Ways To Prevent Back Pain At Work Back pain is a common problem faced by people involved in jobs that require prolonged sitting. Mentioned below are some ways that can help to eliminate back pain. Pay Attention To Your Posture Maintain a proper posture while working on computers. Choose a chair that supports your lower back and maintains the curve of your spine. Also, ensure that the desktop is set at the level of your eye, so that you do not have to bend your neck too often. Get Up And Move You must get up from your desk every 40-45 minutes. This helps to distribute the stress to other parts of the body and prevent muscle spasms. Taking a little walk in the hallway can increase the rate of blood flow to the muscles and relax your body. Do Some Stretching Simple exercises can be done in order to prevent back pain. You can bend and touch your toes while sitting on the chair itself. You can also practice simple leg and neck stretching exercises tenderness in the spine. to relieve Shed Extra Pounds If you are overweight, sitting job may prove to be fatal for your lower back due to the shift in your center of gravity. Therefore, it becomes important maintain a healthy body weight to avoid back pain. that you Sleep Side Ways Sleeping on your side, with your knees pulled up slightly near your chest can significantly lower your back pain. In this position, the spine remains straight and free from extra pressure. Avoid High Heels Try not to wear high heels on regular basis as they shift your center of gravity, change the shape of your spine and lay immense stress on your knees. Instead, opt for footwear that offers maximum comfort. INTERESTING FACTS 50% 54% of the backpain cases involve people with sitting jobs. 50% of working Americans suffer from back pain every year. Presented By: www.harkerheightschiropractor.com Contact Corrective Chiropractic & Wellness 560 E. Central Texas Expressway, Suite 102, Harker Heights, TX 76548 Call at: (254) 698 - 1600