in the field of U.S. government and politics.

  25. Write clearly and concisely about U.S. government and politics using proper writing mechanics. ============================================== POL 110 Week 6 Discussion Voting and the Role of Interest Groups FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com "Voting and the Role of Interest Groups" Please respond to the following: Main Discussion Question: Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following: Determine three roles that interest groups play in American politics in terms of impacting election outcomes. ============================================== POL 110 Week 7 Discussion Congress

  26. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com "Congress" Please respond to the following main discussion Question: Based on the text, the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following: Describe key elements of the role that Congress plays within the U.S. federal system, with particular focus on Congress’ ability to reflect the will of the people. Support your argument with at least two concrete examples. Your discussion should reflect your reading and research on the topic, and not just personal opinion. ============================================== POL 110 Week 8 Discussion Presidential Elections and Peaceful Transitions FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com

  27. "Presidential Elections and Peaceful Transitions" Please respond to the following: Based on the text, the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following: Describe key campaign strategies that a U.S. presidential candidate has used in order to ascend to the presidency in today’s political environment. Then, compare at least two campaign strategies that you think are either successful or detrimental to the current presidential candidates running for President in 20 ============================================== POL 110 Week 8 Exam 2 (4 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com POL 110 Week 8 Exam 2 Set 1 Question 1 Libel law in the United States is most accurately described as

  28. Qestion 2 In recent years, many white Southerners have shifted from Question 3 When The New York Times sought to publish the Pentagon Papers and the federal government sued to prevent publication, the Supreme Court Question 4 The gaps between the opinions of young adults and senior citizens are particularly large when examining the topic of Question 5 In 2008, Barack Obama carried the vote of __________ Southern states. Question 6 To a remarkable degree, media ownership in the United States is Question 7 Congress passed a bill in 1995 to tighten requirements on lobbyists. This bill Question 8 Madison and other Founders believed factions were Question 9 Increasingly, American identify themselves as Question 10 The authors suggest that the Progressives “failed” to solve the problem of Question 11 Americans are more likely to join __________ than are citizens of other countries. Question 12 Party organizations that feature groups of people who enjoy the game and/or see politics as a way to meet and be with other people are called “__________ associations.” Question 13 Which of the following has been shown to increase voter turnout? Question 14 President __________ ordered endless polls, sometimes weekly, to help him decide what positions to adopt.

  29. Question 15 Which Democratic presidential candidate received 90 percent or more of Democratic votes? Question 16 Normally speaking, which age group is the least likely to vote in a presidential election? Question 17 Which amendment prohibited the denial of the right to vote on account of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”? Question 18 Which constitutional amendment gave women the right to vote? Question 19 The “franking privilege” allows a representative in Congress Question 20 A censured member Question 21 A president’s veto can be overridden by Question 22 When a bill is assigned to a committee, it usually Question 23 To obtain a party’s nomination for a seat in Congress, a candidate typically must Question 24 The number of senators from each state is determined by Question 25 A bicameral legislative branch POL 110 Week 8 Exam 2 Set 2

  30. • Question 1 The level of trust in government rose briefly during the administration of • Question 2 Libel law in the United States is most accurately described as • Question 3 After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, well over ____ percent of the public approved of the job President Bush was doing. • Question 4 Today, the biggest male-female gender sensitive policies involve • Question 5 Most national surveys draw a sample of around _____ people. • Question 6 In recent years, many white Southerners have shifted from • Question 7 The majority of environmental and consumer protection lobbies arose during the • Question 8 Madison and other Founders believed factions were • Question 9 In the United States, most people participate in political parties by • Question 10 The text discusses the deal that Congress struck with Tufts University, Washington State University, and University of Pennsylvania. This deal is an example of • Question 11 To win in a plurality system, a candidate must have • Question 12 Thousands of organized interests are located on and around __________ Street in Washington, D.C.

  31. • Question 13 In 1993, Congress passed a law that allowed citizens to register to vote when they applied for • Question 14 Which of the following resulted in a dramatic change in the number of blacks who registered and voted? • Question 15 In political terms, what does “Astroturf” mean? • Question 16 VEP calculations attempt to • Question 17 In most European nations, voter registration is • Question 18 For a presidential candidate to be eligible for federal matching funds, he or she must first • Question 19 A bill that can have amendments from the floor is operating under __________ rule. • Question 20 The Committee chairmen must be elected by • Question 21 The Supreme Court recognizes “privileged speech” for members of Congress so long as that speech is • Question 22 A censured member • Question 23 The number of senators from each state is determined by • Question 24 To obtain a party’s nomination for a seat in Congress, a candidate typically must • Question 25 The Congressional Accountability Act raised some concerns with respect to POL 110 Week 8 Exam 2 Set 3

  32. Question 1 Public trust in government has declined steadily since the Question 2 The Framers of the Constitution allowed for direct election of the Question 3 Libel law in the United States is most accurately described as Question 4 Workers in Britain or in France are more likely to think of themselves as members of the Question 5 In 2008, Barack Obama carried the vote of __________ Southern states. Question 6 James Madison looked to the _______ to protect the people from “their own temporary errors and delusions.” Question 7 The authors suggest that the Progressives “failed” to solve the problem of Question 8 Americans are more likely to join __________ than are citizens of other countries. Question 9 The forerunner of today’s Democratic Party was founded by the followers of Question 10 Compared with labor and business PACs, ideological PACs Question 11 The Founding Fathers _________ political parties. Question 12 In the United States, most people participate in political parties by

  33. Question 13 Which constitutional amendment forbids states to deny the right to vote on account of age? Question 14 Which constitutional amendment gave women the right to vote? Question 15 The legal limit on what a congressional candidate may spend is Question 16 In 1993, Congress passed a law that allowed citizens to register to vote when they applied for Question 17 Studies suggest which of the following would be an effective way to increase vote turnout? Door-to-door canvassing Question 18 Which amendment prohibited the denial of the right to vote on account of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”? Question 19 A discharge petition is used to Question 20 Amendments that are unrelated to a bill but added so that their subject also can be considered by Congress are called Question 21 The term of office for a member of the House of Representatives is Question 22 Under the Constitution, bills can originate in either house of Congress with the exception of Question 23 A bill can be introduced by Question 24 The “franking privilege” allows a representative in Congress

  34. Question 25 To obtain a party’s nomination for a seat in Congress, a candidate typically must POL 110 Week 8 Exam 2 Set 4 • Question 1 Libel law in the United States is most accurately described as • Question 2 To renew its license, a radio or television station must • Question 3 James Madison looked to the _______ to protect the people from “their own temporary errors and delusions.” • Question 4 Since the 1950s, the number of citizens describing themselves as independents has • Question 5 With respect to licensing, radio stations must renew once every __________ years. • Question 6 Which group, since 1961, has become more attached to Republican presidential candidates? • Question 7 To win in a plurality system, a candidate must have • Question 8 In almost all states, candidates are selected by • Question 9 The text discusses the deal that Congress struck with Tufts University, Washington State University, and University of Pennsylvania. This deal is an example of

  35. • Question 10 Passed by Congress in 1939, the Hatch Act • Question 11 The United States has a two-party system rather than the multiparty system common elsewhere. One reason numerous parties have been discouraged is that election laws for the House of Representatives • Question 12 The problem with “soft money” is that, although it is given to the parties, it can easily be used to • Question 13 VEP calculations attempt to • Question 14 In most European nations, voter registration is • Question 15 There seems to have been ___________ realignments in American politics so far. • Question 16 Normally speaking, which age group is the least likely to vote in a presidential election? • Question 17 Public participation in elections is lowest in • Question 18 In political terms, what does “Astroturf” mean? • Question 19 The Congressional Accountability Act raised some concerns with respect to • Question 20 In the Senate, a filibuster can be ended by invoking • Question 21 A bicameral legislative branch • Question 22 The “franking privilege” allows a representative in Congress • Question 23 The reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives occurs • Question 24 A discharge petition is used to

  36. • Question 25 A joint resolution ============================================== POL 110 Week 9 Discussion The Fairness of the Court System FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com "The Fairness of the Court System" Please respond to the following MAIN DISCUSSION QUESTION: Based on the text, the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following: Identify one or two impediments that may prevent an average citizen from receiving a fair trial in the U.S. Then, determine at least one policy that could prevent unfair trials in the U.S. court system. ============================================== POL 110 Week 10 Assignment It May Not Work in Politics (2 Papers)

  37. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com 12 Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which the student addresses the following three (3) items using headers to separate each response: 1. Congressional Ethics. Identify one (1) member of Congress who has been charged with ethics violations. Briefly discuss the reason for the charges and provide two (2) reasons why you agree or disagree with the verdict and any penalties. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how the verdict and penalties impacts your trust of the members of Congress. 2. Third Party Candidates. Discuss two (2) political reasons why a third party candidate has never been successful in winning a presidential election. Provide examples to support the answer. Note: Consider the political impact of the Republican and Democratic Party if a third party was successful. 3. Federal and State Authority. Identify one (1) current issue facing the United States today. Analyze the respective roles of Federal and state authorities in addressing the issue. Determine whether the U. S. Constitution constrains the Federal and state responses to the issue. Explain.

  38. In your research, you cannot use Wikipedia, online dictionaries, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, or any other Website do that do not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school- specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are to: • Identify informed opinions on issues and questions involving the U.S. government, national political processes, policy making, and the notion of democracy. • Employ terminology used to study political science and American government. • Develop reasoned written and spoken presentations on issues and questions involving the U.S. government and national political processes using information in the course. • Describe the basic values of American political culture. • Explain how the federal system of government works. • Explore different perspectives on issues and questions about the U.S. government and national political processes.

  39. • Describe the importance of an informed, effective citizenship for the national government and political processes. • Use concepts from our study of U.S. national government and politics (such as models of democracy) to discuss government and politics in state, local, and international contexts. • Examine the evolution of presidential power in military affairs. • Use technology and information resources to research issues in the field of U.S. government and politics. • Write clearly and concisely about U.S. government and politics using proper writing mechanics ============================================== POL 110 Week 10 Discussion Social Security and Medicare FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com Social Security and Medicare" Please respond to the following: Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following MAIN DISCUSSION QUESTION:

  40. Identify at least two changes that may occur for Social Security and Medicare benefits in the next 20 years. Then, describe key policies that the U.S. government could implement in order to ensure positive changes for Social Security and Medicare benefits based on your prediction. ============================================== POL 110 Week 11 Discussion Self-review of Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com Self-review of Course" Please respond to the following Main Discussion Question Near the beginning of this Course Guide, you will find 15 course outcomes. Based on these outcomes, address the following: Select at least one outcome that was well accomplished from your point of view and explain why. Select at least one outcome that was not well accomplished and that you believe needed further coverage. Provide at least one enlightening experience you had in this course. For example, what fact or concept was new, surprising, or very interesting and you would not have known if you had not taken the course. Explain why this is valuable to you.

  41. ============================================== POL 110 Week 11 Exam 3 (5 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pol110rank.com POL 110 Week 11 Exam 3 Set 1 POL 110- Exam 3 Question 1 The examples of Jackson and Lincoln teach that emergency conditions and __________ can offer presidents the opportunity for substantial increases in power. Question 2 President __________ was a master legislative strategist who struggled to maintain popular support. Question 3 Presidential impoundment of funds has been severely limited in recent years because of Question 4 There are _____ administrative departments (or cabinet departments) in the executive branch.

  42. Question 5 Before the president assumed dominance in the conduct of foreign policy, the cabinet officer who dominated this policy area was the Question 6 The collection of interest groups, think tanks, policy experts, news reporters, and congressional committees that try to influence agencies are called Question 7 The basic features of the modern bureaucracy are largely a product of World War II and the Question 8 Employees hired outside the competitive service are part of the __________ service. Question 9 Red tape occurs as a result of Question 10 The recruitment and retention policies of the civil service work to ensure that most bureaucrats have Question 11 When we speak of a policy that has narrow benefits but diffuses costs, we speak of Question 12 People who retire after having earned a lot money now receive about __________ per month via Social Security. Question 13 No single explanation of policy making is correct because Question 14 A key requirement for a policy entrepreneur to be successful is Question 15 After World War II, it was clear that the countries divided into market-based and state-run areas Question 16 One has to say that the United States succeeded in its nation-building efforts in Question 17 In a military crisis a president's popularity tends to

  43. Question 18 According to the text, the War Powers Act has Question 19 When John F. Kennedy argued for the creation of special forces in the military, Question 20 There is no doubt that NAFTA Question 21 Since 1789, the Supreme Court has declared just over _____ federal laws unconstitutional. Question 22 A study of judicial review of the decisions of federal agencies found that courts Question 23 When citizens of different states are in a legal battle with each other, the case can be heard in a state or a federal court if at least __________ is at stake. Question 24 Fee shifting refers to Question 25 The Court's notorious decision in the Dred Scott case involved Question 1 The function of the White House Office is to Question 2 The impact of the presidential race on the outcome of congressional elections Question 3 President __________ was a master legislative strategist who struggled to maintain popular support. Question 4 In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, public support for President Bush Question 5 The powers that the president shares with the Senate include

  44. Question 6 Employees hired outside the competitive service are part of the __________ service. Question 7 The political values of top-level federal bureaucrats tend to be Question 8 The primary function of governmental agencies created in the late 1800s was Question 9 High-ranking bureaucrats with liberal attitudes are more likely to be found in the Question 10 The collection of interest groups, think tanks, policy experts, news reporters, and congressional committees that try to influence agencies are called Question 11 If the Fed cuts rates too much, Question 12 When we speak of a policy that has narrow benefits but diffuses costs, we speak of Question 13 People who retire after having earned a lot money now receive about __________ per month via Social Security. Question 14 The chair of the Federal Reserve serves for _____ years. Question 15 After World War II, it was clear that the countries divided into market-based and state-run areas Question 16 Presidential efforts to reorganize or reform the military are most likely to be unsuccessful because Question 17 In 2002 President George W. Bush issued a doctrine of Question 18 In a military crisis a president's popularity tends to

  45. Question 19 Critics maintain that it is especially difficult for the United States to develop thoughtful foreign policies because Question 20 The case of military bases is a classic example of __________ politics. Question 21 The function of the solicitor general is to Question 22 Congress has the power to decide the jurisdiction of lower federal courts. This means that Question 23 Nominations to U.S. District Courts are Question 24 Since 1789, the Supreme Court has declared just over _____ federal laws unconstitutional. Question 25 One problem with the Supreme Court reviewing only 1 percent of appeals court cases is that Question 1 Andrew Jackson established the practice that the president's veto can be used Question 2 The likelihood of Congress overriding a president's veto is Question 3 In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, public support for President Bush Question 4 The powers that the president shares with the Senate include Question 5 The constitutional duty of the vice president is to

  46. Question 6 A particularly important constraint on bureaucratic power is the need to Question 7 Which of the following is true of an agency with a sense of mission? Question 8 The collection of interest groups, think tanks, policy experts, news reporters, and congressional committees that try to influence agencies are called Question 9 Employees hired outside the competitive service are part of the __________ service Question 10 The typical name-request job features an individual who was identified by Question 11 The reason client groups usually win in client politics is that Question 12 In political jargon, Social Security is often referred to as Question 13 People who retire after having earned a lot money now receive about __________ per month via Social Security. Question 14 There is evidence to suggest that when inflation is up, voters tend to Question 15 No single explanation of policy making is correct because Question 16 When John F. Kennedy argued for the creation of special forces in the military, Question 17 Only _____ of fourteen major wars America has fought in have followed a formal declaration of war. Question 18 Presidential efforts to reorganize or reform the military are most likely to be unsuccessful because

  47. Question 19 The case of military bases is a classic example of __________ politics. Question 20 Presidential approval increased after each of the following events except Question 21 Which of the following presidents appointed the highest percentage of female judges? Question 22 A study of judicial review of the decisions of federal agencies found that courts Question 23 There are _____ U.S. District Courts. Question 24 In McCulloch v. Maryland the Court held that Question 25 The classic ruling in Marbury v. Madison Question 1 Presidential impoundment of funds has been severely limited in recent years because of Question 2 There are _____ administrative departments (or cabinet departments) in the executive branch. Question 3 Each state determines how to cast its electoral college votes. Today, the system adopted by most of the states is Question 4 The examples of Jackson and Lincoln teach that emergency conditions and __________ can offer presidents the opportunity for substantial increases in power.

  48. Question 5 The __________ consists of seven persons who are appointed by the president and who serve fourteen-year terms. Question 6 Red tape occurs as a result of Question 7 The typical name-request job features an individual who was identified by the bureaucracy itself. Question 8 No federal money may be spent unless it has first Question 9 During most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, appointments to the civil service were based primarily on Question 10 A public official who decides to follow a course of action not specified in the law, but one that could be inferred from it, is most likely to be Question 11 If the Fed cuts rates too much, Question 12 In political jargon, Social Security is often referred to as Question 13 After World War II, it was clear that the countries divided into market-based and state-run areas Question 14 There is evidence to suggest that when inflation is up, voters tend to Question 15 The chair of the Federal Reserve serves for _____ years. Question 16 One has to say that the United States succeeded in its nation-building efforts in

  49. Question 17 The case of military bases is a classic example of __________ politics. Question 18 When John F. Kennedy argued for the creation of special forces in the military, Question 19 Critics maintain that it is especially difficult for the United States to develop thoughtful foreign policies because Question 20 The view that partisanship should "stop at the water's edge" can be traced back to Question 21 The Supreme Court will grant a writ of certiorari if at least _____ justices agree that a case involves a substantial federal question. Question 22 There are _____ U.S. District Courts. Question 23 Taxpayer X does not think that the federal Endangered Species Act is constitutional. What will he have to show before his case can be heard on its merits? Question 24 Withdrawing some of the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court probably would shift policy making to Question 25 Most of the justices on the current Supreme Court POL 110 Week 11 Exam 3 Set 2 • Question 1 The veto message must be sent to Congress within __________ days.

  50. • Question 2 When a presidential election is thrown into the House, each __________ casts one vote. • Question 3 The War Powers Act placed restrictions on the president’s ability to use military force. • Question 4 The __________ consists of seven persons who are appointed by the president and who serve fourteen-year terms. • Question 5 Each state determines how to cast its electoral college votes. Today, the system adopted by most of the states is • Question 6 In 2010, Congress passed a law that mandated the USDA work with _______ to address issues related to hunger. • Question 7 The typical name-request job features an individual who was identified by • Question 8 The authors suggest that, many times, vintage horror stories of outlandish prices for items are a result of the fact that the items themselves are • Question 9 An “iron triangle” includes • Question 10 The federal civil-service system was designed to recruit qualified people on the basis of • Question 11 In a typical term the Supreme Court’s workload will involve as many as ________ cases. • Question 12 Which Founding Father referred to the judicial branch as the “least dangerous”? • Question 13 In Marbury, the Court focused on a technical concern, namely, that its __________ jurisdiction could not be enlarged absent a constitutional amendment.

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