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  1. Means = tools/supporting apparatus Thinking = a way of reasoning/ process in human brain/ human brain working process for judging Scientific = systematic so that it delivers objective and accountable outputs (reliable, careful)

  2. Scientific Methods  The principles and empirical processes of discovery and demonstration considered characteristic of or necessary for scientific investigation, generally involving the observation of phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis concerning the phenomena, experimentation to demonstrate the truth or falseness of the hypothesis, and a conclusion that validates or modifies the hypothesis (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.).  a method of investigation in which a problem is first identified and observations, experiments, or other relevant data are then used to construct or test hypotheses that purport to solve it (Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003)

  3. Thinking  Distinguishing feature of human among other creature on the Earth / in the nature Human Soul/ Psyche Body Non- thinking creature Emotion Desire/ Willing Mind All creature human

  4. Jiwa Emotion Thinking Mind Desire Truth /Objective Beauty/ Pleasure Values / Goodness  Mind: to achieve the truth  Emotion: to achieve the beauty  Desire: to achieve the good  Thinking with mind to achieve the truth

  5. Two Kinds of Thinking Natural Scientific Pattern: daily used, habit, influenced by the nature Pattern: base on certain means in well organized and careful ways Example: - Thinking that the fire can burn some things Example: - Two fully opposite things at the same time can not be in a unity - wood, if it is heated, eventually can burn

  6. Scientific Thinking needs Means  Scientists should be master in using scientific thinking means.  Scientific thinking means is supporting tools  The means can be determined after the scientific activities become certain. Scientific activities Scientific achievement Scientific thinking means

  7. Scientific Communication / Language  Language = communication tools  Product of thinking within a human brain is not known by others unless it is expressed by a “language”

  8.  Language: expression of idea, emotion ordesire, as human communication tools Words, Terms, Cue/ Sign Language Syntax/ Grammar

  9. Words, Terms or Cue / Signs symbolsof certain ideas Idea A real thing Words. Terms or Signs Symbols that represent a concrete / real thing

  10. Syntax / Grammar The way in organizing words, terms or signs within a sentence for expressing more complex ideas (to be meaningful). With no meaning Phrase or sequence of words Declarative Sentence / with a meaning Non- declarative

  11. Sentence (with a certain meaning)  Declarative sentence: expressing facts  If it confirms with the real facts, therefore, that declarative sentence is true  If not, it is wrong  Non-declarative sentences:  Interrogative sentences, request or query  Imperative sentences  Exclamatory sentences  Expectation

  12. Scientific Language Parts of declarative sentences With no meaning Phrase or sequence of words Scientific Sentence / with a meaning Declarative Natural Non- declarative

  13. Language Classification Common Signs Specific Metaphorical Natural Regular Original Language Terms (non pure artificial) Regular words with specific definition Artificial Artificial (pure artificial) With symbols

  14. Language Natural Language: Regular langunage, growing with the nature  Signs: with body language or parts of body signs  Common (ex.; shake one’s head = No)  Specific for certain groups or communities  Regular : with regular words for expressing meanings  Original meaning(ex; peak  highest place, as in “the peak of Merapi Mount is covered by clouds ”)  Metaphorical meaning (ex: peak  as in “the athletic star was achieve his peak performance during the year of 2005”)

  15. Language Artificial Language: Words is organized and used according to a certain concern for expressing a certain idea It is called as term The meaning of a term is called as concept or idea.  Terminological Words: regular words are used for certain meanings that differ from the meaning of their original regular use  ex: magnetic field, horse power, fund liquidity, etc. Terms may cause one’s confusing, therefore, their definitions need to be explained especially if the terms are not common in a certain communities.

  16. Language Artificial Language:  Pure Artificial Language: all expression are symbols (Symbolic Language) Used in mathematics and other purposes There is no metaphorical symbol, however, all symbols must be understood by the readers for having effective communication. Need symbol definitions. Example: ( (a=b) ᴧ (b=c) )  (a=c)

  17. ( (a=b) ᴧ (b=c) )  (a=c) a, b, and c are symbols of certain ideas. The meanings may not determined yet. In the example, the idea or concept to be expressed is the relation between the symbols, therefore, a, b and c mean “any things” that makes the relation is true. ( ) is symbol for operator grouping ᴧ is symbol for regular word ‘and’  is symbol for clause ‘if ..., then ...’ = is symbol of regular words ‘equal to’ Therefore, the above sequence of symbols can be read as : ‘if a is equal to b, and b is equal to c, then a is equal to c’

  18. Comparison of Natural and Artificial Languages Natural Language Artificial Language Words and their meanings are fixed pairs, based on daily used, and delivered: Concept or idea of any symbol is not fixed yet, and delivered: 1. Spontaneous, 1. Product of careful thinking, 2. As a habit, 2. At will, 3. Intuitive, 3. Discursive (logical, broad sense), 4. Direct expressions 4. Indirect expression

  19. Works  Answer the following questions: What are the relevance of studying scientific thinking means ? 2. What are the objectives of scientific communication ? 3. What should be avoided in scientific communication ? 4. How to minimize readers misunderstanding of your writing ? 5. What are your efforts for having better understanding of mathematical equations ? 1.

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