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Hauser Family Law: Your Trusted Las Vegas Child Custody Attorney and Lawyers. Expert guidance and compassionate support for all your child custody matters. Secure the best interests of your child with a Child custody lawyer in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our dedicated legal professionals specialize in navigating the complexities of child custody cases, offering compassionate guidance and unwavering advocacy. We understand the importance of preserving parent-child relationships while prioritizing the child's welfare.
Child Custody Attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada Every case is different, so it’s important to consult with a child custody lawyer in the Las Vegas, NV, area who can guide you in the right direction. Hauser Family Law can help you navigate the legal system and ensure the most beneficial outcome for you and your child. The child’s welfare is a major determining factor in a child custody case. An experienced attorney will be with you every step of the way to ensure you receive the appropriate custody arrangement, shared time and child support. In child custody cases, these ensuing points determine what’s in their best interests: • Environmental stability • Age and gender • Physical and mental well-being • Quality of schools in the area • Lifestyle and social components • Caregiver’s capability to provide food, shelter, clothing and medical care • Love and emotional connection between child and parent
What are Some Common Child Custody Arrangements? Since there are different types of arrangements options available, our child custody lawyer in Las Vegas, Nevada, will help you decide which one is in your child’s best interests. Here’s a brief overview of child custody arrangements: Legal Custody: The responsibilities and rights to decide how to rear a child. Including education, medical, religion and discipline, legal custody can be joint, between two parents who would share these rights. Physical Custody: The rights for a party to have a child living with them. Most courts order joint physical custody, with the time-split allotments can vary beyond 50/50. Joint Custody: Joint custody allows parents to share decision-making duties and synchronize their schedules. Sole Custody: This custody arrangement awards one parent total custodial rights and allows the other parent/party limited interactions. Bird’s Nest Custody: This allows the child to reside in the familial home and the parents alternate who lives in and provides care.
Next Steps in Child Custody Court Cases In child custody court proceedings, establishing child support is the next step after determining a custody arrangement. Child support is a predetermined allotment of money that is typically paid monthly to the parent who maintains primary custody of the child. In Las Vegas, child support is designed to be used for basic needs like housing, food, clothing, medical expenses and educational costs. The courts will settle child support amounts based on the income of both parents and the needs of the child. If you need child custody help, a family law mediator can be used to work out quarrels within a family, with the intent to avoid trial and high court costs. In family mediation, an impartial third party mediates between those involved to smooth over challenges and seek favorable outcomes. That way, amicable agreements can be made easier in child custody and child support cases.
Get the Child Custody Help You Need Sometimes in cases of child custody it becomes necessary to file for a protective order. These orders protect you and your children from verbal threats or physical danger. Our child custody attorneys can assist you in filing a protective order, but it cannot guarantee that someone won’t harm you. However, it does provide the ability for you to have the offending party put in prison if they break the mandatory rules of the order. Child custody can be the most contentious issue in a divorce proceeding and it is important to know you have options if things take a turn for the worse. When you have custody of a child, you typically receive child support and get to have certain parental rights, including making decisions about their education, healthcare and religion. Determining parental rights can be difficult, but it can be made easier with guidance from a knowledgeable child custody lawyer.
Contact Us for a Consultation In addition to child custody help, we provide assistance in the adoption process. It can be complicated to grow your family through this means but our attorneys are there to guide you through every step. Aside from those seeking to adopt, our family law attorneys also help expectant mothers find a safe and loving home for their child. Hauser Family Law offers expert legal advisory in child custody court cases near the Las Vegas, NV, area. We’re eager to help with whatever type of family law case you may have. Our dedicated and hard-working team are your best advocates in getting the most favorable resolution possible for you. Call our child custody law firm today at 702-867-8313 for a consultation with one of our attorneys.